View Full Version : Article: Phantasy Star II Selling Poorly on XBLA

Jul 31, 2009, 01:25 PM
On June 11th, Phantasy Star II was among several games released by Sega on the Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA). Based on an analysis conducted by gamesetwatch.com (http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2009/07/indepth_xbox_live_arcade_sales.php), the game is selling poorly when compared to other Sega Genesis XBLA games. For the June 2009 period, only 5,100 Phantasy Star II players were on the Leaderboards. This is in comparison to Sonic 3's 30,500 players and Gunstar Heroes 9,000 players. This has lead to speculation (http://www.examiner.com/x-4080-LA-Classic-Game-Examiner~y2009m7d27-Not-all-Sega-retro-games-on-XBLA-are-doing-well) that Sega of America may not release the rest of the Phantasy Star collection on XBLA.

Jul 31, 2009, 03:33 PM
It might be wise. The biggest issue really was releasing the game on Xbox Live right on the tail of releasing it in Disk format. Those with the Sonic Genesis Collection already got all the Phantasy Stars before this released on XBLA. Without any real added bonus, except more Gamer points, I think the issue was more of (will you buy the same game twice, back to back?) I wonder if any of the other XBLA releases of games that already exist on the Sonic Genesis Collection sold well? To tell the truth, I didn't buy them because I just bought them. So to speak. :) I love the games, but I'm not going to throw away unnecessary money when I feel I'm already supporting them.

Aug 1, 2009, 12:14 AM
5,100 people purchased PS II in 2009? That is great! I am not disappointed by those numbers at all! Especially when emulators and roms have taken most players out of the purchasing circuit! Keep releasing PS games pleease! The audience is there!

Aug 2, 2009, 11:28 PM
I'm right with Akaimizu because I also have the disc and out of all the Genesis games released the only thing I purchased this spring was stuff that was NOT on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.
why pay more for a game I already have. Individual achievements are nice, but not that important to me.