View Full Version : Article: PSO ver. 2 US, conflicting release dates?

Jun 14, 2001, 03:11 PM
Phantasy_X writes, "I was just up at my local Software Etc,. when I found out ... They checked their computers and PSO ver. 2 US has been delayed until August 16th!"

Draekkan has also called his local Gamestop and they reported the same date. I can confirm this as well as Nyte called our local Software Etc,. and they reported a release date of August 16th as well. Strangely, the local EB here reports a release date of July 12th.
Update, 6/20/2001: Sega now reports the release date as "TBD". Simply meaning, there is no known release date at the time. Click here (http://dreamcast.ign.com/news/35948.html) for a report from IGN.

Jun 14, 2001, 03:15 PM
Its good news... ver2 japanese was already being hacked i hope they'll add some good protection... 1 month i hope it'll work fine

Jun 14, 2001, 03:23 PM
No way dude!
I called EBworld and they said that the game hasn't been delayed and that they update their website everyday!

Jun 14, 2001, 03:30 PM
I checked out the Gamestop website and they mention the date as August 15th, 2001.
Here's the link.

Jun 14, 2001, 03:34 PM
Wata, Look at EBworld's website the date is still the same also eb is always up-to-date and so on!
Let's hope this isn't true

Jun 14, 2001, 03:35 PM
okay let's think people. it's definately bad that PSO ver.2 may be delayed. but the trend i've always experienced with games being delayed has always been a blessing (if anyone pre-ordered the lunar games you know what i'm talking about) i want PSO ver.2 as bad as everybody else, but if it means that sega is gonna take the time to try and stop hackers then i'm all for the wait. i've got two other characters i can use when i get Kasera ready for version 2. so until an official announcement i'm gonna hold my breath and check my local babbages' release date. ciao!

Jun 14, 2001, 03:46 PM

Jun 14, 2001, 03:50 PM
Okay, for everyone paranoid that all these different stores (Gamestop, Software Etc, Babbage's, and Funcoland) are saying August 15th, it's because they're all fronts on the same corporation.
See? And, I'd tend to trust EB more. My local gamestop didn't have Project Justice until well after it's release date. And as of this posting, Sega still says July 10.

Jun 14, 2001, 03:50 PM
sega is really beggining to mess with our heads. getting a answer from them is like asking the goverment what happened at roswell. there gonna bullshit ya. well im all for a new rease date or whatever u gonna call it. as long as it protects me from pker and hacker and helps me keep all my weapons that i legitimately traded for. ill wait

Jun 14, 2001, 04:55 PM
Thanks for keeping your head jazzyfox. Yes, jazzy is right. These are the same corporation and companies differ in when they get thigns in. KMart over here got Zelda MM a month after its realease. Relax. It's only a problem for those stores.

Jun 14, 2001, 05:05 PM
^_^:: big sister called SEGA of USA and they say... official release date not confirmed ^_^::

Jun 14, 2001, 05:16 PM
I called the official Sega Store, whose number can be retrieved from Sega's webpage. And they stated that the actual release date was July 17. I know this will cause more confusion since there are like around 3 different release dates now. But I am just passing the news

Jun 14, 2001, 05:42 PM
Well, If it is delayed then they can work on protection against hackers and I can work on getting my 4 other characters to level 100.

Jun 14, 2001, 06:58 PM
I called all these stores you have mentioned (Babagges, Software Etc.) and many others back when pso v1 was coming out and everyone of them gave me a release date that was around the middle of march. The only place w/the correct release date was EB. So, if i have to believe anyone it would be EB (but they have been wrong many times before also). I am gonna wait until i see it w/my own eyes in a store. Then i will know what the dam release date was These stores never eeeever know any thing about release dates or the games for that matter.

Jun 14, 2001, 07:17 PM
Yes my local eb also reported July 12th

Jun 14, 2001, 08:26 PM
ok well, even if it does get delayed....this is more solid time to get our chars to 100, i got 5 chars,100-53-20-15-7, i would at least like 2 at 100.

Jun 14, 2001, 08:30 PM
Not to bash software ect but there release forcasts suck as of last week my local babbages was reporting the end of the year. EB is better at forcasting release dates I always trust them.

Jun 14, 2001, 09:15 PM
I have checked both ebgames.com which says July 11 and the official game site for PSO ver.2 on SEGA's website which says July 10. So most likely it will still be in July.

Jun 14, 2001, 10:45 PM
eh i don't give half a dmn about it! i've got minre pre ordered so if it comes, fine if not, i'll level up my other characters to 100(or maybey emerge from the basement so that my family sees that i'm still alive):P

Jun 15, 2001, 05:05 AM

Jun 15, 2001, 10:45 AM
Of course id gamestop changes it's release date then so does software etc. because they are both owned by the same company. So maybe they just got some bad details, or at least i hope so.

Jun 15, 2001, 10:53 AM
well technically the store has the right to start selling the game whenever they want, so it is their choice to hold it off, the july 12th release date sounds realistic for most stores and i bet thats when you get it if you preorder it from sega (if you can do that, i dont remember) anyways this has happened for many games, and i live in southern cali. where the games come first you know? well anyways what happened was we were looking for DDR USA and my friend asked and the local EB said its a whole month away (this was about 2 months ago) and then we went to korea town, and it turns out the game was released but not the pad so all the american game stores werent putting it out, but the korean store had a korean dance pad so it was okay and he has the game before anyone else now because one store is smarter than the other stores.

Jun 15, 2001, 12:05 PM
DDR USA came out already for the DC?! ::loads every single video online retailer and hunts it down::

Jun 15, 2001, 12:08 PM
This is bad. There is now no way i'm gonna get an imported copy for my birthday! (I live in UK)

Jun 15, 2001, 05:39 PM
Well, ill check this. I work at a Software Etc. and'll check this out, make sure its true. Anyways, I opened today and noticed something new in the comp, ask them to look up sku 220011, its PSO2 for GameCube!!!!!!!!!! i think it was a mid december release, ill check again tomorrow, second title listed for cube in our system, YAY!!!!!!

Jun 17, 2001, 01:18 PM
The end of the year forecast you got from babbages was for the Game Cube version of PSO 2 which comes up on their computer before PSO v2. Go back and tell them you're talking about the Dreamcast version, and you will get a different date. :)

Jun 17, 2001, 01:22 PM
lol!!! @ "legitamately traded for"

Jun 18, 2001, 04:01 PM
Well, I just checked out ebgames.com and found the PSOver2 preorder... release date: August 17! NOW whats goin' on? Click here (http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/products/product.asp?pf_id=202840) to see for yourself!

Jun 18, 2001, 04:04 PM
Oops, hehe, thats August 11th... Sorry n.-

Jun 18, 2001, 04:06 PM
Wow I'm an idiot... Um, how do you erase comments again? ;) Poor me, can't even count right. Eeeeh ignore my past few comments!
~The FOnewm that can't count.

Jun 19, 2001, 10:54 AM
release date 7/11....

Jun 19, 2001, 04:56 PM
If you check the site again you will see that the shipping date is 07/11/01. Must have been a typo when they initially put it in. This means NO DELAY as far as I am concerned.

Jun 20, 2001, 11:51 AM
Wow, nice to know we give all the facts now. :P
For those of you seeing this since it was folded in from a separate topic, the TBD date comes from D_MaMBo's discussion with a Sega tech support person while resetting his serial number. These are the same people who told me back in March "You have to take it back to the store, we can't give you a new serial since the one on the case doesn't work." They have no knowledge of the release dates. 'TBD' is just his way of saying "I don't know, go away, I don't feel like answering."
IGN says the website has been updated, but that is not true.
The one interesting change is that ebgames now lists 8/11 on the Dreamcast 'upcoming releases' page, but 7/11 on the actual PSOv2 product page.
As for me, I'm sticking with Sega's date until they say otherwise. All this rumor-mongering and declaring it delayed every other day does NOTHING. Please, stop with it.

Jun 20, 2001, 08:21 PM
So in light of your eminent demise, what will you do? Are you going to stop constantly finding the rares in version 2? If you don't, I will still kill you, you low-life, unworthy, son of a Bitch!
I think you will stop...If not respond to me...