View Full Version : Article: Yuji Naka talks about PSO for the GameCube.

Jun 8, 2001, 06:44 PM
Anonymous writes, "Sonic Team director Yuji Naka agreed to answer some questions regarding the recently announced GameCube version.""We're not even sure about the networking protocols for the GameCube, and how it will perform online. That's why we couldn't comment on the game at E3. Who knows, maybe we'll have to call it 'Phantasy Star Offline.' [laughs..] The only thing we're sure about is the added four-player mode."
Quoted from a Core Magazine article here (http://www.coremagazine.com/news/4370.php3).

Jun 8, 2001, 07:10 PM
As cool as PSO is or can be, it'll never be as cool as Phantasy Star 1-4. Too bad PSO 2 for the Cube wont be changed into PS 5 and let the game remain offline. Offline RPG's are much better anyway!

Jun 9, 2001, 06:47 AM
Yea ,your right nothing compares to offline rpgs.
Rpgs are really for the story. PSO had no story. Or did I miss it? What lil' yellow thing on the ground, HUH? Oh well PSO Online would be nice for the cube

Jun 9, 2001, 12:06 PM
sega needs to realize how much money they will lose putting PSO on the gamecube. they need to put it on the PS2 and/or Xbox and scrap the gamecube since it will be dead in a year

Jun 9, 2001, 01:35 PM
you are both retarded. the gamecube looks far better than the xbox, imho... and online RPGs offer way, WAY more replay value than their offline brethren. i don't understand why sega would lose money recreating such a popular franchise on a next-generation system...

Jun 9, 2001, 01:59 PM
hahaha.. hoo boy... pointless and blatantly groundless accusations always make me laugh...

Jun 9, 2001, 03:06 PM
The 4-Player split screen is a joke, since you can't use characters that were used on a different GameCube/PSO. At least, that's what's been said so far. And if it ends up being the only multiplay the game has on the GameCube, that will make an already substandard game really suck! The online component of the game is fun, but as a single player game, boy is it weak!

Jun 9, 2001, 03:09 PM

Jun 9, 2001, 06:01 PM
close minded? you must be one of the gamers that grew up with the psx and N64, and have no memory of nes & snes. and besides that, nintendo with only the GB and N64 controled 51% of the gaming market up till last year, earning 6.1bilion dollars, how is that a loss? the GC is going to be amazing.

Jun 9, 2001, 10:40 PM
keep holding on to your dreams because nintendo is done

Jun 10, 2001, 09:18 PM
Nintendo ALWAYS makes a hit in the gaming industry. The only miss it made was the Virtual Boy (heehee). The problem is that you guys jump to conclusions and are too skeptic.
Now, XBox, this machine has everything it needs for online gaming, but its just a simple computer revamped into a Console and so far everything they need for publicity are fake screenshots.
PS2, this machine has great potential, but its still has a LONG way to go. I can't say much more.
Gamecube? It has my prize of the highest quality gaming machine. 'Nuff said.

Jun 11, 2001, 02:53 AM

Jun 13, 2001, 05:08 PM
Nintendo is done? Now that they have Sega games as well, how do you figure? Nintendo was dominant every time in the past, against Sega. Now with games like Sonic on GameCube, they have a bigger market: the Sega diehards. There is absolutely no way Nintendo will fail.

Jun 13, 2001, 05:10 PM
I wouldn't say they suck. I'm pissed at them now though.......for the whole PS2 fiasco. The thing that sucks is I have to buy one b/c I want Metal Gear Solid 2, any Final Fantasy's, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. Damn Sony.......

Jun 18, 2001, 11:29 PM
i want to know what the character creation is gonna be like! are they gonna keep the origanal section id's and faces/costumes ect. and maybe are they gonna have new ones? e-mail me if you can help at [email protected] or post plz thx(i'm new)

Jul 1, 2001, 05:14 AM
Bad Idea. The general nintendo user base is 90% targeted to younger crowds, the same crowds uncapable of managing a massive multipalyer game, that requires alot of time. I am in no way demoting nintendo cause i deal in numbers and nintendo had the highest hardware sales of any year with the combining power of the n64 and gameboy. Anyway I was at E3 and the game looked Identical if not a little choppy than the dc version. And whos Idea was the 4 player mode? how can u look in that small of a space. I would have opted for a X-box/ps2 pso game. Considering the added power and user base. Nuff said :P