View Full Version : What are all the differences between crafted PAs and their original versions?

Jun 4, 2016, 01:43 PM
I don't want to try out all of them and then have to reset them again cause I don't like the crafted versions (like Slide Upper that can't really combo anymore when crafted).

I'll start by listing the once I tried.

Slide Upper lose some power per hit but can be charged and hits several times for overall more damage, but due to the charging it's no good for TAJA anymore.
Twister Fall lose a lot of power per hit but when you hold down the button it continues for like 5 seconds, not sure how the damage compares.
Kazan Nadeshiko becomes a 2 stage charge move and stage 2 charge is stronger than uncrafted.

Jun 4, 2016, 05:17 PM
Cerberus dance gets faster but loses its range. (not worth it in my opinion)
Rising flag becomes an approach. SUPER useful.
Wild Rhapsody gets faster and I think lets you move while doing it. I forget if that's a normal function or not.
Tornado dance can be charged to go farther and make it one hit instead of multiple. uncharged is the same as normal.
Homing Emission gets less damage but fires all of the shots at one point. It's weaker though.
Divine launcher can be charged for some extra damage and a bigger AoE
Bullet Squall lets you move while using it. Super important.
Tritt Shooter lets you control your movement while using it and the arrows shotgun. It technically does more damage at close range but I don't use it much.

Later we're getting some new ones.

Other cyclone is going to be sustainable at the cost of PP.
Deadly Circle is going to get i-frames or blocks.
Kestral Rampage is going to get increased range and probably damage at the cost of consuming gear.
Infinity Fire is going to no longer let you move but do more damage.

Jun 4, 2016, 05:58 PM
Cerberus dance gets faster but loses its range. (not worth it in my opinion)
Homing Emission gets less damage but fires all of the shots at one point. It's weaker though.

Cerberus Dance Type-0 is the best DPS non-grab WL PA, so it's actually useful for filling gear and dealing damage at the same time.
Homing Emission Type-0 is used for utility, such as activating switch in TA. Seeing nobody uses HE nowadays, better just craft it.

Jun 4, 2016, 07:03 PM
Both Kestrel and Infinity Type-0 also have faster execution than their normal counterparts. Infinity Fire also executes as a continuous stream of bullets as opposed to semi-auto fire, and the four-bullet finisher just becomes a single, super-powered energy blast. Kestrel's Photon Blade fountain at the end also has shorter duration.

Jun 5, 2016, 02:54 PM
I'll have to check out Rising Flag then.

Jun 5, 2016, 05:13 PM
Oh right, the list above doesn't have Tri-Impact Type-0.
Tri-Impact Type-0 has surprisingly large range (larger than what the animation shows), with most damage concentrated at the beam part. Faster than uncrafted version and doesn't have hitstop, making it strong at both mobbing and bossing. The downside is higher DPP.

Jun 5, 2016, 09:32 PM
crafted Twister Fall is great for gear gain, im using Fi/Hu with Ely Sion sword and just pop 1 crafted Twister Fall then it almost fills my gear to full and go to town with it

as nguuuquaa said, crafted Tri-Impact is basically partisan's Speed Rain but on a gunslash, its damage is pretty good and blows Additional Bullet out of the window (well if your a S-atk char)... but again, its PP is too high...

Jun 6, 2016, 11:06 AM
Is crafted Tri-Impact still too pp heavy if I get a good pp craft like -8 or better?

And I was using crafted TF for gear but Sonic Arrow is just as fast and easy.
So I reseted TF again for dps which is quite high according to swiki. Not as strong as other pas but the speed makes it useful in some situations.

Jun 6, 2016, 06:06 PM
Tr-Impact Type-0's base PP cost is 35, at -8 the cost is 27, quite high for a 1200-ish power PA on a low attack weapon. Tho gunslash has good PP recover rate so it's not too bad. And TAJA PP Save uses the base PP cost for calculation, meaning -8.75 PP on successful proc.

Jun 6, 2016, 10:03 PM
Thanks. Off to craft!

Jun 8, 2016, 07:36 AM
Na Zan Type-0 creates a sphere of wind that constantly damages everything near it and travels a short distance forward before staying put, though it also stops when it hits a solid object, so manually aiming it at the ground can make it easier to hit mobs of enemies.

Zonde Type-0 is almost identical to Il Foie, the main differences being that it charges much faster and deals multiple small hits before ending with a big hit.

Jun 8, 2016, 09:29 AM
Kestrel Rampage Type-0: Without gear consumption, it is weaker than a regular Kestrel Rampage. Upon consuming full gear it is approximately x2.5 damage increase.

Zonde Type-0: You cannot move while charging this PA like Ilfoie. It becomes approximately x5 stronger than a regular Zonde. 10 hits; 9 small hits and 1 big hit for the last.

Nazan Type-0: 10 hits, and it is stronger than a regular Nazan. It has some AoE. Lower DPS when compared to spamming it on immobile single targets with Elysion/Boots of Seraphy/Angely Misty.

Deadly Circle Type-0: Lowers damage slightly, but supposedly adds more hits which counteracts that. Adds guard frames while it is spinning around you, making it an extremely safe PA when used at the right time.

Infinity Fire Type-0: You cannot move while firing, stronger than a regular Infinity Fire, adds a stun kick, becomes a PA that you hold rather than mashing.

Other Cyclone Type-0: Lower damage per hit, but total amount of hits that can be done makes it overall stronger. Hold the PA button until the end.

Dark Emerald EXE
Jun 8, 2016, 09:59 AM
From what i noticed in the trailer. K. Rampage while crafted no longer fills up gauge with falling blades like normal one does. But I suppose the 2.5 makes up for it?

Jun 8, 2016, 11:19 AM
Yeah, and the PP efficiency is better too. Combo it with other PAs. It's not amazing but it's expected given the weapon's cooldown skill

Jun 8, 2016, 11:35 AM
Zonde Type-0 can't hit Soma or Vardha reliably. Enjoy.

Jun 8, 2016, 01:12 PM
Yep, SEGA really doesn't test their game.


Jun 8, 2016, 07:16 PM
I wasn't really feeling Zonde Type 0 in general, so I think I'll probably just go back to using Efficient Zonde.

Aiming it using a talis is awkward, especially against enemies that can't be affected by Zondeel.

Jun 8, 2016, 08:32 PM
zandion is actually broken atm, it's not because of zonde, specifically. sega said "we apologize for apologizing" :wacko:

Jun 8, 2016, 08:47 PM
I like Zonde Type-0, it works wonder with Banish. Can't move tho.


[S]Emergency maintenance when? :wacko:

Jun 9, 2016, 01:34 AM
Deadly Circle Type-0 makes you virtually invincible while in use, a bit like Messiah Time. Works really well in conjunction with Hurricane Sender, too, so it'll see some use.

Infinity Fire Type-0 has very short range, now, but I don't think it beats Satellite Aim as a CQC machinegun PA. It is compatible with the gunner main-class skill TMG Arts S Charge.

Other Cyclone Type-0 spins faster and faster as you hold down the button, and you also move faster.

I'm really not sure about learning Kestrel Rampage Type-0, no way to undo if I don't like it ;s
Kestrel Rampage did not need to be redone, Starling Fall did...

Jun 9, 2016, 02:11 AM
Kestrel Rampage did not need to be redone, Starling Fall did...Starling fall is for the 3 and a half seconds of iframes.

Jun 9, 2016, 10:28 AM
I'm really not sure about learning Kestrel Rampage Type-0, no way to undo if I don't like it ;s
Kestrel Rampage did not need to be redone, Starling Fall did...

You can undo PA crafts! At the recycle/craft shop you can trade 2 AC items for a reset of your choice.

Jun 9, 2016, 12:00 PM
Starling fall is for the 3 and a half seconds of iframes.Is what? >_>
I'm not sure when I'd need so much invincibility with dual blades. The frames one gets from Photon Blade Escape are more than enough, I reckon.
Starling Fall will never see any use from me until it has a customisation recipe; it just does not work.

You can undo PA crafts! At the recycle/craft shop you can trade 2 AC items for a reset of your choice.Oh, I thought only techniques were there. Good to know.

Jun 10, 2016, 04:45 AM
Is what? >_>
I'm not sure when I'd need so much invincibility with dual blades. The frames one gets from Photon Blade Escape are more than enough, I reckon.
Starling Fall will never see any use from me until it has a customisation recipe; it just does not work.

Oh, I thought only techniques were there. Good to know.

Starling Fall is one of those very situational PAs, but it has it's uses :
-dodge attacks you can normally only dodge with PB (Yamato and tank explosion, Apos Dorios "you and your mpa failed so you're all gonna die") and a few others. You'd be surprised at how much you can cheese through with this
- Get away from some angry mobs : Dispersion strike does most of the work here obviously, but some angry mobs (most notably in UQ) will come back to bite your ass right as it ends, and even wth PB Escape you might still be in trouble. Starling Fall > uncharged resta is great here, one tick should recover at least one third of your health with brilliant recipe, and from then one you can do whatever in the air
- Also situaional, but if all the blades do connect, the overall damage is actually quite decent, not great, but still worth mentioning.

Usually I just don't use it and think "oh I'm going to atually need it for x quest" and put it on. That's the type of PA it is.

Jun 10, 2016, 04:58 AM
I really appreciate the fact that Na Zan type Zero finally gives wind a non-disruptive AoE tech.

Ra Zan has an AoE of about the same size, but the fact that it launches enemies is annoying for others.

Jun 10, 2016, 09:49 AM
...Interesting. I knew about the damage, but even inside the mouth of Bal Rodos, it was underwhelming DPS, and quite weaker than Immnortal Dove -> Photon Blade.

Apr 10, 2017, 01:51 AM
parallel Slider type 0 - moving while shooting till your PP last drop, a good combine for chain trigger finish + power bullet
rodeo drive type 0 - riding your launcher ramming everything on its way, again, till last drop of your PP
sacred skewer type 0 - spear long range PA, now chargeable, with more damage of course

Apr 10, 2017, 01:55 AM
Holy crap, talk about a necro.

Apr 10, 2017, 10:32 AM
so far the only pa crafts that aren't better than the base version in my are Cerberus Dance and maybe Ein Rikkiten

cerberus dance tries to fix it's main flaw by... sacrificing it's greatest strength... and it just doesn't work out
for a gunslash pa, ein hit pretty solidly with both halves of the attack; it's a bit more mechanically complicated now, which is neat, but I'm still not feeling it yet.

honorable mention to Nabarta, if you weren't using it regularly you might as well turn it into a PP-guzzleing block-button. probably pretty easy to charge up a revolutio weapon's arena potential with that and popping pp convert while waiting for the quest teleporter to start.
yeah L/Tech Charge Parry exists, but if I recall it only blocks the first incoming hit without any follow-up i-frames like blocking with a hunter weapon does; however I think nabarta 0 does have that

Apr 10, 2017, 10:45 AM
Cerberus Dance Type-0 used to be good, but buffed Kaiser Rise outclasses it.
Ein Raketen Type-0 is like Kamaitachi: you stack 3 slow bullets then do damage.

Apr 16, 2017, 09:42 PM
would i regret uncrafting my rising flag? when i started playing with partizan i allready had it crafted, and i was thinking about using the L ring for rising flag counter since i allready have hunter gear save on my12*unit. however im finding it quite anoying the dashing away when the enemy im not countering is not directly in front of me

Apr 21, 2017, 06:09 AM
would i regret uncrafting my rising flag? when i started playing with partizan i allready had it crafted, and i was thinking about using the L ring for rising flag counter since i allready have hunter gear save on my12*unit. however im finding it quite anoying the dashing away when the enemy im not countering is not directly in front of me
I wouldn't uncraft it cause it's a relative cheap gap closer with decent damage (small mobs can get oneshotted by it) and partizan does not have anything else that can replace it.
And without a good gap closer melee cannot keep up with ranged, nothing fun about getting close enough to enemies to attack them only to have them die from ranged classes before you can deal damage.

Rather just use non hu rings like mate lovers or air reversal, these are very good as well.