View Full Version : Article: A way to meet Chin, Ya, and Don?

Oct 10, 2001, 05:15 PM
RazmaVI writes, "MAMAK (http://www.mamak-int.com) reports: During the Famitsu Cup quest event, players can utilize the choice search settings to look for other Famitsu players. Remember to set your language in Japanese and search for other `Famitsu players' under these settings (Japanese encoding required, using IE5 or 6 - right click & select encoding, select Japanese shift-JIS or Japanese auto select) ?w???????????c?????????I?x
(go to mamak to see the JP) Translation:
I want to meet a strong person!
No quarter given!</br> To the corporate chief's room
Players are encouraged to use these search settings and who knows? Maybe you just might meet Chin, Ya & Don."
Alright, I'm not quite sure what this means, sounds like a riddle... but in "choice select" in the first selection, the 3 clues are the last 3 choices in that choice! Happy Hunting!

Oct 10, 2001, 06:05 PM
OK heres the thing guys-Two of my friends were in a jp blocks(i cant remeber where) and meet some jp player with quiet a large name from these two people discriptions-well the jp player gave each of them two "GAME MAGAZINE" each! now this might be some other player-or just some idiotic stunt by a cheat device user,who knows.

Oct 11, 2001, 03:45 AM
who's this chiin, ya, and don that the article talks about?

Oct 11, 2001, 05:14 PM
they give u a special item called game magazine,onlny they can give it to you,apprently

Oct 11, 2001, 06:26 PM
To all you people put there who has the game magazine. What special ablities does it have??

Oct 11, 2001, 08:18 PM
I have one,it works as a phopats of motav-its blue with a comic char on it and jp writing-it has no special-NO REQUIERMENT. it is considered a cane and the descripition tels u off "URAENDING" at the opening screen-it rolls the credits.