View Full Version : Article: MAMAK'S On a Roll!

Oct 14, 2001, 05:17 PM
Dyze_Skeearmon writes, "Several screenshots have been added to MAMAK's news site including portrait sketches of the three new player classes and more of the Swamp level. MAMAK's info (http://www.mamak-int.com/index2.htm)
Cutemania (http://www.cutemania.com/pso/sd_diary_h/tgs.html) (the image's original source)"
Thank you Dyze! Noticable changes I've seen from the footage and screens is that there is terrain now, not just flat plains but hills and pits. Also the warps and other barriers are totally different. We'll keep you informed of any new info concerning PSO for GC/Xbox!

Oct 14, 2001, 07:34 PM
Is it me, or is that Swamp level looking more and more like the Forest-type level from SA2? :P

Oct 15, 2001, 09:59 AM
This site is getting to be like "relayed news from Mamak ... plus some PSO v1 stuff".

Oct 15, 2001, 08:10 PM
wow that is really cool but...how about this idea, sega makes a NEW game, instead of ver2 ver3, how about just PSO 2.I mean I'm gonna end up buying the gamecube for this version two rehash but maybe sega should stop you know, making redundant games with nearly no differences. When i imported version 2 for dc, i was pissed cuz it was over in a week, nothing seemed new or fun, with three new classes this will add about and extra week and a half to it's life span but if they made a new game, entirely new, the fun play time would last for 6 months at least. They need to make pso2 with an entirely new game play system, like interplanetary travel like the other ps games, new weapon types new classes enemies stages, and even a new guild sytem that makes quests fun and interesting,and how about a global span of play, like instead of tiny little areas you cycle through 100 times ,make it one big world.

Oct 16, 2001, 10:06 AM
I'm with you one that one. I personally love PSO (10 chars, all sections and classes) and will be getting the Game Cube Version x. But interplanetary like the good ol' days would be the ticket. These different versions reminds me of Street Fighter,2, turbo, lighting, turbo, chapionchip ed. But until then I'll be content with my ver 2 :). I still have 10 chars to get up to 200. lol
Till next time,
PSO love to all Hunters out there!
Time to kick Falz Bin Ladin's Bootay!