View Full Version : Article: Another V2 server maintenence

Aug 10, 2001, 04:15 PM
RazmaVI writes, "The following information has been taken from mamak-int.com (http://mamak-int.com): 'A server maintenence is coming up, and everyone will be quite pleased with the results! But before i say what will be new, Here are the times of the maintenence. JPN servers, August 20th@14:00-18:00 US/EU servers, August 20th@19:00-21:00 Don't connect to the servers at that time. And whats added after the maintenence? NEW BATTLE MODE RULES! Battle mode rule 5- Meseta team battle The team that collects the most meseta wins!! Battle mode rule 6- Close combat Fight it out in a small narrow area where there is no escape! ULTIMATE MODE COMPATIBLE ONLINE QUESTS! The lost soul blade
The lost ice spinner ULTIMATE MODE COMPATIBLE DOWNLOAD QUESTS! Soul of a craftsman, required: 73 blocks of VMU space
The hermit Hunter, required: 30 blocks of VMU space'"
Credits to Inferno10 and Russta who also submitted the same story, happy gaming! ^w^

Aug 10, 2001, 06:31 PM
OMG, :) im in heaven, 2 weeks back i wished there was a team metsa battle. now its coming true. :) gonna have to master 2 more battles now. sonic team rocks! ^ ^

Aug 10, 2001, 07:32 PM
This sounds cool, 2 new downloadable quests (wonder what ver2 rare item/mag we can get) can't wait for them now, and close range battle, i sense alot of death. Lost soul blade (if thats mines one) is going to be mental, with all those sinow's around it shall be a good challenge.

Aug 11, 2001, 10:01 AM
<tt>Grrrr, just beacause there is two new quests does NOT mean there will be any new rares in it! I hope there won't be, everytime there is a new cool quest on version one OR two, everyone says: "O! A New quest! I bet there will be rares in it!" And how many times has this been true? Only twice I can recollect. Then when we find out that there are no super rares in it, the quest is shunned and no-one plays it even though it is really neat.
And no one ever played the mesta battles in the first place, why is now a team sport? It would be better if Sonic Team added a new Warp or Most Kills Wins setting or rules. PLUS- It sounds like Close-Combat is just another battle where Hunters get the upperhand. I.E.- Rangers have no advantage because they are long range fighters and forces are too weak to survive close-quarters fighting.</tt>

Aug 11, 2001, 09:59 PM
razma is a loser

Aug 11, 2001, 11:54 PM
Gotta agree with that.

Aug 11, 2001, 11:55 PM
Mmmmm-ehhhhh... nothing can please me more than anti-cheat stuff, ya know.

Aug 12, 2001, 12:04 AM
To lasy to log on right now, this is C.J. Frost to those who play with me, and Casper Frost to any who remember my brief appearance at the board.
How is razma a loser, you stupid hack I have played with razma a few times and from what I have seen he has been a decent player in battle it is fun teamin with him (if this is the same razma I know) and in game he don't swipe your sh*t when ya die so in my book that makes him anything but a loser, to do this just to say someone is a loser shows that you yourself are pathetic.

Aug 15, 2001, 07:09 AM
CJ frost stole my red handgun, he borrowed when I told him to put away his needle, the logged off