View Full Version : Article: Comic about PSO

Apr 22, 2001, 02:23 PM
FluidFlame writes, "this may not be funny, but it's still about PSO ;]

Apr 22, 2001, 02:50 PM
I don't get it. The comic isn't funny.

Apr 22, 2001, 03:37 PM
Hey, you're right, this really isn't funny... just confusing. It could've been kinda funny if the artist would've done some more with the street gang aspect but then he just went into some dumb De Rol Limp Bizkit crossover. Does anyone understand this comic? If so, please explain.

Apr 22, 2001, 03:56 PM
Yeah, "That Weekly" is full of in-jokes which are really only understood by people who are part of the online comic "community" or at least are active online comic readers.
I'll try to explain what I know, but I'm not exactly sure if all my facts are completely correct. I've been an online anime-style artist for years, but I'm not exactly all that popular among other artists.
All the stars of That Weekly are online artists, except for Ash, who I've never seen a link to his website, and Kevin Sorbo, a.k.a. "Hercules", who is portrayed as being blatantly homosexual. Now, onto explaining what I know about this week's comic, the second panel has Derek Halliday (http://www.rakugaki.net/halliday/) saying something about the "Street Sharks", which I believe was a cartoon from several years ago that I saw maybe once or twice, and I do recall "Jawsome!" as a quote used often in the cartoon. He also says something about "nast Lewis hands", which I'm pretty sure is a reference to Corey Lewis (http://rey.swoo.net), whose proportions of the characters in his drawings are greatly exaggerated for artistic effect. The last panel has the head of online comic artist Tang Ho (http://tangcomic.com/index.html) on De Rol Le. I'm not completely sure, but I think Tang Ho originally came from Hong Kong, but now lives in Canada. He has really good English, but sometimes his wording is a bit unusual. Usually, he'll come in at random in the comic and say "You not have the comic talent online!" or something to that effect. A lot of the jokes in the comic are influenced from Starcraft, Diablo, or other videogames.
The fact that there are so many in-jokes in the comic makes it not as hillarious as some people might think. This is actually an incredibly funny comic if you know what the in-jokes are about, and is definitely one of my personal favorite online comics. The Easter comic Nied illustrated is more accessible, which is number 27 on the archive list of previous That Weeklies.
I hope the artists aren't too upset that I went about and explained some of the in-jokes, but I really felt some of it needed to be explained because of the previous comment. The comic is freakin' hillarious!

Apr 22, 2001, 11:48 PM
Hello, this is Nied
Your comments are totally legitimate... most people don't get That Weekly. It has a very very small target audience, so we don't plug the site around. We'd never be cocky enough to claim our comic is funny.. cause it's only funny to us. So don't worry.. if you're not laughing, that means you're healthy and of sound mind.

Apr 23, 2001, 07:24 AM
Uh, even with the in-jokes explained, this week's comic is a big, stinky load of garbage.

Apr 23, 2001, 11:07 AM
what a pile of arse, although it is quite accurate in that you CAN just destroy all your enemies with a few swings of a phalic sword... still shite though!!

Apr 23, 2001, 12:24 PM
..........not funny

Apr 23, 2001, 05:25 PM
thanx for explaining what i was too tired for =]
( hey i'm a man of few words...or just plain lazy ;] )

Apr 23, 2001, 09:33 PM
Yo, my name is Derek T. Halliday, much abused side character of That Weekly (TM). And I have to say that this comic is hilarious. The Street Sharks reference comes from the fact that there are monsters, I'm told, in PSO that look like Street Sharks. Thus Street Shark saying "Jawsome" = HILAROUS. Secondly, Corey S. Lewis = HILARIOUS. And, finally, Tang broken English proclaiming that the cast of that Weekly has not the PSO talent online to the tune of Rollin' by Limp Bizkit = HILARIOUS.
Of course this is all subjective and requires a indepth knowledge of the absurd, and possibly the ludicrous.

Apr 24, 2001, 10:49 AM
Geez...the Street Shark thing was funny, but, man that thing sucks. He stole my "De Rol'in Down the River" joke, too, and turned it into a crappy @$$ Limp Bizkwik joke.

Apr 27, 2001, 10:20 PM
Limp Bizkit sucks. Actually, it's an Undertaker joke, who also sucks. That weekly is all about suckage.

Apr 28, 2001, 06:07 PM
The part about the names is true! Bladow!

Jun 8, 2001, 03:12 PM
What the fudge was that? I don't find this funny at all! This is so unfunny, it's scary. Somebody's gotta teach the guys that made this thing what the word "funny" means.