View Full Version : R.I.P

Mar 9, 2001, 01:16 PM
Well all i have bad news.Tillie has fallen due to a power outage.Was playing online with Mai and friends when the first brownout hit.Lost some gear but i could still log in.After a great game and a quest in Nightmare 3(mines) it was time to say g'night.Well as i was loging out the power diped again.DC froze right at the save message.Well to make this short(er) i lost all my gear offline and i can not log in at all.
There is nothing more realy to say.I am sad to see Tillie go this way.I played offline in hope of the DC recovering the file but it has not happend.Mind you this was realy not a case of BSOD but a power dip just at the wrong time..who knows what damage was done to what ever data the server was looking for(if it even got there).
This will NOT keep me from playing!
This soul will return..just not as Tillie..

Tillie Ray

Tillie Rayhttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gifretired)
lvl 91 HUnewearl Arms Master
StarShip Puck:Block 04
(retired)Monk of the Ashen Order.
(retired)Necromancer of Innoruuk.
Hail and Well Met!

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Tillie on 2001-03-09 10:20 ]</font>

Mar 9, 2001, 01:27 PM
I'm sorry to hear that...

If you'd like some help getting back "up to speed." Look me up, (private message) and I'll help ya level. I'm sure everyone here is willing to do the same for ya.

Mar 9, 2001, 01:41 PM
I lost several lvls to a lock up and some gear to a BSOD so I know the annoyance and frustration... so I can help you out too at getting going again. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif just email me.

Mar 9, 2001, 03:33 PM
the soul still burns!

Mar 9, 2001, 03:45 PM
this sucks alot! Only wish Sega could have thought up a back up plan when something like this happens. (

Mar 9, 2001, 03:58 PM
Yeah, but what, DW? Not singling you out or anything, but I've come across a bunch of posts recently that SEGA should have hdnled the sitaution better. How?

By allowing people to keep offline backups to begin with? We'd have the same situation as we do now with all the duped items, just sooner.

Keep server-side saves? Okay, so yeah, that might work, but then you'd be relegated to having offline characters, and online characters, and never the twain shall meet. Okay, I suppose, but not an optimal solution.

A lack of 'go back to the last point you saved' backups and server-side character storage was intentional on the part of SEGA, in order to try and keep a cap on duping and other such questionable activities. I'm not saying it's the best idea, but I can't think of any better ones. Can you?

At any rate, you can't blame SEGA for when the power goes out and a save file is corrupted. That's silly. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Tillie, sorry to hear of your character's sudden demise. Like others have said, look us up -- we'd be more than happy to get you back on your feet and runnign at full steam again!

Mar 9, 2001, 05:10 PM
First i thank you all for the replys and the offers of help! Friends i have played with over the last few weeks have swamped my e-mail with offers and ideas on getting back in the swing again.I have no less then 10 e-mails from Japanese players looking for me!

I will say this..I an not mad at Sega for this incident.Sega could not control the power where i live nore do i expect sonic team to have every base covered in reguard to this freak accident.Yes..the game has issues(unwraps a long list) but all i wish to do is have FUN with people online in a world such as this.If this is all a game can give me then i have nothing bad to say!

PSO is fun! Everything else i will just deal with.

Tillie Ray

If i should fall in far off battle-Cannons roar and rifles rattle.
Thoughts fly homeward-words unspoken-Valiant hearts are oftimes broken.
Love Farewell.

Mar 9, 2001, 07:31 PM
On 2001-03-09 12:58, Socrates wrote:
Yeah, but what, DW? Not singling you out or anything, but I've come across a bunch of posts recently that SEGA should have hdnled the sitaution better. How?

I think I have the solution. It should be an option you can choose when creating your character to maintain a backup. If you select YES, a new file will be created that is identical to the original, but with a different name.

When you start your game, the first thing it does is copy the file to the backup, then you log in and play normally.

If someone is wrong with the original file, it could easily decompress and restore the backup.

If the power fails DURING the saving of your game, the next time you log in PSO tells you there was a problem with your save game and loads from a backup.

By keeping the files separate, there is only the chance of damage one and not the other when writing.

I think this would work.

Mar 9, 2001, 07:54 PM
I am sorry to hear that Tilly. I hate it when the power goes out like that. I would also be happy to help you get back up to speed, just send me a PM if you need my help.

DW: Are you now saying that Sega is responsible for this too? *sigh*.

You know there was an earthquake in Seattle recently, I bet Sega had something to do with it!

Mar 9, 2001, 07:57 PM
That's a good idea.

Mar 9, 2001, 09:13 PM
they should chabge it so that there is a save point in the city. the reason i think most people get currupted files and stuff is that memory card is saveing the whole time you are playing thats why sometime you dont lose exp. or your equiped items do to BSOD/lock-up. they should have it where you can either save in the city or when you quit not a constant save.