View Full Version : Article: Making a Valentines Day Chocolate

Feb 11, 2002, 06:38 PM
Whatley writes, "I just did the Valentine's day quest with Celia =^-^=. The quest is located in Event. You don't fight at all in the quest. The quest takes place all on P2. Like mentioned before it is for girls only. When you walk out of the guild there are no men around. The tekker, the guy that sells the armor and the guy that sells weapons aren't even there. Plus there is no one in the principals office. Here is what to do to make your chocolate: First talk to the baking sister that is near the teleport area. she will ask you what ingrediant would you like to use. The choices you have to to from are:
block chocolate
block chocolate
block chocolate
What a variety of choices. After getting the block chocolate head to the hospital. That is where you will be making the chocolate. Talk to the Sister behind the counter. She will tell you that you can make your chocolate there using her utensils. But you have to use the utensils in the correct order to make a good chocolate. You have a choice of 3 utensils to use:
Utensil Mold
Utensil Melt
Utensil Cool
It is not that hard to guess what order to use the utensils in. Aftermakeing the chocolate the sister will tell you that one of her other sisters can wrap the chocolate for you. The other sister is across from the teleporter that goes to the principal's office. Talk to her and she will wrap your chocolate. Now you have a Valentine Day Chocolate. Check your inventory and you will see it. Now you can give it to someone you like or love. Now go out there and make some chocolate!"