View Full Version : Article: More Details about PSO v.2 (Once again, from HKdreamcast.com)

Apr 20, 2001, 09:56 PM
Ifurita writes, "More Details! "

You may click here (http://www.hkdreamcast.com/News-April01.htm) for the original story and here (http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hkdreamcast.com %2FNews-April01.htm&lp=ja_en&tt=url&urltext=&doit=done) for the Babelfish translated page. You may also click "Read More.." for the full details.Ultimate mode - minimum level required is 80. Monsters will not only be stronger, but have smarter AI. Current level 100 players will start at 100. This means any current accumulated experience points after level 100 is NOT carried over.

Battle mode - as mentioned before, 1-vs-1 or 2-vs-2. Players' levels can be set to be the same, thus negating difference in levels. If set at level 1, then default weapons or items will NOT be provided. Players will need to pick up items during combat. However, players will learn every technique. The player goes up 5 levels everytime he/she dies. Battles may have a time limit. Players can set four kinds of traps: ice, confuse, slow, and sensor. The sensor trap acts like a burglar alarm. Making loud noise when an enemy approaches. Players get five of each traps to set. Map does not show other players' icons. No lock on(???). Option available to choose whether to drop or not weapons and meseta(!!). Seven known battle fields available.

Challenge Mode - Many different stages available for quest. There is a required started level. Every member of the party starts at same level. No initial equipment, everything is found during the quest. If any member dies, the challenge is considered a failure (for that member?). Grave marker will be surrected at the spot. The deceased member's will is recorded. This mode provides extra experience points.
Soccer - No specially detailed rules. The ball has many variations and it is changed every 80 beats. It is expected to show a score somewhere. Soccer ball may include Sega characters. Some are bigger than the players.
Mode is selected at the team create at the lobby.
The quick item/technique/weapons select menu is activated using R trigger than Y button, and then using the triggers to turn pages.
New Save System!! Items in Bank and on the person won't get lost! (from BSOD??). Items are saved instantaneously upon deposit.
Symbol Chat can be exchanged. Can capture other's symbol's. (without persmission??)
New weapons! 70 different kinds. Expected will be grenade launcher, shotgun (with shells ejected), quarter staff, darts, umbrella, fan, 3 point claw(??), polearm(??), shields will show up on screens.

More traps and switches in the dungeons.
The special Sega Mag is suppose to evolve!?!?
SG1000 -> MK3 -> Master System -> Mega Drive (Genesis) -> DC
New character colors, faces, can be changed at the dressing room
Max Mag level is still 200
Thew! That was a lot. Enjoy!

Apr 21, 2001, 02:57 AM
Cool, lots of interesting stuff there. I really hope that hunters can use the new shotgun, because I REALLY want to run up to a booma give it a few shells.
Polearms other than the partisan would be nice too, a spear, pike, etc.... What I'd like to see would be a Double Partisan (would probably be used like a swallow in Chrono Cross), and another attack command for some weapons that lets you do a special attack (like having gloves or no weapon equipped and being able to throw the enemy into a wall or other enemies, that would be nice). Knocking down enemies and being able to attack them on the ground would be handy.
Sega should have made rangers and androids actually WORTH playing as (rangers are weak and androids can't use techniques, they both suck). Maybe they will improve androids' "inhuman abilities" to being worth sacrificing techniques for (although I doubt it).

Apr 21, 2001, 08:54 AM
I've used both Androids and Rangers (my first and best character was a racast) but it would still be nice to see some improvements.
This report didn't say anything about the costume change!! That's one of the features I'm most interested in, I sure hope it wasn't cut!

Apr 21, 2001, 12:50 PM
ummm... read it again...
costume change is in there.

Apr 21, 2001, 01:52 PM
"...experience points after level 100 is NOT carried over." ?!?That sounds SOOOO discomforting. After accumulating well over 400+hrs and 4MM+exp. on my LVL100, it seems rather unfair that a veteran LVL100 has to start at the bottom with the new LVL100s. WHY?!? WHY?!? WHY?!?Oh well, can't have everything. -_-;

Apr 21, 2001, 08:24 PM
It would be nice if androids could regen. like in ps4, like having Regen armour built in. What do you mean "make Rangers worth playing as"? They are not weak if you use them right. The first time I bet DF, a lvl 89 HUnewarl who helped me died once, and I didn't die once. I was at lvl 69. *cough* *cough* So I am weak? A Gush Laser +25 is weak?!?! Wow.

Apr 22, 2001, 09:10 AM
Andriods have absolutly amazing atp, ata, dp,eva and hp so how are they weak!?!?!
Oh a gush laser +25 is weak, use mechguns and shotguns (especially spread needle fires 5 rounds each with more power than your laser)
The Lv 89 Hunearl may of just been over confident and died stupidly.