View Full Version : Article: Sega makes another anti duping step

Mar 23, 2001, 08:57 PM
Omega_Zero writes, "Hey everyone, i was just playing online and i noticed that it said one of the people in the team was a duper. it noted the player on the middle right of the screen. this is cool because now you know if your trading with a legit player or not!"

They've finally figured out a way to stop duping... public scrutiny and.... unkind words?

Mar 23, 2001, 09:07 PM
I don't understand why people such as your self get so involved and concerned about stupid little things like the like holy crap it's only a game. my associate just brought something to my attention.
from Jepp027 "you should be more concerned about thieves because sega can stop people from duping but not from theiving" Thats all we have to say bye.

Mar 23, 2001, 09:40 PM
"They've finally figured out a way to stop duping... public scrutiny and.... unkind words?"
I doubt Sega is going to rely on purely that. If we look at the apparent server mods so far, we can see a pattern: Sega changes something so that they can detect something, and makes it so that the people are aware of it (such as the 'you have a corrupted item" message when trying to enter a team with an obvious hack). This allows people an easy out so that they may get rid of the offending items themselves. Then, after a while, other mods are introduced that are more stringent (such as eliminating said items).
I feel the same is at work here. Sega is alerting folks that they can detect so-and-so, and so are allowing the chance for people to voluntarily take care of it. Then, after a certain amount of time, the level of action increased a notch.
This is actually very smart on Sega's part, because it allows for a gradual 'restructuring' of the online community, by slowly weeding out the unwanted elements, piece by piece, item by item. This is far better (if, admitadely, slower) than simply changing gears to a full 180 overnight.

Mar 24, 2001, 04:34 AM
I started typing on the DC keyboard silly me.
All it does is tell you if a person puts a non-legit item in their personal inv. Nothing more. Doesn't stop dupers. Just tells you who are using GOD/HP++, GOD/BATTLE++, MAG 999, etc. Hacked items. Or items created with a GS using the Item modifier code.
All I can figure out is Sega can only see what is in your INV while your online. If they could see the bank, then they would have already added that the 1st time.
I totaly agree about the thief part. If you dont want to end up with a duped item, trade for rares that havent been grinded to high. It's safe to say that if an item is grinded to max then it is more likely to be duped.

Mar 24, 2001, 01:33 PM
Any mag level above 200 is hacked and the server will recognize it if you have it in your pocket when joining/creating a team. If you take it out of your bank, a message will appear saying ''an incorrect item was detected by so and so''
I made a level 201 mag by accident with a Gameshark and it was detected. I made a bunch of other rare weapons with GS and they did not detect. Only 1 weapon I know of that will get detected is Nei's Claw.
The server does not look for duped items!! I have plenty that I duped myself. You guys must get that straight. I repeat, the server does not detect dupe items.
Know it and learn it!

Mar 25, 2001, 02:26 PM
its not possible for sega to detect duped items, but hacked items only, right now only a few weapons and mags it is detected, i know of egg blaster, nei's claw, sonic knuckle, and the lvl 999 mags, it also detected some guy that, could equip anything he used some weird code on his char but soon enough it will detect all hacked items, hopefully soon the god/hp++ those things suck

Mar 25, 2001, 08:34 PM
i made a level 545 mag with my gameshark and they did not detect it.but any weapon ive made has been detected

Mar 26, 2001, 09:23 AM
Good Point Alador. and i think all u are missing the biggest mistake that sega is making. the rare items are TOO RARE. i'm not gunna waste my time playing the game and only get visks and varista most of the time. so if i get the chance to get a dupped item i will not turn it down. Sega just needs to make the rares alittle less rare and the duping would go down.

Mar 26, 2001, 04:35 PM
In reply to Johnson, I don't believe keeping rare items rare is a mistake on Sega's part. Half the fun of advancing in levels and going on quests is for the chance to find and use such rare items. It is also the distinction of having something not many have heard of or seen. Now, if spread needles and what not start popping up all over the place, not only will the game become unbalanced (trying gaining experience as a hunter in a party where everyone has a spread needle), but where's the motivation? Much of the online dynamic of the game involves trading items, or banding together for the same purpose. That would quickly disappear once eveyrone starts whipping out their double sabers +20.

Mar 28, 2001, 03:14 AM
Just dont grind them like an idiot...know the max and thats it.

Mar 29, 2001, 02:44 PM
Your right Alador... it's just a game..We can always rationalize situations and tell ourselves that we can do this or that because we are special or "its to hard .. too rare" *sniff sniff . Certain "ethical rules" do not apply to us.. because it's a "stupid little thing... (and) it's only a game". Żeah.. but it's still cheating and it gives an insight of the way some people interact in "real life" (TAKE IT! AT ALL COST!). Not everyone is playing in the same conditions. It's not fair for those who have invested playing time and risked bad trades with potential thieves. Dupers don't diserve it not only because they didn't earned it but because they ussually SUCK as players:a bunch of mediocre Dupers with spread needles ... take away their dupplicated items...and its RESTA time baby! Thief and Dupers are close cousins... Looking forward on getting to see who's who. But Alador.. relax... "it's just a game" ;-)

Mar 29, 2001, 04:03 PM
earlier today i was playing online, and i was killed by another character that i was playing w/.. he stole my money, and my weapon.. is there anyway at all i can turn him in, and get him kicked off the game, or seek my revenge?

May 19, 2006, 10:56 AM
I agree with this post that is 5 years old, don't you guys?