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View Full Version : Article: Former Sega Employees launch new high speed network

Mar 6, 2001, 07:57 AM
Spectre54 writes, "Several FORMER Sega employees are launching a new network provider called New Millennium Entertainment. New Millennium Entertainment intends on delivering high-speed network gaming for all platforms.
Platforms will include DREAMCAST, PS2, Gamecube, X-Box, and PC. They are hoping that this will be the network provider that will finally end crippling lag with which other providers have failed (MSN, AOL, etc. and unfortunately the slightly faster but still laggy Seganet). They are also working the near latency free "Super BroadBand" idea that Sega has been kicking around for a few months now, allowing fighting games (YES FIGHTING GAMES) to be played online. Better not renew that Seganet account quite yet kids, you better keep your eyes open for these Ex-Sega boys."

Mar 6, 2001, 02:34 PM
Where did you get this information from? I'm just wondering who was your source.