View Full Version : Article: PSO ver.2 Delayed a Bit

Apr 14, 2001, 08:22 PM
TST-leader writes, "At GameJam today Yuji Naka announced that PSO ver.2 will be delayed about a week to improve anti-cheating measures. The new Japanese release date is May 31 instead of the previously announced May 17."

Update: Swirlvision.com seem to be reporting the <A href=http://www.swirlvision.com/article.asp?id=868>same</a> news. Looks like even the importers are out of luck for a bit longer ^_^

Apr 14, 2001, 11:32 PM
thats fine with me, but theres still one question on my mind, Is PSO Ver.2 coming the the states??????

Apr 15, 2001, 02:08 AM
I think that's the question on everybody's mind too. With the Japanese release a little over a month away, and several reliable sources hinting at a simultaneous USA release, we're holding our breaths. Since SOA hasn't let out a peep, I wouldn't bet on it, at least not a simultaneous release.

Apr 15, 2001, 09:05 AM
What about us poor old Europeans!!! if they dont change thier minds, and we never get too see version 2.0 im gonna run my self a nice hot bath, and slit my wrists

Apr 15, 2001, 02:19 PM
Hearing this news make my assumption even closer to being true.I first heard of Sonic 2 being released in Japan first, but has changed to being simultaneously released with the US. Now, if this holds true, then there's a good chance Version 2 will be simultaneous as well.Take into account that the BBA is being released in May, what better way to promote it than with a game? On top of this, E3 is in May as well. They could announce it then, if you think about it, E3 is well known for companies to show off their stuff.With all these put together, along with the recent delay, points to a US release. I wouldn't count Europe out just yet too, you never know.In any case, this is all speculation on my part. So, there's no guarantee. =)