View Full Version : Article: Yahoo! Cup Extended!

Sep 19, 2005, 02:56 PM
The Yahoo Cup has been extended! With the 30 million prize within player?s grasp, the end of the cup has been moved ahead one week to Tuesday, September 27 at 10am GMT-7. All players can now continue to push forward and reach the 30 million prize!
What is the 30 million point prize? We are happy to reveal the prize: All quest participants will be working towards a 2x droprate across all Episodes. The droprate will be doubled for 1 month if users can reach the 30 million point prize! If there?s an item you are hunting, now is the time to play Yahoo Cup and increase your chances.
The Final Push continues! Grab your friends and meet in Hyperion 2, the official ship and block, for MA2 games.
GO GO GO! Thanks Clumsyorchid! Original post here (http://boards.sega.com/psobb/viewtopic.php?t=36659).
EDIT: Looks like ST goofed again. The quest has disapeared from the servers. We'll update again when more is known about the situation.
Edit2: Ok quest is back up. Go!

Sep 20, 2005, 08:24 AM
Quest isnt availble at the quest counter anymore ATM. 3.24 PM GMT+1

Sep 20, 2005, 10:38 AM
This is just becoming a joke. I've already given Sonic team a good few chances to clean up their act, and they go and blow it again. Well, thats me gone -_-