View Full Version : Article: First English Downloadable Quest Now Available

Mar 23, 2001, 12:50 PM
Socrates writes, "When I went online this morning, lo and behold, there is a downloadable quest now available. "Letter from Lionel, " accessible from the introductory menu: select "Download"."
w00t! For those who thought it never would happen ;)

Mar 23, 2001, 04:44 PM
needs 57 blocks of free space... that'll make VMU #6
I wonder if it's improved over the pack-in quests...

Mar 23, 2001, 05:31 PM
It's a little bit of an improvement. It is cool because it takes you through the Forests and into the Caves (minues the dragon boss). I've had this quest for a while and enjoyed it, just suprised that it took this long to go stateside. I am off to play the new Japanese Quests :)

Mar 23, 2001, 08:29 PM
well I'll be gald to do some new quests. hmmm mybe i can find i rare someday...... @_@

Mar 25, 2001, 12:54 PM
i tried doing what you said to download new quests, but there was no opion to d/l any! maybe im just stupid, or being in uk?

Mar 27, 2001, 06:23 AM

Mar 28, 2001, 04:30 PM
why cant europe download new mission there is no option on our version????

Apr 3, 2001, 09:50 PM
All of us here have been waiting for this. Do we go to the Sonicteam site and then download or is it found on a different site?

Apr 5, 2001, 09:57 AM
This still isn't on the EU servers yet, I'm starting to get really annoyed with SoE.
First Shining Force III now PSO v2.
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!