View Full Version : Article: And you thought blue slime dudes were useless...

Apr 12, 2001, 03:02 PM
RedVento writes, "Ok, so everyone knows is that the blue slime dudes in the caves are real annoying.. One shot and they turn back into a puddle, or ice spells split them, you all know the drill.. But, why not use the split feature to your advantage.... If you have the patience(and the TP) you can almost guarentee yourself a decent rare from the slimes.. Simply split them till you get a red slime, kill, and repeat if necessary.. Wasn't sure if you could get a rare slime from splitting a normal one, but last night I found out you can(actually my friend did[D_MaMBo]). Takes patience, and determination, but now everyone can(except androids[Forces 1 Androids 0]) be sure to see a rare creature, and find a good item..."

Apr 12, 2001, 03:11 PM
ok i have been doing this for a while now but i can only get them to split 4 times per creature and none of them have ever came out red and i have never gotten a rare from them. oh well i am like the most unluckiest person in the world so thats probably why. anyway thanks for the tip that lets me know i can keep trying and maybe one day i will be lucky enough to get one of those red slimes.

Apr 12, 2001, 03:24 PM
how do u split them

Apr 12, 2001, 03:26 PM
Androids can split the slimes by using a weapon with an Ice element (using the extra attack) or by hitting it with the 3rd hit in a combo.

Apr 12, 2001, 03:30 PM
so i just have to freeze them

Apr 12, 2001, 03:39 PM
Androids (or anyone, for that matter) can divide them with an ice-elemental weapon. (Forces: 1 - Androids: 1. :P)

Apr 12, 2001, 03:47 PM
Any character can split them at will without even ice magic. The final hit from a combo will ALWAYS split a slime. If you spot a slime coming up back up far enough so that you can do a three hit combo and have the first two hits totally miss and the third hit strike. The third hit will split the slime. Slimes will always split from a final hit of a combo and ice magic. So, if you DON'T want a slime to split, don't hit with the final hit of a combo. I always try to do a 2 hit combo and back off. I never try to hit with the 3rd hit when I'm trying to breeze through a dungeon.

Apr 12, 2001, 04:01 PM
I had figured this out long ago but I was punished a long time ago for delivering news on a different website that nobody cared about, so I wasted no time telling about this. Pouilly Slimes (red ones) can be easily obtained by using any low level magic, preferably a lightning zap that'll pick off bout 20 damage. It usually comes out of the third blue slime, and almost never has anything good, but its cool to see.

Apr 12, 2001, 04:03 PM
On a room with originally 2 Pofuilly Slimes, I split them until there were 8 of them around, then started killing them one at a time. Among the spoils was a D-Parts ver 1.01. Never found one before, so hooray :)

Apr 12, 2001, 04:16 PM
i got a devil tech from one

Apr 12, 2001, 04:41 PM
And even if you do find a rare, if you are a force, what rares can you actually use? You can use the forces almost always, and those suck except for Storm Wand: Indra, Psycho Wand, and maybe Cadaceus. Plus, you guys hardly ever use weapons anyways!!!
Forces 1, Androids 2.

Apr 12, 2001, 05:07 PM
Yeah, its true. I've had a Pofuilly Slime(blue) split into a Pouilly Slime(red) on three occasions. Everytime I got a Flame Visit.

Apr 12, 2001, 05:48 PM
Is it possible to get great items from regular Pofuilly Slimes, say, after you have split a lot of them?

Apr 12, 2001, 06:11 PM
You people are forgetting a few things. Those of you who say they dont get jack from the red slimes, and those of you who say you get great rares freom them, you have to realize that that is not based on luck. Its based on your Section ID. The red slimes for some with special section ID's will always give them a certain classification of a rare, and for others in another section ID, you may not get a single thing or may get monomates, monofluids, etc. I myslef have not actually tried this technique but the two times i killed a red slime I got a flame visit, and a slicer of assassin. Now, those of you who dont get anything from the slimes, its a proven fact that if you dont get crap from the slimes, you get stuff from the red flowers. I usually get Hero/Ability from the red flowers which are also rare. So please people, try to take your section ID into perspective on all accounts like this.

Apr 12, 2001, 06:43 PM

Apr 12, 2001, 09:14 PM
i have to tell you sadly that i do agree with the luck thing but the section id thing on revealing rare enemies must not be true cuz i have found a hildablue and al rappy on my pinkal RAmar (offline so dont blame it on the creator hehe, i saw that one comin), and my redria HUmar found both of those also, so it must not have a huge influence on the stuff you find, only a few small details. Besides this is what my friend from san francisco who works on the hubs has been telling me so i dunno, maybe hes lying, yup maybe thats it(note sarcasm). and i know him personally if thats what you were gonna say so booya.

Apr 12, 2001, 10:48 PM
no.. that's now what he means... He means the items that the rare creatures drop are influenced by your section id. Not your chances of finding them......

Apr 12, 2001, 11:28 PM
Forces are weak, Androids can use magic, and HUmar's are just the shitz. [Forces 0 Androids 0 HUmar 1]

Apr 13, 2001, 01:40 AM
Actually, there's an easier way of splitting slimes than the ice elemental trick, and believe it or not, Androids are actually MORE adept at it than Forces.
Actually, they're the only ones that CAN do it.
Simply get a charge-type weapon that uses TP (the actual attribute escapes me at the moment). When using the specials on these weapons, androids, having no TP, will ALWAYS miss these special hits.
Special > Special > Quick combo, and bam, two slimes.
DB's Sabers work particularly well.
Of course, I suppose a non-Android with 0 TP could do the same. Beats the hell outta the freezing methods.

Apr 13, 2001, 06:53 AM
if u have a rare (special weapon) equipped when it's not identified, the special can never hit.

Apr 13, 2001, 07:32 AM
Do you have to be on Hard or V Hard mode for this to work? I'm still on Normal.

Apr 13, 2001, 11:44 AM
How can you say that Forces are weak and not be lying? Physically, yes, they ware weakER than the other two classes. And that makes them (in my eyes neway) more challenging to play because you can't just go toe-2-toe with a group of enemies like a Hunter can (thereby inherently making the Force class harder to level up). But what they lack in physical prowess, they make up for in other arenas of PSO play...! My lvl 100 Force kicks serious a$$!

Apr 13, 2001, 11:54 AM
seems like everytime i've seen one of the rare creatures i have been on normal

Apr 13, 2001, 08:22 PM
Actually, they can also be devided by hitting them on the third attack of a combo. It's not easy to do but I figured out a trick. If you take an unidentified weapon you can attack slimes with a special attack. Two things may happen when you do this. One scenario, it will hit. However, the slime will not receed allowing you to hit it again and again thereby splitting it on the third hit. The other possibility is that you will miss. Simply miss twice with a special then hit it with normal or hard attack to split it. I found that when this happens the slime will most often not receed allowing you to reapeat the process. If you don't have an unidentified weapon to use, the only other alternative is to stand far enough away so that when executing a three hit combo only the third attack hits. Rangers will have to anticipate when and where the slime will come up and shoot twice before the target appears. That way, only the third attack of the combo hits.

Apr 14, 2001, 03:45 AM
Great tip! Thanks a ton. I tried it out and it works like a charm.

Apr 14, 2001, 11:48 AM
Wouldn't this be considered cheating? Your talking advantage of an exploit in the game.
(This stems from a conversation in #PSO were someone said that DUPing with out a GS or email/extra mem cards was cheating even tho it was taking advantage of a exploit in the game)

Apr 14, 2001, 05:40 PM
did any blufulls do this? im level 100 and i cant do it. does it have to be done in a specific order? i only slip them up to 4 times, but they r still blue. i have tried it on every difficulty.

Apr 15, 2001, 02:37 AM
Are you on crack? How could anyone remotely call this cheating. E-mail dupings were not the fault of a flaw in the game, they were the fault of a flaw in the DC Internet Browser. Even then, this isn't even a flaw at all. It's not like you can create some infanite supply of Slimes. For each slime you normally encounter, you can split him into four slimes (so if you begin with two you can get up to eight). The fact that slimes split at all is something well intented by the programmers. All this "trick" comes down to is an effective way to maximize the number of slimes you fight in each encounter.
You must be on some sort of witch hunt to even come up with the idea that this is cheating.

Apr 15, 2001, 12:15 PM
Sorry... I'm a Skyly HUmar at lvl. 100 and it's the same with me... I tried to spit them with every barta teq, the three hit combo and ice weapons... No way for splitting them more than 4 times. I hope somebody can help us. Please...

Apr 15, 2001, 02:16 PM
RedVento is a moron. It is impossible to split the Pofuilly Slimes more than 4 times. EVERYONE knows that.

Apr 16, 2001, 01:48 AM
yeah well nobody likes forces. besides they look like pansies. have you ever seen a tough looking force?? what? no? no you havent. cuz they dont exist.

Apr 16, 2001, 10:55 AM
"Wouldn't this be considered cheating? Your talking advantage of an exploit in the game.
(This stems from a conversation in #PSO were someone said that DUPing with out a GS or email/extra mem cards was cheating even tho it was taking advantage of a exploit in the game)"
Did you miss this little section at the bottom that says without GS, *email* or extra mem cards? I'm talking about the flaw in the game that lets you dup items with out GS or email. And I was only tring to prove a point to those people in #PSO... Its still an exploit to split slims eight times... to me at least.

Apr 17, 2001, 05:14 PM
Apparently nobody seems to understand that while you can only split each slime up to 4 times, that if you teleport back to pioneer 2 the slime will reset and can be split up to 4 times again.
To make the most of your time, do this in a room with 2 slimes. Rabarta works awesome because you can create the other 6 slimes in no time at all.
But beware - 8 blue slimes can actually be dangerous lol!!
(The works offline, don't know about online...)

Apr 18, 2001, 07:54 AM
I tried this all last night (on Normal). Couldn't get
any red slimes, and no rares from it. I think perhaps
it's a better use of time to just play the game and
try to get to the V-Hard Ruins level where decent items
are more plentiful.

Apr 18, 2001, 09:28 AM
I don't consider slime splitting as cheating.
Arguing that way using a lord's rifle would be cheating too by maximizing the experience you gain.
Or using the justy special attack and halfing the hp of the boss (well that worked only one time so far with the dragon and I needed along time).
I too think that this slime splitting was somehow intended by the programmers as a little secret. As long as you don't just play for splitting slimes, I don't see a problem anywhere.
You can't say how happy I was after getting d-parts and flame visit with my RAcast. I usually have real bad luck on items and level ups. Many times I only get 1 or 2 hp per level, others get 10!!
And regarding L76 and luck 18 there's not much to say...

Apr 18, 2001, 03:23 PM
are red flowers there just at random or is there a way to make the flowers red like with the slimes?

May 1, 2001, 07:41 AM
Indeed, it's hardly 'cheating'.
Slimes split. Let's say something totally ridiculous, and imagine ourselves as hunters on Pioneer 2.
Now, Dr. Bobague wants some red slime flesh, because it goes good with Pocky. We know from prior experience that slimes split when frozen. Should we ignore this, and instead, make poor Dr. Bobague wait forever to have his slimy Pocky? :P
Okay, bad example perhaps. But calling this cheating would be the same as killing all but one infant worm in PS IV to call a sandworm (w00t experience w00t) 'cheating'.
It's built into the game. It's made to act this way. It's not cheating. :P Besides. The rares I've gotten off of slimes all stink anyway. ;P
(Hell. Most rares do. Double Sabers are worthless, unless you're playing during Halloween and insisting your a jedi knight or something.)

May 1, 2001, 02:22 PM
If you set up a Telepipe near a regular batch of Poison Lily's, rarely, 1 will change to a Nar Lily. Btw, there are only 4 rare enemies in the game. Pouilly Slime, Nar Lily, Hildeblue and Al Rappy. I've heard rumors of a "Death Gunner", Which supposedly is the alternate of the Dark Gunner. Probably not true, and if it is, that sucks. Dark Gunners are hard as they are right now. -_-; Hi, Phil.

May 2, 2001, 12:46 PM
this is cool never seen a red one and i have oneted too my friend has seen a red lily thing thou and since you know so much may i ask you a few q's? yes? ok then then... haw do you get a doobwitch? and a alrappy i can neverfind them if you know email me at [email protected] TANX! :¬)

May 2, 2001, 05:25 PM
I was wondering if most commonly or all the time do you get a red slime if there are 8 slimes(starting with 2 slimes. ) Has an Oran ever done it? Is there any way to make Other rare animals Appear(Hildablue Al rappy or red flower Appear.) You can Email me at Broerik @aol.com

May 2, 2001, 05:28 PM
Do you have to get a red slime to get a rare item ? You can email me at [email protected]

Dec 29, 2001, 04:19 PM

Sep 22, 2005, 01:51 PM
hey eerhm dude,,there is always a death gunner (the one with the red crystal, he's got a red coloured laser instead of green)[b]