View Full Version : Article: Interview with Peter Moore

Jun 27, 2001, 08:44 PM
JediDeamon writes, "An interview with Peter Moore on the future of the Dreamcast can be read here (http://www.nlgaming.com/bin/showarticle.pl?document=832.html&filter=)."

An interesting interview, nonetheless. It also answers the question as to whether or not PSO ver 2 is still going to be released in America and the answer is still yes.

Jun 27, 2001, 09:42 PM
finally some information that will put my faith back into sega. and its nice to know the care about us gamers and our thoughts. and i hope since were not getting it at the expected release date that we will be protected and are in for a hell of a good ride. good job sega

Jun 27, 2001, 11:39 PM
i really need to know if v.2 will or might still come out on july 10. i would really like to know. i hope so.

Jun 27, 2001, 11:47 PM
You'll be glad to know that the negotiations are over for version2's release.August was a precaution in case the negotiations took too long but they are now done and the discs have finished production and will meet the july release date. Be happy we won.

Jun 28, 2001, 12:07 AM
yay im so happy ;)

they better not mess with us....

Jun 28, 2001, 12:10 AM
yes i am the moogla of this world...i have come to eat ur mothers and ur sisters...hehe...

Jun 28, 2001, 12:13 AM
I'm so glad it's official, it's coming in July on it's original date since the talks are done! Now i have no worries, soon the stores will switch back the dates,actually they might not get a chance being it'll be out soo soon,but we know now. Now to RELAX....yay

Jun 28, 2001, 12:15 AM
Cool i have a score, oh i contacted watashiwa!and i'll be posting news on the main page soon!:)

Jun 28, 2001, 12:59 AM
proof man! i need proof!

Jun 28, 2001, 01:29 AM
Umm...okay...where did you read this?!I must know..I must confirm demmit!

Jun 28, 2001, 04:32 AM
whered u here that.

Jun 28, 2001, 11:34 AM
It doesnt surprise me. Sega needs money, of course they'll send it in the US.

Jun 28, 2001, 01:49 PM
if u have nothing to say on the subject keep ya fat mouth shut

Jun 28, 2001, 02:51 PM
Gunner108AUT got this confirmation news supported at the Mamak site, in the second to last paragraph it even says that the shipment will meet its July release date.The next paragraph describes how the August date was just for show, it was an estimate of when the talks would be over,but they already are so the game ships here un July, I knew it!

Jun 28, 2001, 02:55 PM
Yeah, it's good to know the release date is back to July:)

Jun 28, 2001, 03:05 PM
Since I use my Dreamcast to use the internet I don't know how to check it's history. To find some of the six sites the new date is posted on try putting in" Updated PSO Version2 release" and I believe you will find a few sites.The one i know for sure is at the Mamak site.In the second to last paragraph we see that the new product packaging has been completed snd that the games release will be on it's original date in July, when you read the last paragaph you see that the reason for the tentetive August date was a precaution in case they couldn't agree with SoJ on pricing and in case sega of japan wouldn't let us have the game at all, since the talks are over(or about finished) disc replecation has resumed and the game will ship in July. Soon retailers will be notified or they may not and just abruptly have shipments in, people around America already are playing the domestic version since they made reservations at retailers and they just got the shipment in after the talks. I hope this relieves any stress you have over the game:)

Jun 28, 2001, 03:33 PM
Yeah..I remember the MaMAk site too.All I can say is..I knew it was July all along!So BOOYEAH!

Jun 28, 2001, 05:57 PM
In the second to last paragraph of what?? I checked the Mamak site and there's nothing like this there.

Jun 28, 2001, 06:36 PM
do u have a ny idea what you are talking about? i know for a fact that they have no idea of when it comes out. they just give us any random date. so just shut up, of what your saying, getting peoples hopes up.

Jun 28, 2001, 10:37 PM
Check the first page with the articles, second to last paragraph this page as pics of challenge mode

Jun 28, 2001, 10:44 PM
Yeah you see, I wouldn't risk my reputation on something like a release date.And you should try to make sense when u write seriously,do you think the people that make the game don't know when they are going to decide to release it.Man you are just being foolish.

Jun 28, 2001, 10:59 PM
Yup its true, Gunner you are absolutely correct, having talked with you personaly not long ago plus having checked out the site myself I am now happy. And I thought I was finally going to get some sleep after the countless hours of playing PSO. "I'm sorry mother but I cant go to sleep just yet I have a game to explore!" Which is what I'd have to say when she bothers me once more about me paying too much. But ohh how I love this game. That reminds me I was supposed to get my brother candy about 20 minutes ago.

Jun 28, 2001, 11:02 PM
I work at sega, and i know what is gonna happan. it might come out in july, but we have said nothin about it is confirmed. so just back off. u have no say in this you are the foolish 1 son.

Jun 28, 2001, 11:05 PM
In light of the recent surfacing of the July releases date of version 2, I feel obligated to say, don't make any plans to go on vacation:) Some intresting competitions are coming up for the domestic version of version 2.Some nice rares you won't wanna miss will be up for grabs in challenge mode in the next month!And some 4th of July plans have most likely been made on poineer 2, hmmmm lemme guess....fireworks? Well hope to see you on. If you still cant find updated release info check Mamak and there are actually plenty of links to sites reflecting this release date on both Lycos and Yahoo!

Jun 28, 2001, 11:09 PM
Hey if you work at sega what branch are you in, you idiot. I work with sega and yes the title of PSO version2 is coming out in July.You must work at technical support,we never tell you guys anything.LOL.

Jun 28, 2001, 11:15 PM
Nice to hear from you, man some people are having trouble accepting the release date,but man they need to relax,but thanks for the support buddy:) That reminds me I need to feed the dog!

Jun 28, 2001, 11:31 PM
oh my god, Gunner is Like the savior of this world.....he is like a god...NO he is god...we must praise this absolute power....NARF!!!!!! thats IT NARF!!!!1im just so clever everyone love me im such a fool kill me now!

Jun 28, 2001, 11:35 PM
i have to take a big poo.

Jun 28, 2001, 11:39 PM
uh yeah whats up???? umm... u kinda taking this whole thing out of.... well ummm u kinda bein like watachiwa whatever blabla not like ur spoilin the game or nothin but i know u and....u not like what u say ....a loser with no life ...sorry it was just gettin to me;)

Jun 28, 2001, 11:45 PM
I just needed to repost the release date,look up at the ur an idiot parts some guy that works at sega backed me up.That makes me feel secure.

Jun 28, 2001, 11:47 PM
since u know my email send me messages its a very easy way to talk:)

Jun 29, 2001, 09:45 AM
sow...i have to pay for online play or is free cuz the negotiations are over that mean the game is free??

Jun 29, 2001, 10:03 AM
Sow...the negotiations are over that mean i DONT have to PAY for the online play???

Jun 29, 2001, 10:33 AM
Yes you will have to pay, they just decided on the price. It is all about $, this is a business after all. People can complain all they want, but online games are going to cost them. With the increase in popularity of online games there will be an increase in the cost to play them. Even in the article Mr. Moore mentions how it is just a necessity to charge people to have them play online. If this necessity mean better service and more online special features I guess it is worth it. Anyway, where there is cash to be made any business will take advantage of it, and Sega sure needs the cash!

Jun 29, 2001, 03:52 PM
What, this? "The discs are in replication and all set to meet their July date. The only snag is for S.O.A to get their payment arrangement set up so they can launch the US Hunters Guild License page."
Unless you can tell us, with PROOF, that they have finished negotiations, that means it's still going to be delayed.

Jun 29, 2001, 04:00 PM
Where are you getting all your information??

Jun 29, 2001, 05:41 PM
You know, I've been wondering the same thing... I've seen NOTHING at the MAMAK siter about this, and even more, NOTHING from Sega. Hell, if this was true IGN would have reported this long by now.

Jun 29, 2001, 07:16 PM
man u got issues. i personally think your the guy who gives the manager his sandwhich when he's hungry. ur the little nerdy bastard that runs through the building asking people what they want for lunch. i think the janitor has more say when a video game comes out. so u should back off.

Jun 29, 2001, 09:17 PM
Ok, you obviously haven't been to Mamak,look at the big article on the very first page of the site.Have I lost you yet?Now read the second to last paragraph of this article.Confused?If you're confused on the location of this article, it has the revised cover of the game on the bottom of the article.Man and ign has always been waaayyy behind on the news, sadly the Mamak and PSO world sites have absolutely more accurate info than IGN.

Jun 29, 2001, 09:17 PM
Ok, you obviously haven't been to Mamak,look at the big article on the very first page of the site.Have I lost you yet?Now read the second to last paragraph of this article.Confused?If you're confused on the location of this article, it has the revised cover of the game on the bottom of the article.Man and ign has always been waaayyy behind on the news, sadly the Mamak and PSO world sites have absolutely more accurate info than IGN and they get it sooner. Geez..

Jun 29, 2001, 09:20 PM
Man I can you guys are both nerds! You probly work at Seganet, a service with absolutely no idea about anything!

Jun 29, 2001, 09:27 PM
I'm sure you have disbeliefs about this guy spouting claims of the release date, I was at first, then I looked the things he reccomended up. I found that all of his information had proof, several sites he saw were game suppliers, they had recieved statements that they will recieve this game in July and be able to release it. He combined the articles he saw from your described article, showing the discs were in replication with the sites that recieved their info that the release date is going to be in July.You have to put 2 and 2 together to see what is really going on, he should've posted the exact pieces of the puzzle but he didn't so we just had to look for it ourselves and end up finding out he was right.

Jun 29, 2001, 11:23 PM
Look who's talking, did you happen to read this pal?
" As is now, all retailers are being notified of the new ship date being mid to late August but this again is only tentative and based on whether or not they can work out a payment that will make SEGA of Japan happy and will be accessible and affordable for U.S. gamers".
So they are STILL saying that it's on for a August release date BUT it IS still tentative. Do you need help reading that quote?

Jun 30, 2001, 02:24 AM
You know whats goin on.

Jun 30, 2001, 03:06 AM
Ok, i would like to know if it is coming out on the original release date???? none of this...yes and no stuff.some1 just find out and tell me please

Jun 30, 2001, 08:18 AM
What the hell "ETA" cuz in GAMESTOP.COM in the release of ver.2 says..."PRE-RELEASE ETA 11/1/01"...sow what mean "ETA''?????

Jun 30, 2001, 01:52 PM
do you have any idea what the word tentative means? It means that it was a temporary precaution in case the talks didnt work. If the talks worked it would be released on july 10th, and many other sites have recieved statements that the talks are over, and that the game will be released in july. Do you need people to chew your food for you?

Jun 30, 2001, 02:23 PM
This is very good news indeed, if it's true. But I have a hard time believing it, because everytime I do a search about this I just get old articles, even if I narrow the search down. If you guys are all so sure about this, will you PLEASE point us in the right direction? I need some links to confirm this. Thank you in advance...

Jun 30, 2001, 02:24 PM

Jun 30, 2001, 03:20 PM
dude can put the links of the pages you they say the talks are over i whant to see it my self

Jun 30, 2001, 03:25 PM
Can enyone tell me if are other opcion to pay the online play of ver.2??
...by the way i need the hunters shit license for the online play to???

Jul 1, 2001, 02:37 AM
Kinda funny though..I haven't seen any updates on any game distributors...I hope this game never comes to the states. Little kids don't deserve to play this game unless they are willing to pay to play like the Japanese.

Jul 1, 2001, 02:38 AM
You won't get any because its not coming to the STATES.