View Full Version : Article: PSO Importers Let Us Know!

Nov 12, 2002, 05:18 PM
lollipoplolita writes, "PSOW members who have the JP GC PSO, would you like a contest too? With the new PSOW contest we have coming up for this weekend, we would like to know if there is enough JP importers that want a contest to be held on the JP ship too, just to be fair. Contest rules and set up will be the same. So please let us know if you would like us to hold one too for you guys! If so, we can hold one back to back!
UPDATE:: There will be no JP Contest due to the fact that there are not enough participating importers, we can't have a contest with just 5 people, can we?"

Nov 12, 2002, 05:46 PM
Definately! Let's just hope that not everybody has traded their JP version for the US version.

Nov 12, 2002, 06:48 PM
I would definitely like to. But it rly seems there's not many importers left, rigel 7 is a lot less populated now... =/

Nov 12, 2002, 06:49 PM

Nov 12, 2002, 07:31 PM
If so do it another day then the US one. I can't handle winning both in one day. That'll be too cruel to my many followers. lol

Nov 12, 2002, 07:32 PM

Nov 13, 2002, 11:10 AM
give it a week. if the repair center decides i voided my warantee i'm gonna need a little time to buy another

Nov 13, 2002, 11:49 AM
Yeah i'd definatly be up for it. I don't even know what it is but i'll enter.

Nov 13, 2002, 11:01 PM
Yes, do it. Import for life, that would be the only fair way