View Full Version : Article: New ver2 Quest

Aug 1, 2001, 08:54 AM
RazmaVI writes, "Sonic Team added a new downloadable quest today called Fatmitsu Cup. To download it, you have to set your language to Japanese. This new quest is version 2 only."

Aug 1, 2001, 04:15 PM
the Famitsu cup had happened over in japan quite a few months ago. This is not a new quest. People have been downloading this quest since the middle of may ^^

Aug 1, 2001, 05:47 PM
Version two hasn't been around since the Middle of May, yo. Read the title, new VER2 quest. It hasn't changed from the original one, though. it was just to help people convert with version two (I heard someone say that...)

Aug 2, 2001, 01:16 PM
you read the post again. "this new quest is for ver.2 only" which is not TRUe ^^...because the famitsu cup originaly happened AGES Ago (like april or so in japan"
its not a ver 2 ONLY quest because i downloaded the damn thing for PSO v.1 back in may^^

Aug 3, 2001, 12:13 AM
I'm not sure, if this is realy a quest. Mamak-int.com writes on the website, that this is some kind of a patch for those, who had problems to convert theyr characters from V1 to V2.
I downloaded it yesterday and tryed to play. The only thing that happened was, that my dreamcast was frozen. I had to switch the power off.
Can anybody confirm this??
greetings from switzerland

Aug 9, 2001, 02:04 PM