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View Full Version : are jet boots any good?

Jun 5, 2016, 12:07 AM
Jet Boots look pretty fun, originally i wanted to just use T-ATK boots but heard they arent good so im hoping S-ATK boots are a different story?

Jun 5, 2016, 12:33 AM
There's more support for S-ATK Boots. You usually don't want T-ATK Boots because the classes that support T-ATK don't support Striking Damage, which is the damage type of Jet Boots. That being said, while their kit is small, they're pretty decent all around. I can't say much more, since I'm a JB main and are biased towards them.

Jun 5, 2016, 12:37 AM
It maybe not as damaging as Dual blades for BoHu (which is imba weapon some ppl says), but still good. If you enjoy them more there is no reason to not to use em. If they don't do as much damage as you hoped for, maybe you should check your build or improve your mastery.

Jun 5, 2016, 02:14 AM
Another problem with t-atk jet boots is that you also want to use dual blades as they're useful (certainly not imba in any way but easy DPS for no PP).
Jet Boots got lots of neat improvements over the year(s). They were really awful back when they debuted though, but it's different now.

Jun 5, 2016, 02:26 AM
They need to give TATK builds L/Jet Boots Tech PP Save or something ;_;

Youmu Konpaku
Jun 5, 2016, 05:26 AM
so, if i want to use t-atk based JB, what sub class and build it will be? bo/fi t-atk based?
(i have s-atk based char for bo, but i want to lvl up my t-atk based char for bo class too) .

Jun 5, 2016, 05:53 AM
just go with bo/hu i think because fi/bo is not good in any situation.

Jun 5, 2016, 07:11 AM
IMHO, they're pretty decent. They tend to be great against mobs and small bosses because, despite their fair damage output per target, it's easy to cluster them and then wipe with a single Vinto.
Also, they have an absurd amount of god frames. They can take advantage of the Tech Guard Ring, Bouncer's skills allow for dodge on special actions, Gran Wave's special action gives you 3(?) seconds of invulnerability...
Finally, the fact they can change elements at will is pretty great.

However, I feel like a lot of its worth goes away if your main isn't Bouncer, and if you're looking for a weapon geared for large bosses, look elsewhere, because your damage output per target is really not ideal.

Jun 5, 2016, 12:57 PM
For JBs, Hunter will probably be your sub anyway regardless of S-atk or T-atk.

The reason simply being is JBs count as 'striking' damage so Striking multipliers such as Fury Stance/Limit Break(Example only, main class exclusive)/Etc will proc multipliers regardless of whether your using Switch Strike or not, so switch strike becomes a matter of wether you have more S-Atk or T-Atk to use as the base.

Jun 5, 2016, 01:06 PM
Too be honest, I typically only see people using JBs for buffs during the teleporter countdown. As funny as it sounds, I'm not kidding lol

Jun 5, 2016, 01:31 PM
Too be honest, I typically only see people using JBs for buffs during the teleporter countdown. As funny as it sounds, I'm not kidding lol
That's poor, I'm always doing topDPS with em.

Jun 5, 2016, 08:36 PM
Yes, jet boots are very good. Bouncer is generally best off alternating jet boots with Rapid Boost and dual blades with Photon Blade Fever.

Jun 6, 2016, 12:27 AM
I almost never use Bouncer, and 13 star Jet Boots drop way too often.
I have like 3-4 at element 60 on three accounts, and more keep dropping.

Ares, Quotz, Rizgrips, Sunlight, Revolucio.

Jun 6, 2016, 12:48 AM
actually T-atk char have more advantages than S-atk with JB because
1. JB strike switch is main class only that make t-atk char have better choice for weapon and sub class
2. JB have only 4 PA and you can cast tech, if you up to s-atk that mean your tech deal uber weak dmg.

Jun 6, 2016, 07:57 AM
2. JB have only 4 PA and you can cast tech, if you up to s-atk that mean your tech deal uber weak dmg.

Why would you be casting for damage at all? If you wanted to cast for damage, you might as well be a FO/TE with Jet Boots.

Jun 6, 2016, 11:45 AM
I've always wanted to know if BO/FO or BO/TE (or TE/BO) is good for anything. My character is fully T-ATK, and I wanted to try BO on him.

Jun 6, 2016, 12:28 PM
I've always wanted to know if BO/FO or BO/TE (or TE/BO) is good for anything. My character is fully T-ATK, and I wanted to try BO on him.
Bo/Te (nvm Bo/Fo) is pretty much useless outside of the Break Stance + Niren Orochiagito Zanverse since it just doesn't hit hard enough. It's honestly a pretty stupid mistake not to let Bo/Te hit as hard with JBs as Bo/Hu, given their tech properties and that they "advertize" Bo/Fo via Saga. A Bo main only skill that give you a 50% dmg boost for simply having Fo or Te as the sub would have sufficed. Perhaps TB/PPC could have made it interesting.

Jun 6, 2016, 12:28 PM
good for casting shifta off-class

Jun 6, 2016, 03:28 PM
Bo/Hu here with switch strike.
I ONLY use jet boots as Bouncer as I loathe dual blades. I find them super awesome since the very 1st day Bouncer was released.

Jun 6, 2016, 03:41 PM
JB would be better if Vinto would use atleast 25-50% less gear so you don't lose w/e element you had after each use(and no ties to craft for it). Remove zondeel, zanverse and megiverse as a way to change element too, thx.

Jun 6, 2016, 10:18 PM
the jet boots i personally use those to fight against minions :P , and the only boss i feel i really need it is magatsu

Jun 6, 2016, 10:30 PM
Bo/Te (nvm Bo/Fo) is pretty much useless outside of the Break Stance + Niren Orochiagito Zanverse since it just doesn't hit hard enough. It's honestly a pretty stupid mistake not to let Bo/Te hit as hard with JBs as Bo/Hu, given their tech properties and that they "advertize" Bo/Fo via Saga. A Bo main only skill that give you a 50% dmg boost for simply having Fo or Te as the sub would have sufficed. Perhaps TB/PPC could have made it interesting.

The only thing BO would need to sub FO or TE would be a 1 pointer that make elemental mastery apply to matching boot element when doing striking attack and have it obviously work with JB Gear. It would only boost Striking by 44% on FO outside of Tatk up/Photon Flare, but it would be a start. Optionally, this skill not being main class only, JB Gear already doesn't work with FO's Elemental Conversion. Not that it would happen, since TEBO would suddenly be nicer on paper, what with both Light and Wind elements, which are the current/upcoming relevant elements and access to TE's support and EWH.

At this point, lv80 better have some nice skill tied with them, not necessary more damage, but stuff that make more builds more viable outside of "for fun".

Perfect Chaos
Jun 7, 2016, 08:06 PM
The only thing BO would need to sub FO or TE would be a 1 pointer that make elemental mastery apply to matching boot element when doing striking attack and have it obviously work with JB Gear.Wow! I actually quite like this idea. Too bad it's probably never going to happen...

Jun 7, 2016, 08:56 PM
Jet Boots look pretty fun, originally i wanted to just use T-ATK boots but heard they arent good so im hoping S-ATK boots are a different story?

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