View Full Version : Article: PSOW Welcoming browsing Guests.

Oct 30, 2002, 11:55 PM
With the release of the GameCube version of PSO Episodes 1&2 as well as the upcoming X-Box release I wanted to welcome many of the new guests browsing. Many of the guests are actually longtime PSOW readers and some have submitted news and information to the site as well. Those of you roaming in the background have also helped make this site grow.

We would like to encourage that all the Anonymous/Guest users go ahead and sign up for a username here (user.php) at PSOW. Its entirely free, we do not use or benefit from your information. We would just like to see our guests feel as friends and become a member of this vast community we contain.

We have several contests coming up that will include prizes to be won. Our forums are active throughout the day and we welcome you to join in on the friendly enviroment thats been in place for almost 2 years.

Either way its ok whatever you decide but give it a thought and perhaps we might see your name around.


Oct 31, 2002, 12:59 AM
it's great being back in the pso community :-D. It's been so long. PSO v2 jap was sooo long ago and such a letdown. So far (even without the damn keyboard) PSO gc rules!

Hope to see some old faces (maybe some new!)



Oct 31, 2002, 01:17 AM
I'd really like to be able to play with some of our posters when I finally get GC PSO. Until then, I can only know you on the boards, so post!

Oct 31, 2002, 11:46 AM
Yes, Welcome :) Anytime time you want to play with the PSO World staff or any regulars, just go to our meeting block, which is...wait a MINUTE! Do we have a meeting block !? =/

Oct 31, 2002, 01:48 PM
There will be a poll on the main page soon to choose a PSOW meeting block. Wheeee.

Nov 1, 2002, 03:15 PM
the news is right it is totally free because if i had to pay you will not be seeing only1gameguru