View Full Version : Article: EU Fans Rejoice!!! PSOv2 for j00!!! =)

May 9, 2001, 06:13 PM
Castelak writes, "RR #19 sent me this email he recieved after emailing sega... it follows..."

A sense of hope for European gamers? Maybe.Dear Jez,
Thank you for your email. I am glad to tell you that PSO version 2 is going to be out in Europe in the third quarter of this year. For the moment we do not know the exact day of the release, but at least we know is going to be out this year.
Miriam Malga- Customer Service Agent

[email protected]

Internet help line 09066 544 544 (premium rate)

All other enquiries 08456 090 090 (local call rate)



May 10, 2001, 02:41 AM
i'll believe it when i see it - fantastic news if it's true

May 10, 2001, 02:42 AM
they can say what they want.
i want to see the release first

May 10, 2001, 02:46 AM
Come on sega, let us know offically....

May 10, 2001, 04:00 AM
Yes i know it would be nice to actually have a release, but as soon as the year rolls into the 4th quater im going to go and takt that email and wave it in their faces, shouting "GIMME".
I'm confident.

May 10, 2001, 04:07 AM
Are you absolutely sure they're talking about PSO ver2 and not the full sequel, PSO2? In my communications with them, they seemed a bit confused between the 2. And last time i received a mail from them, they were still adamant that version2 was NOT coming out.
I am not confident!

May 10, 2001, 04:12 AM
As I stated in the forums yesterday, when I read this message, I immediately phoned SEGA. After reading out the suspect email over the phone they stated categorically that this was an error on the part of the customer service agent and she had mistaken pso 2 and pso version 2. (They don't tend to call it version 2 in Sega of Europe - they refer to it as the append or appendix disk).
There will be no release of this product in the EU.

May 10, 2001, 04:19 AM
And furthermore, I think this thread should be removed asap. It's going to get a lot of completely false hopes up. I'm extremely disappointed that PSO World is making sweeping statements like "EU Fans Rejoice!!! PSOv2 for j00!!!" on the basis of one completely unsubstantiated email.
Very poor editorial standards.

May 10, 2001, 04:57 AM
yeah well when you get an email like that, what are you going to do? Also nice of them not to reply to me to correct themselves huh?

May 10, 2001, 07:42 AM
Yeah, this is a mistake. I emailed them asking if version 2 was coming out and they emailed me back saying PSO 2 was coming out. When I queried them they wrote back saying that version 2 will not be coming out. They were quite adamant about it as well.
Get ready to import!!

May 10, 2001, 09:19 AM
They really should get their facts straight.
So if PSO2 is coming out that soon, i don't know if I'll bother importing Ver.2 since i bet we can't use our existing EU characters with it. Any thoughts?

May 10, 2001, 02:28 PM
if I import PSO v.2 will i be able to play online?

May 10, 2001, 04:11 PM
i must say, sadly it is an error, i dbl checked this by asking the same question here is my email:
Dear Chris,

Thank-you for your mail.

It was decided that it would not make either business or economic sense to ship 2 titles costing ?30 - ?40 within a few months of its release.
Due to these costing issues we will be putting more emphasis on bringing version 2 out as soon as we can.

Best regards

Francesca Plaza-Customer Service Agent
[email protected]
Internet help line 09066 544 544 (premium rate)
All other enquiries 08456 090 090 (local call rate)

May 10, 2001, 06:40 PM

May 11, 2001, 04:36 AM
Why do they insist on referring to the full sequel as version 2?

May 11, 2001, 08:53 AM
You should be able to. Loads of people play Daytona and Unreal with the american versions. All you will need is a boot disk which allows you to play import games.

May 11, 2001, 11:21 AM
Hi.. I'm sorry if you disagree with our methods/routines. We merely submit news as we are a community site. The subject, and content of this particular post were all submitted. Meaning editorial-wise we dont really have a right to change their words. We also do not have the right to impose our beliefs regarding its authenticity upon our readers. We merely submit it and leave it for you to decide. Personnaly I thought it was rather evident that this was a mistake and she meant PSO2. If you remember all previous correspondance with Sega-Euro, they had stated PSO2 would be coming out by the end of this year. Why would they release ver.2 and 2 in the same quarter?
Again PSO World is not in the practice of editing submissions, or imposing our beliefs on the readers. Make what you will of posts, we rely on your own intelligence to filter out the incorrections.
However we also do not submit complete crap, obviously one of our staffers felt this important enough to post it.

May 11, 2001, 11:38 AM
You actually are able to play online IF
1.you have a dc boot disc (obvious)
2.1you have an us browser disc (available at www.dcemulation.com). With it you can configure your own ISP
2.2you have a isp account (i.e you don't use only dc for internet) that is not AOL (i.e do not necesit a particular software to connect) and you know how to configure it
3.SEGA do not "filter" the name/passes so that people with an US game can only via an us sega ISP (I don't think they will do this)
I am french, and I will import the JAP or US PSOvers 2 and try to play it online. So we'll see after the japanese release date. But I don't think it will be problematic.
RD - Elendil

May 16, 2001, 11:24 AM
It's strange that this woman talks of the cost of version 2 not being worth it, then why oh why are the Sega Europe testers 'Testing' Version 2. Surly this is wasting money and time if they are not going to release it. Even the testers themselves who ARE testing version 2 are unsure wether it will be released. They have even gone to the bother of making all the translations too (Spanish, french etc.)
BTW I have many friends who are testers at SoE and I know for a fact they are testing the game.

May 20, 2001, 11:36 AM
Why is everyone in Europe getting so worked up about PSO ver.2? We are definetly getting PSO 2, that's a whole new game! Ver.2 will just be the same but with 2 new levels and maybe some more weapons. I wouldn't pay £40) for that. We will be getting a completely redesigned game, with none of the annoying parts of PSO 1. Has nobody realised that yet?