View Full Version : Article: OT: America attacked by terrorists.

Sep 11, 2001, 07:36 PM
I'm sure you all know about the incidents that have happened today. Let us pray for the friends and family of people involved with this horrible tragedy. Let us also pray for the president of the United States, George Bush, pray that he makes smart decisions and will ensure the saftey of not just the US people, but for any other people in other countries also. In all of this, we must all join together to show these terrorists that we won't let this slide by, and will join together to do what is just and what deserves to be done. Continue to show your support for peace, and if we take some action, that it be for the best and not for our own blood thirsty revenge. On a side note... feel free to discuss the events in the forums. Please limit flaming and racial attacks on ANYONE, for we must not jump to conclusions. Give your regards to those who could be very well horrified, depressed, or confused. This is a very serious time, please show your support for those in need. Thank you and God bless.
~PSO World Staff, Written by Castelak

Sep 11, 2001, 07:38 PM
yes this is a very scary and depressing time... I am not going to sleep at all tonight I live ten fukking minutes away from new york so i am friggen scared..... :(

Sep 11, 2001, 07:55 PM
Today is the most horrific day of my short 28 years on this Earth! I had just moved and didnt have any TV or internet until 4 pm today and my roomate came home to tell me the news. My thoughts and wishes go out to those families who have lost loved ones. I only hope that President Bush takes swift action. These people are hate filled and have no value for human life. I only hope that this is the last of it's kind.

Sep 11, 2001, 08:23 PM
What ever happen when people could live in happyness and act normal but I guess some people cant act normal just lets hope something gets done about this we cant take this laying down they must be broght to justice just lets hope everyone in New York is ok I live in chicago and I know whats going in their mind fear and rage those people have no honer in acting as good people I hope nothing else like this happens and for those of you in New York hang in there.

Sep 11, 2001, 09:14 PM
This was one of the fucking scariest things of life that I have encountered... And to the souls that had their lives taken away today, may they rest in peace. I also pray to that this will never ever happen again... This has to be one of the most tragic and saddest day of my life T_T

Sep 11, 2001, 10:22 PM
Looks like "Ultimate Dark Falz" really did hit US shores on september 11th.
-A day that will live in infamy!

Sep 11, 2001, 10:30 PM
My heart goes out to all the People affected by this. Dont forget that many people from New York play PSO.
i pray for us all,

Sep 12, 2001, 01:22 AM
This is a real sad day fo sho.......
my social studies teacher said,
"todays news is a history in the future."
I really believe this and i hope the people who died in the attack rest in peice.......
This kind of deal should never happen....
It will lead to WW3 fo sho if they keep it up....
I am sho the terrorist will do something dum again in the next 3 weeks........
RIP and hopes to all

Sep 12, 2001, 01:29 AM
my prayers to all of the people who have died to day.We live in a great country and to me this was a wake up.Peace will never be real in this world no matter what some one says the reality is as long as there is people in this world peace will never be. people think diffrent we are human after all not animals some one can say that those f-ing terrorist acted like inhuman monsters or animals but the sad truth is they acted like human beings they made a stupid ignorant choice in killing all those people but like i said humans can think and make choices even if there bad ones.now some of us want some kind of action taken on who ever did this wether it be a group or country "eye for an eye right" and some people which I doubt there are if any few will say that we will be no better than they are ect. ect. well these people in my opinion are F-ing dumb we have to show the world that we are not some kind of bitch country and teach those people who sent the terrorist to kill that we will not be fuc with and that there is a price to pay of such an atrocity.

Sep 12, 2001, 03:19 AM
Its not the worst thing that could have happened many ppl helped the wounded this just shows as a race of humans we still can show signs of great promise it saddens me that some un informed pll can do such horrific acts unto the ppl we share genetic links too and also makes me happy to see that the ppl who did help did it cuz they wanted so its a horrible day yet it proves we still r united as a ppl
i hope this nevers happens again

Sep 12, 2001, 08:11 AM
Very sad and very scary. I thank the staff of PSOworld for at least saying something about this and being polite to people and not automaticlly accusing someone of these horrible charges. I live clear in Seattle, and I am scared since my dad has to fly to Alaska today to go to work. I am scared not only because of that, but because another attack might hit Seattle and I might not be typing something like this anymore. It's sad for those who tried to save the people in the buildings and for those who died. This is the first time I have experienced anything worse than the WTO in Seattle. Being 14, I hope we find who did it, and give them a taste of their own medicine. Let's see how they like 8000+ people! Anyway, I have now said enough and, again, thank you PSOworld for comforting people who are scared to death (no pun intended, if any) about this situation.

Sep 12, 2001, 09:02 AM
hang in there man and don't panic the last thing ya need to do panic. As for ya dad i'm sure he's fine so don't worry. As for everyone here in New York, keep ya head up, and have faith that the ppl who did this WILL pay and it will never happen again

Sep 12, 2001, 03:00 PM
I recently just got a phone call at around 3:45est of wednesday and i learned that i lost two very close people to me. My uncle who was a fire fighter and a very close friend that we play paintball with. this is a very emotional time for me and my family. this has been very difficult to bear. this has made me begin to realize that our lives can be wiped out in a matter of minutes and a bit of advice make good with your sins because u cant say your sorry after your gone. I have made some wrong choices with my family me being 15 im at the age where i dont like to be with my parents. as a person in a movie once said "i have often feared my sins would come back to visit me and the cost is more than i can bare" {mel gibson, The Patriot} and as we have done over time we will pull through this and not let the sacrifices of people like my uncle be in vein stick straight to the path and be proud of the nation that he died to protect. And to whoever did this horrible trajedy i feel pitty for you. because u will end up dead and most likely many more people will die in vein trying to protect you but as long as your head ends up on a silver platter i can care less and just be4 you die we are going to make you curse your own mother for giving birth to you.
To all the people that gave their lives and are there right now volunteering their hours. You will be in my prays tonight and for weeks even months to come
Goodbye uncle Tommy, and James. Rest Peacefully may you sore with the birds up in heaven and one day we will be joined in dreams again

Sep 12, 2001, 03:01 PM
Oh Come On Peaple this has Nothing to do with PSO, keeep it realated eh? EVERY person in the word knows this. So yes its a horrible thing, HAs ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH PSO! Doesnt deserve headline news on a game site. U think i want to here about this from here to?? Its only on every channel, radio station, ect... LETS KEEP IT ABOUT PSO plz!!

Sep 12, 2001, 03:23 PM
dont forget PSO is also a community where people come together during goodtimes and bad ones. and i think if u were a decent person u would show some respect so if u can find a legitament reason why this shouldnt be posted then u can talk to me if u dont like it dont read it.

Sep 12, 2001, 06:49 PM
You know, sometimes i want people like you as replacement for the innocent peoples who died last day.
Yeah, i want insensitive fucks like you DEAD.

Sep 12, 2001, 07:02 PM
Im sorry that had to happend. May god bless them both, and everyone who was hurt. *amen*

Sep 12, 2001, 07:05 PM
May god help us all through this troubled time of pain. *amen*

Sep 12, 2001, 08:27 PM
I live in mexico, you must be very proud of your uncle, he died like an hero, helping people he hardly knew, but he didnt care, for me thats a true hero, I would like to die like that, helping others, but your country is strong and what makes a country strong? its people, so do what you americans aare the best being strong!!!

Sep 12, 2001, 08:36 PM
Its hard to realize what had happened, I live in Mexico, I would love to be there helping people, so many people died, just in a few moments they are not with us anymore, its so fast, We are so fragile and vulnerable, the worst thing is that it is men against men, without a doubt U.S.A is the strongest country this days and its people is what makes it strong, so do what you do best: be strong!!!
Dominus bobiscum

Sep 12, 2001, 09:44 PM
tisk tisk tisk I pity you behind he people in pso are people with feelings and emotions so show respect for them cause it could happen to anyone were not protechted in a bubble you know so quit thinking about yourself I got a buddy whos on vacation and I havent heard from him yet and I'm wourryed so show some respect and I hope me buddy Tom calls to tell me if hes ok.

Sep 12, 2001, 11:08 PM
May they rest in peace. Your Uncle truly died as a hero. There is no greater deed to be done in the world than what he has done.

Sep 12, 2001, 11:09 PM
I can't believe you posted that. Tens of thousands of people died. You have no respect!

Sep 12, 2001, 11:45 PM
you talking about me?

Sep 13, 2001, 06:13 PM
Remember, maybe some of the people who died that day were PSO players too... ever think of that? What happened if a certain player you knew was caught up in that mess?

Sep 13, 2001, 06:14 PM
I dont see this as anydisrespect and am sorry if u feel that way. I just think its not proper news for a GAME site. If the News that had apeared on PSO world main page had been more like "This is sure to be a popular subject on the Us servers, and let us all hope and pray for those lost and those who are directly impacted by the loss of a loved one." the new tho thats was posted was bland and out of place. Yes this is a horrible event in world history...but looking back there has been worse offenses taken place. I wish all to also just remember fealing of hate make us no better than them. And more violence is not the answer.

Sep 13, 2001, 06:19 PM
LOOK ALL I SAID WAS THIS NEWS IS OUT OF PLACE! duh i know ppl in that area im deeply saddened by this. but dont you think game sites should stick to game news?

Sep 13, 2001, 07:23 PM
weston, I haven't read other people's replies to you but i think the titles say it all. I hope you read this, I know i'm late, but hey. Anyways. I understand what you are saying. You are mourning because of the loss, and this game is an escape for you. You don't want to be reminded of the terrible everywhere you turn. I've carried the weight of this world on my shoulders since I was three years old, and am now quite comfortable with it. So i understand your dillema. But just to make you feel better about other peoples response to you. If it helps. I will say this. I have recently seen a disadvantage in my nature. I think first. When a travesty occurs, everyone goes down to their basest instincts. My knee jerk reaction to these situations, mostly because i have long since come to terms with the actions of humanity, and far greater travesties than this one, is to accept it, and try to think of how to make amends. I sent an email to a friend of mine. Thinking out loud and being philosophical as is my nature. As I do when I feel a tradgedy. Someone very dear to her had died and I offended her. We can't expect others to accept such a response to this situation so quickly. Feel first, then think. That's what most people do. Let them, and accept them. Even accept their abuse. Be the rock. And let yourself create balance in the storm. Its all I can do. I don't know if you are the type as well. But just in case. Let us not get angry for what people say. Even the ones who shout rediculous things like "nuke the middle east!". I've already almost vomited over that twice today. Let us try to be strong. The world needs people who are strong enough to accept now. And in time. A matter of weeks. It will need people who are strong enough to see through the fog.

Sep 13, 2001, 08:13 PM
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologise to a friend of mine. I sent her an email the night this happened that was not as compassionate as it should have been. It is not that the events that have past do not sadden me. Let me make this absolutely clear before i apologise, but that is all I will leave outside the box of my apology. I sent an email to a friend being myself, and thinking aloud. The problem is that I am a very unique person. It is my knee jerk reaction to a situation like this to understand it and try to think of solutions. It is a trait of a great leader, but not always a trait of a great man. It makes it difficult for me to be sympathetic in times such as these. When a travesty occurs we all go down to our basest instincts. Most people feel before they think. I do the opposite. The world does not want to understand now. The world is still feeling. I will humbly accept that fact. I have always felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I have always been appalled by humanity. I used to be "The Catcher in the Rye", but I have long since come to terms with humanity, so I do not feel tradgedy the way most people do. In me, sorrow is a constancy that lives alongside joy. But the point of this message is not to do it all over again. The point is that I'm sorry. No matter how right or wrong I may be about the cause of these events, the perfectly natural fact is that people are greiving now, and they do not want to think about the cause. The effect is still to poingnant, and too tragic in our minds. I have recently learned that someone she loves was in that building and I pray for her safety. May whatever you believe in be on your side. Even if its nothing. I dont think its humanly feasable for us to disagree with the tradgedy of these events. Even the terrorists UNDERSTAND (i use that in the tightest context of the word. that is to say, they don't neccessarily think its a bad thing even though they understand). Civilians have no place in war. And wars without civility only give rise to massacres, which is exactly what we have seen. May we all make amends. May we reflect upon what it means to kill civilians and never let history repeat itself again. I'll be the best rock I can. And may I be of some help in the storm of emotions we all understand. Forgive me friend. Its the task and passion of any artist to make sense of the world surrounding him. I was being compassionate in my own strange way.
John Donne said it best:
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Euope is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."
John Donne

Sep 13, 2001, 11:42 PM
No that other gut that said it has nothing to do with PSO.

Sep 13, 2001, 11:43 PM
No. I think this event affects everyone and everything. There were very few sites that did not give thier condolences. Sites that were probably run by people like you...

Sep 14, 2001, 12:56 PM
Thanks atleast some one understands this. Yes i find i think before i feel. But doesn't mean i dont feel. I dont know about other ppl who submit replys but i read replies to my own submitions and apprieciate the good and bad responces. pardon my spelling im not quite up yet.
Once again thank you

Sep 14, 2001, 12:59 PM
I doubt it. if i had a web site i would never post world news on it. or national if it was not my sites topic.

Sep 21, 2001, 02:19 AM
you've carried the weight of ther world on your shoulders since 3????????

sorry bud its time to grow up and get over yourself, i hardly think you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders..............lay off the self pity.
if anything nows not the time to pity yourself, no matter how socrates you think you are

Sep 22, 2001, 02:10 PM
And so goes off another mouth that has no clue about the reality of it all, First off those without self pity should be shot because they think them selves perfect, Second the weight of the world simplely means realities of life, So! who realy needs to get a life here?

Sep 27, 2001, 08:03 AM
This attack is a terrible thing but I find it A bit ironic. NORAD raises funds for the IRA in New York wonder how may people have been killed in Northen Ireland with that Gun Money mmmmmm makes you think. Well I got that off my chest I do not support the strike on the WTC but it was gonna happen you play with fire you get burnt by it.