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View Full Version : Article: Broadband unsupported? I think not!

Jan 27, 2001, 04:00 PM
Spectre54 writes, "Now I know that in a past news story I made it clear on whether broadband will work will PSO but some people just keep nagging and nagging (especially in gamefaqs.com message boards). So heres theofficial word: According to the fine folks at Gamers.com, PSO works just fine with the Broadband Adaptor. Repeat, just fine. Apparently, not all servers support the peripheral, but as soon as a connection is made with one that does -- SHAZAM! -- you’re set. It’s that easy. That should make the next few days a little less stressful for a few broadband-only gamers (i.e me and about half the college students in America). Well if you order direct from Sega and have 2 day air delivery you will still get the BBA before anyone waiting for Electronics Boutique, hurry hurry hurry, I got mine yesterday and it's sweet with QuakeIII. Source:Gamers.com, segaweb.com"