View Full Version : Article: Phantasy Star .. offline? North American online status uncertain.

Apr 23, 2002, 08:17 PM
Quoting from the description of PSO Episode I & II for Gamecube at Nintendo.com, "At this time it is unclear whether or not the North American Nintendo GameCube version of Phantasy Star will feature global online gameplay. Sega has announced that Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, scheduled for release in Japan only, will support online play... It is certain, however, that you'll be able to sit down with three friends and take out enemies in PSO's offline multiplayer mode."
See it for yourself by clicking here (http://www.nintendo.com/games/gamepage/gamepage_main.jsp?gameId=619).
Thanks to BaruBanana for this information. BTW, I'm glad I'm importing. ;)

Apr 23, 2002, 10:36 PM
Damn! Playing with 3 freinds in split screen mode sucks! What a horid idea for offline mulitplayer! They could have made it a LAN feature but they are lazy and cheezy and now they may deliver the game offline? Come on man. I'm a huge PSO AND Phantasy Star phan but if your going to give it to us offline only, then why not scrap it all together and release Phantasy Star V?? Nintendo is losing it. I bought my Cube because I enjoyed PSO on my DC so much. I love the system but got they are making so many mistakes and this one regarding PSO is the one of the worst yet. :( Hey Nintendo there is a reason it's called Phantasy Star Online!!!!

Apr 24, 2002, 01:49 AM
Yeah, this is why Nintendo is unworthy of the Phantasy Star franchise. They BETTER not make it offline-only! I shall be PISSED should they do so!

Apr 24, 2002, 07:14 AM
That is just dumb. I can't believe that both Sega and Nintendo would allow a game called Phantasy Star Online to go without network play. I really doubt they'd release it without any chnace of online play. Maybe they would do that thing they talked about earlier where they release the game with the 4 player splitscreen, and the code for online, but only 4 player split screen would be available until Nintendo gets the modems out.
Oh, and by the way, the article on Nintendo's site said PSO had over 2.6 million users. Where did that come from? I thought it was only like 300,000.

Apr 24, 2002, 03:42 PM
This is an outrage!! I think Nintendo has gone nut. Fortunately ,I think PSO will end up being online. As far as offline, I think it's a great idea. When your friends are over you can play PSO and when they are away you can play onlie( hopefully). It also comes in handy when you have guest. Just make them play PSO with you.

Apr 24, 2002, 04:02 PM
The main reason I am (or maybe was) getting a GCN is because PSO was coming out for it. That was GCN's soul purpose for me to buy it and now that it might still be offline only,,, I'm thinking that I'll be holding out on getting a GCN after all. UGH. How disappointing.

Apr 24, 2002, 04:47 PM
Might as well wait to see if PSO is online, and for memory card 251.

Apr 24, 2002, 08:16 PM
Nintendo is dead. The whole they are making themselfs is just getting bigger. What this means is that they have no online plans in the US. There is no reason to own a GCN. When Sony and MS are going to be providing better games and have Online Plans. Sega better stop playing Nintendo's games and move on to other consoles and companies who will take them seriously.

Apr 24, 2002, 08:36 PM
I agree with you man. As much as I love WHAT Nintendo is capable of they just refuse to compete or even try to some extents! This is ridiculous! PSO is a one player offfline game. Split screen sucks. Mario Kart 64 was so fun but when you tried to play with freinds it was a horrid experience! You'd end up squinting to see the action! With PSO it will harder since you need as much screen to yourself with all the action going on! Here's an Idea that I cant believe they never went with.......why are there an ungodly number of special quests with little side stories that offer cool prizes for completing in offline mode with NPC's? That would be totally cool, but I guess they'd rather make it hard on us! :( It's GOT to be online if it's going to stay alive and if Nintendo wants to not let Xbox take a BIG step ahead of them.....and for god's sake, release a Broadband modem or alot of will not be able to play!

Apr 24, 2002, 10:09 PM
Ok are you all fricken stupid? If Sega decided to do this it would have nothing to do with Nintendo. This doesnt say anything new except the new title "Episode I & II", its pretty much the exact same thing this page has said for months. An the only thing this points at if even anything is U.S. could be seperate from Jp servers. Read > "global online gameplay"....make any sense?
Oh yeah, get some f'n balls an use your name instead of posting anonymously!

Apr 24, 2002, 10:24 PM
MarkXIII, I'm with ya on this one, the rest of you need to pay a little more attention to what your reading and think before posting/replying some half @ss thought out rant (I mean, do you really think Sega is stupid enough to a version of Phantasy Star ONLINE, that is'nt ONLINE).
The values of the weak prevail because the strong have taken them over as devices of leadership.

Apr 24, 2002, 10:29 PM
MarkXIII, I'm with ya on this one, the rest of you need to pay a little more attention to what your reading and think before posting/replying some half @ss thought out rant (I mean, do you really think Sega is stupid enough to a version of Phantasy Star ONLINE, that is'nt ONLINE).
The values of the weak prevail because the strong have taken them over as devices of leadership.

Apr 25, 2002, 08:49 AM
Hmmmm seems like some of you critizing everyone else should pay a bit more attention yoursleves. In past articles that werent posted here on PSO World stated that it was NOT Seag, but Nintendo that is dragging it's feet with PSO. They dont want PSO to be a game that sells systems and they dont want to have only one online game avaliable at the time of PSO's release. This has nothing to do with Sega at all. Sega simply stated that if Nintnendo didnt have the modems and online capabilities ready soon that they would consider releasing the game anyway and let us play offline until Nintendo's online plan is ready. Either way you look at it Nintnendo is digging themselves into an even bigger hole. I say if Nintendo cant get thier act together, Sega oughta take PSO somewhere else. Nintendo has had plenty of time to prepare for this.

Apr 25, 2002, 10:39 AM
E3 is around the corner.
Just a thought.

Apr 25, 2002, 04:28 PM
That is stupid! That takes away about 75% of the game! I can't play 4-Player split offline with a dinky little screen you can barely see! I hope this gets fixed!

Apr 25, 2002, 10:31 PM
You seem to forget that Sega makes the game an Sega is making it ONLINE in Japan. If it ended up being offline in the U.S. it would be Sega's decision. duh! So go find some other reason to bitch about Nintendo because they have nothing to do with it happening. An get a clue while your at it.

Apr 25, 2002, 11:51 PM
Funny how I'm a huge Nintendo fan yet you say I'm gripping. Sega MAKES the game and wether it is online or offline when it's released for GC is a pointless debate. The game will be online ready, Nintendo is dragging it's feet with the modem(s). Ultimately it IS Nintendo's decision on when to release a game for THIER system. Sega has some say so but Nintendo gets final word. Remember, Sega works for Nintendo now. Im not gripping about Nintendo I was just pointing out a sad fact that Nintendo is making a big mistake by not getting their modems out and having online plans already completed!

Apr 26, 2002, 02:36 AM
You keep pointing out a fact that isnt true dumbass. If the game is gonna be online in Japan, how is it Nintendo's problem if it is not in the U.S.? It has absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo an in no way does this news article state Nintendo refueses to release a modem in the U.S. Actualy it says exactly what it has for months an quite possible thats because the game hasnt been given a release date for the U.S. market. So until Nintendo comes out an says they will not be releasing a modem for the U.S./North American market stfu.

Apr 26, 2002, 08:36 AM
Is seems this sites visitors and user are all kids. I'm outa here. All you people like to do is flame and you are oblivious to so many faxts. Goodbye

Apr 26, 2002, 02:15 PM
There is easy answer for you Americans! Yes! Come and live in Japan! ^o^
I am sorry that this is said by Naka-san. I have many friends from USA and I want to play with them on gamecube.

Apr 27, 2002, 08:43 PM
Seriously, people should READ and THINK before they post comments and make a fool of themselves.
It says GLOBAL online play, not online play altogether. And the most probable reason they have for doing this is because of how PSO on Dreamcast was hacked all the way to hell and back, and if peiople are going to cheat, they want to keep it from spreading to the Japanese and European servers. Think of it like putting a quarantine on the US servers.

Apr 30, 2002, 04:51 PM
Japanese players cheated too. They're not totally innocent.

May 11, 2002, 11:48 PM
man does ne1 still play pso??

May 16, 2002, 09:40 PM
Quit complaining about stupid games and get a life. People do live and interact outside of online games.

May 23, 2002, 12:01 AM
....well I will buy Phantasy Star Online, even if Sega is stupid enough too Make Phantasy Star Online...Offline..
(Phantasy Star Offline.. theres no ring to it..)
....altho i seriously doubt that It will be offline...
I know Sega has let us down in Previous time's. But Sega has also Came threw in times before....
So i suggest those of you who aggre with me, do not Dispise Sega, or Phantasy Star Online for that matter...
.........if i'v said it once.. i'v said it a million times... "all we can do ..is wait.."