View Full Version : PSO is changing for the worse

Mar 9, 2001, 12:09 PM
Hey guys. I've noticed lately that PSO is going downhill, and quick. The duping, the stealing, etc. I honestly think this game has great potential. The built in universal translator that allows you to chat with other nationalities is a great way to learn about other cultures and make friends around the world. It's a shame that everything is going sour in the game. I have gotten to the point where i will not play online unless its with trusted friends. Sadly enough, those friends are dwindling away because they are tired of all the BS going on in the game. I myself have started over as a low level character so people stop asking me if i have mag cell, eggblaster, holy ray etc... I honestly believe this game could be so much better if people ated maturely and were respectful. I know this whole post sounds gay, but honestly, I'd like to hear from people that feel the same way I do, so I can find some new friends to play with. It's gotten to the point were i don't trust anyone any more, and its rather depressing.

Mar 9, 2001, 12:23 PM

I am sorry to hear that you are losing your PSO faith. Altho, there are certainly many areas of concern, I still find myself racing home every night just to play more. I enjoy hanging out and meeting people, and i have found a ton of new PSO friends through this website.

You are welcome to play with me anytime, and i promise not to beg for an egg blaster.

Mar 9, 2001, 12:26 PM
Ash kicks ass! Hell yeah!
Had to get that outta my system.
*Aherm* I beilieve that I have played you before but I'm not sure, anyways, I'm just sick of everything, but mostly the whinning. I'm a member of Hell's Arsenal, which is an elete guild. We are against cheating, duping and theiving. Contact me if you want me info.

Mar 9, 2001, 12:40 PM
Oh my god! Another disciple of Ash! I see that u too have taken to heart his words of wisdom. Everything in life can be solved by his wonderous sayings. "Good, bad, i'm the one with the gun." That is the meaning of life! Anyways, I just started over so i'm probably behind the power curve. But hey, I still have fun on PSO. It's an addiction that has gotten my ass fried many times. No matter how bad it gets, i'll still play.

Mar 9, 2001, 12:43 PM
"Gimme some sugar, baby."

Mar 9, 2001, 12:47 PM
" Go ahead! Go ahead and run to MAMA! Me, i say we fight it out!"

Mar 9, 2001, 12:51 PM
"Kaltu Veratu...Ne*cough cough*tu..."

Mar 9, 2001, 12:57 PM
"Allright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This...is my BOOMSTICK! It's a 12 gauge double barreled remington, S-marts top of the line. That's right, this baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt steel, and a hair trigger. So shop smart. Shot S-Mart. ....YOU GOT THAT?!?!?"

Mar 9, 2001, 01:06 PM
ROFLMAO, you guys try the new Evil Dead game yet? Its got Bruce Cambell doing all the voices. Gonna try it tonight http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_cool.gif.

Mar 9, 2001, 01:10 PM
The only thing that stopped me from getting was, ironically enough, PSO. I'm gonna get it soon though. I can't get enough Bruce Campbell. There was a playstation game that he did voices in called Broken Helix. That game almost made me drop loaf in my pants it was so funny. Hail to the King, Baby!

Mar 9, 2001, 01:15 PM
lol, lets not forget JOAT, may it rest in peace. Lets have a moment of silence please...

"I woulda knocked but my fist had other plans"

Mar 9, 2001, 01:18 PM
The Evil Dead game sucks butt. I'm a pretty big Evil Dead fan (EXCEPT Army Of Darkness which plumbed the depths of stupidity) but that game really blows. Rent it if you must try it.

Mar 9, 2001, 01:29 PM
my fav - 'First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me - Blow.'

I too am sick of playing with lvl100 Xploder kids who get hit once on very hard by a booma and almost die and ask for Holy Ray over and over and over... annoying! I usally go to the EU servers as the lag is never that bad and I run into much less whining and begging but that might also have to do with the fact that it is 3am there when I am on http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif .

The Three Kingdoms PSO Guild is also anti cheating and theiving and so on. Sadly though.. most members are sick of playing online....

Mar 9, 2001, 02:01 PM
Evil dead kicks ass, what are u talking about? Ash wasn't the true ass kicker he is now revered as until Armies of Darkness. I forgot about the blow line. BWAHAHAHAH. I love that movie. Here's another killer line:

"Lady, I'm afraid im gonna have to ask you to leave the store." "Who are you?" "Names Ash. Housware." "I'll swallow your soul!!!" "Come get some."

Mar 9, 2001, 02:14 PM

As Bruce Campbell fan, and a legit PSO player, I can sympathize and encourage you not to give up hope. Just try to find a few players you know are legit, and search for them when you logon. They're out there, they just are harder to find than the billions of hackers / dupers.

'Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.'


Mar 9, 2001, 02:22 PM
Hey guys. My character lv 44 got deleted, so i have a force now. i have a lv 200 churle, (Accidentally changed a pian to a churle, lol) and it lets me do a lot of damage for a lv 8 guy. should i keep him, or trade for good sh.it and start buildin my own mag?

Mar 9, 2001, 02:31 PM
I want to get a ChainSawd just so I can look like Ash...that's the first thing I noticed when I saw it.

Mar 9, 2001, 06:36 PM
Army of Darkness had the best one-liners.

How about this one,

"You found me beautiful once"
"Baby, you got real ugly"

and the ever popular,

"Hail to the king, baby."

Mar 9, 2001, 06:57 PM
"Yo, she-bitch lets go"

Mar 9, 2001, 07:07 PM
thanks a lot, guys, now i'm going to have to go pop in my army of darkness dvd...and i had so much to do today!

"Shot smart, shop s-mart. YOU GOT THAT!?"

Mar 10, 2001, 09:11 PM
has anyone else seen the real ending to army of darkness?

Mar 10, 2001, 11:08 PM
I've seen the original ending...

I have the digitally remastered copy with all of the bonus features http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif


Mar 11, 2001, 05:17 AM
ok, this is going way back to the start of this topic, minus the Evil Dead vocals guy.

Anyway, the European servers haven't got much duping yet. I've played abit on the US servers, and see heaps of rares (probably because the games been out longer in the US, and there's more duping). The European servers ( EU ) are fine at the moment. There's hardly any duping, and I've never suffered BSOD on an EU server. However, there are still theifs.

Language usually isn't a problem. On the US servers most people are american, so it's fine, but on the EU servers, there are british, french, german, spanish, italian. Luckily, communication is usually fine. About 80% of people are english speaking, and those that aren't, can still communicate with the inbuilt system.

However, I once had a french guy nick my stuff when I died, and claim he couldn't speak english - then abruptly left. Twat. Oh well.

Anyway, my point was - why not invade the EU servers for a short bit, while they're still fresh?!! They'll probably be as bad as the US servers with duping and BSOD soon, but hey, at the mo they're fine http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 11, 2001, 09:47 AM
Feel free to come to Puck block 13. You may find honest enjoyment amongst new found friends. We are nothing special, just enjoy gaming immensely.

Mar 11, 2001, 12:41 PM
I almost never get stolen from, heck not anymore (I also rarely die). People seem alittle more trustworthy to me. I never play with a regular gang, just pop in places and ask to play.

What doesmake me want to quit pso is not getting the rares. I know I'm loosing faith pretty bad. After beating VHard a few times, there's little reward left to provoke me further. Sure its fun chatting with people....but nobody wants to hang out with me and playing on the foreigners (say japnse servers) is usually kind cold. As freindly as I've heard them to be, its damn hard to find anybody to play with, & when I do find someone they'll only play one level with me then leave. (I'm no hypocrite... when I see foreign players in the lobby I ask to play with them. Especially if I see them standing there and I know they're hesitant to play with anybody).

That's what makes me want to quit playing pso. That and the $20 per month for seganet (Since the BBA won't work >_<). I don't think anything on this board will persuade me ohterwise.

Mar 11, 2001, 01:24 PM
i think that there is bba upload for your vmu. www.vmucentre.co.uk/saves_jap_p.htm. I think that if u use your browser and go to this site and upload the bba for pso onto your vmu it will work. Not sure though. And yes, i agree, on the whole, foreigners are more polite and generally more fun to play with. But I have faith in America. After the game has been out for awhile, and the buttholes get tired of it, it'll be good for all the rest of us.