View Full Version : Article: Ign has more news... =)

Apr 15, 2001, 02:53 PM
Castelak writes, "This time, IGN isnt late...
IGN discusses the new modes and the features within, like the chu chu rocket soccer! Plus, Sonic Team is now trying to handle more data server side, this should stop the use of GS. The rumored May 31st is not confirmed, as the date in this article says May 17th. We can only hope it will arrive to the US shortly after Japan release.

I knew I should have gotten tickets to GameJam! hehe

Apr 15, 2001, 07:37 PM
Silly Castelak, don't you know that IGN always gets their news 3 weeks late? Just because the IGN article says May 17th, it probably *IS* May 31st. :) IGN is always delayed.

Apr 15, 2001, 08:12 PM
oh... (feels dumb)

Apr 16, 2001, 12:01 AM
They where at the gamejam where you?

Apr 16, 2001, 03:50 AM
Well, it's nice to see Sega's still loyal to it's fans. I can't wait to take on Ultimate Mode, and chu-chu rocket in the lobby!!!!!! How freakin' cool is that. Come on Sega, you owe us this one.....

Apr 16, 2001, 05:48 AM
Nah, I wasn't. But do you know how to use the correct form of "were"? It's not "where", as in "Where are we going?". Moron.

Apr 18, 2001, 08:31 PM
Yeah, learn how to spell before you try to type dumb ass. PSO2 does look pretty good, but I think the whole idea is getting old, because the original wasn't much fun to begin with. New items? Yay! I wonder how many milliseconds the game will be out before they are all found and duped by cheaters. Sega will never be able to beat GS users, so there is no point in playing the game. New levels? Who cares? PS2 and XBox are a lot better.