View Full Version : Ugh! I feel so....Violated!!!

Mar 9, 2001, 06:06 AM
I was playing solo in ruins3 offline, and just walking into the area with the long bridge and a buttload of claws. I decided to waste some TP and off them with a Rafoie, but before I could cast it, they surrounded me and the next thing I know it was like I was stuck in a claw orgy or something!

I could't walk out away from them, and I couldn't get any sort of lock to attack them either with my repeaters or any wide area spell. They didn't attack me or anything, just floated and slithered up and down all around me in one big unit. I eventually had to telepipe out to be rid of these sick ass mo fo's.

Sorry for wasting y'alls time, but I just had to speak out against these evil molesters.
I swear, if ragol had a police dcepartment, I'd file a report...

Mar 9, 2001, 06:10 AM
Ever tried pressing start for the menu and move around..? You don't trigger that slowdown when your facing an enemy event when your on the start menu. It works for hallway traps to you can just run pass them.

Mar 9, 2001, 08:18 AM
naw, the sick bastards had me totally surrounded; all 7 of them looked like just one entity, no spaces around me, so there was nowhere to go, anyway.

I don't know, it seemed like the kind of collision zone thing that only happens in doorways. The knew well enough that they were after me, but didn't even know that they were right on top of me.

probably not a unique experience, but I still have to do my part in registering sex offenders


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: agent37 on 2001-03-09 16:14 ]</font>

Mar 9, 2001, 12:05 PM
That happened to me too. I was messing around in Normal Offline the other day and did some quests. When I did the nothing but Rappy quest, they surrounded me so I couldn't move. They kept trying to hit me, but I blocked everything...it took me a good 15 minutes of wiggling around to finally wedge my way out and kill them all!