View Full Version : Article: Gaming Age reports that PSO will also come to PS2 and PC!!

Jun 5, 2001, 09:02 PM
faceless writes, "Gaming Age (http://www.gaming-age.com) reports that PSO will also come to PS2 and PC. Couldn't think of anything else to say except "WOW!". The link to this story is here. (http://www.gaming-age.com/cgi-bin/news/news.pl?y=2001&m=6&nid=5-24.db)"

Truly awesome, can't wait to see the ships crowded with PC & PS2 users as well as Dreamcast ones. Update: Link fixed.

Jun 5, 2001, 09:03 PM
I also can't wait to see all the fscking PC/PS2 save file hacking kiddies getting all the rares and fscking people over! >:/

Jun 5, 2001, 09:36 PM
Amen to that! You think hacking is bad on the Dreamcast wait till this is a PC game!

Jun 5, 2001, 09:47 PM
What are they thinking!!!!! PSO on the PC!!! That is one BAD idea. imagine all the hacking that could come from that. What crakc were they smoking when they came up with that?!?!? I mean if you thought it was bad now think how bad it will be on the PC. My god that is the worst idea I have ever herd. I mean man!!! couldn't they have thought how bad that would be? Look at diablo 2. I just got to say that that is a bad idea.
P.S. But it would be cool to have it on the PS2.

Jun 5, 2001, 09:57 PM
WTF that is really bad...I bet if it comes to pc there will be server hacking errr...... really really really really really bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 5, 2001, 10:10 PM
I think Sega has totally messed up their game. I'm still getting PSO ver.2, but I hope Sega puts a lot of money (that they get from pay-per-play) into anti cheating measures...But I'm sure that Within 3 weeks or so, all the GSers will have all the codes they ever dreamed of and I'll be mad (again)You don't know me, watashiwa, but I figured I'd say, "Hi!"....

Jun 5, 2001, 10:12 PM
I give this story ZERO credence, since A> at Sega's confrence they did not mention any such thing, and B> Reuters(the source they sited) said no such thing. In fact, they didn't even mention the game title that Sega DID announce would be cross platform (Guru Guru Onsen 2).

Jun 5, 2001, 10:13 PM
i think sega has been smokin one too many telepipes. pso on the computer.....hmm.........thats a lotta trouble. i still remember on quake 3 arena when people would make your character do crazy things, but now this is going to be NO FUN AT ALL online anymore. as p*ssed as i am with all this sh*t sega has been doing, this by far gets me very angry. and plus i felt special, being the only system that had pso =) but now sega has to ruin my fun and bring it out on the pc. and believe me, there are some people out there who spend their entire day locked inside their little appartments with one room, no life at all, and since they have nothing better to do and feel sorry with their lives, they gotta make everyone else's life miserable. i have always tried to be a nice guy on the pso community, but as soon as all those people from the pc come on pso, all hell is going to break loose and the atmosphere will go from slighty friendly to an empty guild card list, and the only ones u'll have are the ones where kids act like your friends and then put in some code 50x worse than pk and mess up your save or something, and then bye bye character. well, i'm done talking, and i'm not trying to offend anyone, so dont take the message the wrong way (specially u diehard pc players)

Jun 5, 2001, 10:29 PM
If Gaming Age is correct in what is says, think about how many cheaters there will be...With PSO for Gamecude, PS2, and PC. Thats 4 platforms that it it can be played off of. Four times the people, and likley, for times the cheaters. I'm not saying that those are exact numbers or anything, I'm just saying...Just the fact that there are four times the people could be a huge proble on its own!!! Think about it. With the currents number of players, there are server crashes, and there is tons of slowdown (and countless other problems). Now, with four times the normal number of people, think about the strain put onto the servers...I expect there to be a lot of problems...I sure hope Sega cann pull this off.Yhe way I see it, Sega is on the edge of a cliff. If they make the right choice, Sega makes some money and the entire Online gamplay world becomes a better place, or they make the wrong choices, and fall of the cliff. They go bankrupt, and Online play is still trying to figure out what works...I personally love Sega, and I hope they make the correct decisions on this game...

Jun 5, 2001, 10:51 PM
hell yes! i am not for the PC part cuz that will jsut cause hacks, but the PS2..its about time...get it off that gay ass gamecube

Jun 6, 2001, 12:09 AM
Sure hacking will be bad on the PC, but at least with the ability to release patches, bugs should be at a minimal... personally, I think hacking won't be as bad as it is now though... why? Well, currently PSO's only on a Dreamcast, so it's not designed to pay special notice to PCs.... when it goes to PC, they'll be special protection against PCs which should also lower hacking on console systems... another thing is some of the hacking that can be done isn't all bad... it wouldn't shock me one bit if I saw people using their own servers for PSO later on in the PC life...
As for the PS2... as much as I hate Sony, at least this for the most part guarantees a much longer Phantasy Star life... :/

Jun 6, 2001, 08:41 AM
Oh no! Mister Smartey-Man-PC-User will ruin my console gaming utopia! Please.
Besides, I'd bet my life that if this does happen it will be for PSO 2, not VERSION 2.

Jun 6, 2001, 08:52 AM
Oh come on. I seriously doubt this is true, and even if it was, id stil be pissed about it. Sega is just showing how weak it is and if it continues to go at this pace, SEGA might be gone forever.

Jun 6, 2001, 09:33 AM
Think of it this way.. at least now in battle mode, you have the chance to lay some smackdown on a PS2 zealot

Jun 6, 2001, 09:33 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong. Sonic Team is responsible for PS series now. SEGA said Sonic Team is working only on Gamecube. All you PS2 fankids out there, sorry to say but Gamecube is Sonic Team's system of choice now. It's highly unlikely for a PSO game to hit PS2 or XBox. Yuji Naka said they chose to put PSO v2.0 on Gamecube due to the fact GCN will support both narrow and broad band. PS2 and XBox only will support broad band. Gaming Age needs to stop spreading rumors.....

Jun 6, 2001, 10:43 AM
another cheesey gamecube fan. lol..it will come to the ps2 because sega wants to make money...not go bankrupt

Jun 6, 2001, 10:55 AM
YEAHHH I will sill so many playstation's stupids (hehehe pay so many money for this "console" is for stupids)

Jun 6, 2001, 01:01 PM
Hey, a while back, before PSO was released, Sonic Team said in an interview to ODCM magazine that PSO couldn't be done on a PS2 or a PC. What the hell is going on here? I personally wouldn't buy the PS2 version or the PC version anyway, so why so many ports?

Jun 6, 2001, 02:29 PM
All problems with hacking aside, does anybody seriously think the PSO PC version will catch on?
Put another way: RPGs that make it on PCs are really complex. But PSO doesn't even compare to the detail (bad or good) of games like Diablo 2. Not even Diablo 1, really.
Now, that "lack" of detail ain't always a bad thing. I haven't played Diablo 2 since I won it, 'cause there's just too much stuff to worry about, or aspire to get.

Jun 6, 2001, 02:44 PM
but it isn't sega responsible for PSO it's Sonic Team and as was said above Sonic Team is working on DC and GameCube

Jun 6, 2001, 06:03 PM
Obviously considering all this proof that has been said, this bull about PSO coming out on PS2 and PC, you know what? I bet Sonic Team KNOWS how bad it would be to release it out on PC. ANd isnt PSO a little to powerful for PC anyway?

Jun 6, 2001, 07:07 PM
no a computer can handle the grafix if coded right.

Jun 7, 2001, 09:42 AM
well, noone said anything about PS2 and PC getting it at the sega conference.

Jun 7, 2001, 12:46 PM
I Think That Sega Reallllllly Suck Now , Just Imagine Us Sega Dreamcast User (250000) Player And Sega Asking 10 box .. heheh MAN THAT SOME BIG MONEY ! NOW THEY WANT TO PUT IT ON PC AND PS2 AND GAMECUBE .... IMAGINE ALL THE MONEY THEY'LL MAKE ! SEGA JUST FUSKER IMO ... I ONLY BOUGHT MY DC CUZ OF PSO ... NOW THEY TELLING ME ITS HEADING OVER THE PS2 ... AGHHH . I Read In My ODCM That Pso Coudnt Work On Other System Cuz Of DC "V-CHIP" Hahahah What A Joke EVEN THE GAMECUBE AS ONE NOW ! DEATH TO SEGAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 7, 2001, 01:26 PM
I'm no system fangirl, in fact I own a PS2. PSO will not sell well on PS2 or XBox due to the fact it they only support Briadband. There are more people that use or can only use a narrowband connection. in a IGN interview:
"IGNcube: This may be somewhat of a blunt question, but why did you choose to develop on the GameCube rather than the Xbox, especially since Microsoft has announced its broadband online gaming strategy?
Yuji Naka: I have the position that the Broadband days are coming, but they are not here yet. We still think 56k is a critically important technology for today. "
"IGNcube: We're disappointed that the Dreamcast will be discontinued. For Sega fans wondering what system to buy next, what would you recommend?
Yuji Naka: Well, I can't make a huge generalization for all Sega fans, but maybe if you're a Sonic Team fan, my recommendation is to buy a GameCube. That's a very difficult, but good question. "
Your quite right Wren... SEGA does want to make money, but there is no money in PSO on PS2 or XBox.

Jun 19, 2001, 01:01 PM
Actually Diablo 2 is pretty safe from hackers because the characters reside on the server not on the client(desktop). Blizzrd learned from their mistakes with the first Diablo game.

Aug 10, 2001, 09:33 AM
I agree I don't think that will ever happen either also for the fact that the Game Cube is the system of choice for Sega so come on give me a break.

May 2, 2003, 04:31 PM
i want pso on ps2 like anyone else

May 2, 2003, 04:38 PM
u are rite there would be a lot of hacking if they put pso on pc! and the diablo thing is rite to people hack so much there are even all hack rooms for only hackers! and ha it would be a good idea if they put psop on ps2 it would be smart for all the peopel that dont have gamecube or xbox it woould bring lots of money. put it would sell better if they put a comersial on tv because i just founf out about pso from a frend for gamecube and it is great!!!!!

Jan 23, 2004, 01:34 AM
Ditto, but I guess everyone else with their elitist attitudes think it should not go beyond the Dreamcast(a dead system). I mean, what is wrong with the game moving to a higher-quality system (which equals a higher-quality game)? 'Oh No, beware the Haxors! all these Noobs will ruin our pure PSO experience?' It seems like it is typically the supposed 'Hardcore' fans of a game that oppose the games growth the most. I can't wait until it comes out for PS2, and I wouldn't mind the PC version, either.

Jun 9, 2004, 03:28 PM
Well... It's already out. Things like CK (character kill) and PK (player kill) are the least of your worries on this... (these codes have been banned from the server anyway).

Now, the problem is that you get some super-hackers on there. You can recieve trojans over PSO PC and also people can perform PCK, HDK or HK. These all mean the same thing - they either erase everything on your hard drive, or put your computer out of action altogether. This is what you should be worrying about, although it is very rare for someone to use this (they would only use it to protect other people and the PSO servers themselves).