View Full Version : JP PSO2 PSO2es - can't buy AC anymore

Apr 15, 2016, 03:23 PM
Ok, i bought AC for a while now through pso2es with a paypal account linked to my google account. Everything was fine and working. Now some weeks ago, instead of charging Yen it wants me to pay in murican dollars with the error "Currency not supported". (I pay with euros) Guess it has something to do with Google? Any solutions or workarounds with this?

May 16, 2016, 09:39 AM
I have the same problem. The playstore automaticly transform the yen offer into dollar, an this currancy isnt supported for me as well. Paying in euros too.
I ve tried to change the device-language to japanese, but its still the same problem.

@darkothief: btw. i bought on may the 16th the last AC. So maybe it is a google topic, which is connected to some android/playstore update..

Anyone got an idea, how to solve this? Thx in advance!