View Full Version : Playing for the Niche! (Class set ups that are fun)

Aug 27, 2016, 10:04 PM
1st time hitting the forums and well, sorry if it ends up very text wall-y ^^;

for TL;DR types in short as a Gunncer (Gunner/Bouncer with a main focus on making stylish Bullet- to-Techique comboes And Supporting) the possibilities are Endless for coming up with cool new comboes using both Guns and Techniques, and you can swap to Jet-boots to quickly drop Shiftra/Deband Boosts to the party while continuing to combo between Gunners CQC PAs, making it a pretty good Support in a pinch without sacrificing time that could be used to deal dmg

|----------------------------------------------------------- more details about viability below ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Ever since Bouncer hit, I've mained Gu/Bo lovingly called a Gunncer, Purely for access to Techs Dual blades and Jet boots at 1st, but after playing around with it and reaching level 50+ on Gunner I've settled into Only using TMGs & Rifle and Techniques since Bouncer offers Huge bonuses for Abusing enemy elemental weaknesses. As Such I make my claim to fame dishing out Sharp shot comboes using uncharged Techs as combo links, since using an uncharged tech is pretty quick and can Easilly be weaved into practically Any combo with no serious penalty

While casting a Tech leaves you a tad open since you can't Stylish Roll right after casting you can Still do a standard Dodge Roll and shoot Immediately upon casting the Tech to re-position yourself, evade an attack or follow up the short duration lifting power of Razan, and holding freeze from Sabarta making it worth while to invest in Dodge roll shoot even as a Gunner and doubly so for Aerial Advance Since Razan will lift almost All Mob enemies

That said going Gu/Bouncer is still pretty good for dmg with Techs, my reason to say this is because Despite being a Cast lv. 56 Gunner / lv.43 Bouncer i still get what i believe is decent dmg and use out of an uncharged Sabarta lv.10 on Most Enemy types, dealing on average up to 300-{500-crt}(x3) uncharged 500-{1k-crt}(x3) on ice-weak Enemies, and while i Enjoy Razan and Sabarta most on All Enemy types, the Ranged traveling, and Charged Effect type Techs work best with Rifle and it's PAs, and Most Instant impact, over-head drop, and AoE Techs combo Really well with Gunners PAs, Close Range and Stylish Roll maneuvers.

Uncharged Techs Also give the benefit of allowing you to weave them in-between Gunner PAs without reseting or Skipping any of the 3 steps of the Attack/PA pattern, making it possible to chain them together for some pretty cool Comboes for Instance

Chaining a Zondeel between Dead Approach > Shift Period / Impact Slider > Grenade Shell (at ground) quickly pulls the mob of foes you bum-rush / Slide into around you ensuring they get hit by both parts of Shift period / full explosion of Grenade Shell and perfectly set up the use of PAs like Bullet Squall or Diffuse Shell to finish off any foes still alive after the 1st volley due to them being Drawn very closely together around you

Throwing out an Ilzan has a Ranged Suction effect and topples foes pulled by it making it Easy to line up and entire mob for a Pierce Shell, or a walk through spray down with One-Point, Diffuse Shell and Infinite Fire, making weak mobs a cake walk you don't even had to slow down for

Dropping a Megiverse between uses longer ranged of PAs like Infinite Fire, Elder Rebellion, and One-point since it will heal you off the dmg you deal while by it allowing you to quickly pop a small duration continuous Heal while staying up in the air or right by a Toppled boss unloading shots,

Using Ilzonde after a Grim Barrage from a distance to close the gap lets you pass Right through an Enemy that was preparing an attack and immediately Dodge Roll Shoot at it's back making it both Elementally beneficial and helpful with position when fighting Mech enemies since most of their Core weak-points are on their back,

and lastly you can use Aerial Shooting, juggle the foe(if lifted) with Razan or Sabarta, while changing weapon palettes to Jet boots and Continue the combo with Strike Gust to continue hitting the foe in the air and drop them back down in range of the rest of your party while buffing yourself and said party members with Shiftra, following that up with Gran Wave for another Flurry of hits and gaining some distance while buffing yourself and party members with Deband using the long grace period glide to change back to guns and continue the assault having supported your party all in one go while looking Stylish as Feck!

The Biggest bonuses i can say are great are that Techniques can be placed on the Sub palette allowing you to continue spamming uncharged techs like Razan to keep a foe Juggled Even while changing weapon palettes so you don't have that drought moment and drop the foe losing the Aerial Advance bonus, and that an Uncharged Tech procs TMGs Arts S-Charge allow quick uses of Charge-able TMG PAs even ones that aren't the 1st PA in the order by quickly firing normally once or twice and tapping a Tech before using the PA in-question making it Even Easier to quickly gain a high attitude with Aerial shooting spam, Uncharged Techs also feed Chain Trigger gain adding to their use,

Being a Long Range Support Kinda guy whenever i play games this set up is Perfect for me, but what about You? would this help or seem fun to You? Tell me all about it or any cool class set ups you play with ^^

Aug 27, 2016, 10:16 PM
you can make the comboes sound cool all you want, but at the end of the day, your damage will be mediocre.

Aug 27, 2016, 10:21 PM
fair enough, my dmg gets the job done when i need it too, but the whole point of this was Just playing for fun, as stated in the title, so looking cool is Literally the point here

Aug 27, 2016, 11:54 PM
bruh are you on drugs.. anyways keep that play for fun bs out of eq's then last thing people need is that lowering the damage output of the mpa

Aug 28, 2016, 03:47 AM
bruh are you on drugs.. anyways keep that play for fun bs out of eq's then last thing people need is that lowering the damage output of the mpa

Oh C'mon, do you Honestly believe i would take a "For FUN" build like this into a Serious situation like Emergency Quests?! AGAIN I have Dmg for when i Need Dmg, This build and post is Purely for having fun and making interesting or different class set ups meant to be Unique, stylish and not Hard pressed to be Efficient for the sake of Super high dmg like Everyone and their Mama's damned class build guides

This Is Not For Optimization!, It's For Fun, and as Such to be used in ways to Have fun without being detrimental to people who weren't there to Have fun but to make progress

Aug 28, 2016, 04:50 PM
1. Playing a sensible "vanilla" build can be fun. You don't need to use a special snowflake concept build to switch around PAs and strategies. You just need to switch around PAs and strategies.

2. There's nothing fun about performing poorly. If anything it's frustrating as hell.

3. 500-1000 x3 damage on level 56/43 isn't "decent". It's horrible. Forget EQs, good luck clearing regular SH quests with this type of damage output. Not even mentioning XH here.

4. Shitty builds aren't fun. Good builds aren't unfun. Yes I am repeating myself.

Aug 28, 2016, 06:11 PM
again, when i Need to deal dmg, in places like SH quests or EQs with a party i don't mess around with this for fun style, durring those quests i focus more on being a high Dps dmg dealer with my Gunner skills, getting buffs from bouncers skills so i don't drag down the party i May be with, i can also reliably Solo most SH quests i go into in an ok time (depending on how much i like exploring/re-exploring the area) when playing to make progress or money.

the only time i use this kind of in-efficient oddball build is Purely to have fun, or show off to friends using long winded flashy comboes on 2 or more mobs for style points, Something that can't even be Done if you're killing them in just a few hits because of optimized high dmg. the more hits the better here.

i don't see why everyone here seems to have a "Play to have High dmg and stats or you shouldn't be playing at all" type mindset it's kinda bumming me out now i mean it's not like i'm saying this is Revolutionary Pro must use set or even that it's all that good just that i find it to be a fun way to break up the monotony of playing for efficiency and watching enemies melt before me in very few hits, That crap gets boring really quickly to me i like intense drawn out battles that take a bit of time, i like mixing utility and variety to get cool comboes that still meet the end goal, and I Like To Be Stylish,

I don't and Won't force this on others by taking it into random parties or serious situations, so what's the harm in aiming for a fun decently low dmging build meant to make long flashy comboes to have fun with?

Aug 28, 2016, 06:27 PM
The biggest problem with your idea right now is that Gunner is not too friendly to non-ranged damage; they have a few skills that work for all forms of damage, but not enough to make you not take forever to kill anything with a combo of bullet 'n tech. It might just be best to hold out for if they ever complete the hybrid-class triangle with the Tech/Ranged class, which I would speculate to have elements of Force and Gunner; seeing as how Braver is Ranger/Hunter and Bouncer is Fighter/Techer.

I get where you are coming from, and it is fun to theorycraft, but at the end of the day you gotta take a step back and see what classes really are compatible to each other. I tried to get Gu/Bo to work way back at the start of episode 3, but then I took a step back and realized that Bouncer wasn't doing anything for Gunner that another subclass could do better. Sure, you can't cast any techs as Gu/Hu or Gu/Br, but at least I didn't need to keep up 6 different TMGs just to make my subclass's stances work all the time; I didn't feel like putting that much effort into this "for fun" build.

Aug 28, 2016, 06:28 PM
Welcome to PSOW OP. Apologies for the reception.

I see where you're coming from. You might have better luck if you provide some video? If your goal is flash and spectacle, it's more fun to watch it than read about it.

Aug 28, 2016, 06:35 PM
Right now the only classes that really can get away with dual attack types is Braver/Hunter for Striking+Ranged, and Techer / Braver or to some extent Techer / Fighter for Tech+Striking. Everything else really wants to play more to a single damage type; even Bouncer, since while Jet Boots scale off of T-atk normally, they always are dealing striking damage with their PAs.

at the end of the day, it's typically better to Specialize than Generalize in this game.

Aug 28, 2016, 06:48 PM
I'm not opposed to having fun on your own time or anything.... the thing is on your own time. WHile it does sound fun I will say this... don't take this into XH (Besides Yamato anyway) In fact I occasionally kinda do so when really bored and run around a free field loligaging about.

I don't want to be incredibly harsh but in a XHEQ such as TD4, Which requires just about anyone to bring their best) and Magatsu whose just a huge DPS check where your better off running Gu/Hu or Gu/Ra. While to you it may seem odd people are focusing on their damage, alot of the content in XH will actually expect you to do so, it's designed to give meta builds something to kill that won't die in one shot. While Fo/Te may not be as flashy with their tech usage as this is, it's certain to kill a pack of Goldrahda with theirs techs far more efficiently than Gu/Bo ever can with Techs or Pas, this isn't even particular due to the fault of a lack of skill/gear, Rather how the game's mechanics are.

And the reason people worry about builds like this is players in XH or sometimes SH will often be on timed boost whose duration will tick down once a quest is 'active'. Which often pressures the community who wants the best bang for their boost into the "Meta" class combinations such as Fo/Te, Br/Hu, Fi/Hu. Nor do they want others running off-class builds because one too many players we have to 'carry' due to it often makes it more difficult to use our boost efficiently and in TD, result in an outright failure because the difference between a fun and serious build is actually a really huge gap and can mean the difference between efficient killing a pack of goldrahda 1/4th your PP bar or being out of PP by the time the goldrahda are dead.

If it seemed trivial you should hopefully understand why people naturally recoil or cringe on seeing builds like this, while you seem to at least keep it out of XH, I hope you now understand why the community does actually worry about damage so much. .w. Some of don't run the most damaging build because we want to, we just don't want to lose an EQ for ourselves and others for the sake of selfishly having fun at the cost of an other's time and enjoyment.

Aug 28, 2016, 07:53 PM
Shitty builds aren't fun. Good builds aren't un-fun.

You want to do long, stylish combos? Good builds allow you to do that too. Enemies die too quickly? Turn off stances or use an ungrinded weapon or something. Or go to UQ, everything takes a lot of punishment there.

Aug 28, 2016, 07:55 PM
Got Gu/Bo to work in early Ep3 until main class bonus, TMG/Gu buffs and easy 13* happened. Main class bonus killed a lot of builds like FiBr, FiBo, RaBr and arguably nerfed TeHu quite a bit.

Anyway GuBo a fun combo and works better than GuHu in content where you get Bo's multipliers to work with Zanverse. If you're pub EQing in a quest with lots of breakables it actually works well because no one does Break Niren BoTe in a pub. If you're soloing Tokyo exploration for whatever reason, you get easy Mirage on Trains and Zanverse is huge there.

I don't play it anymore because the gearing costs are insane and most content is too easy to bother but i still keep a GuBo build in my palette for learning new content because of how difficult it is to die as one when you can fly and heal in the air and go ranged. I'll probably run GuBo in Ultimate Amdu until i figure out enemy patterns.

Aug 29, 2016, 06:17 AM
Yeahhhh this community is all about "optimal" max damage so sorry I had to see you get crapped on like that but nyeh welcome to the forum and yeah most people are on their boosters clock's soooo gotta get it done asap which is kinda redundant since most vof the better eqs can only be done once ir twice per account

Aug 29, 2016, 07:54 AM
Yeahhhh this community is all about "optimal" max damage so sorry I had to see you get crapped on like that but nyeh welcome to the forum and yeah most people are on their boosters clock's soooo gotta get it done asap which is kinda redundant since most vof the better eqs can only be done once ir twice per account

Well people tend to confuse niche/specialist builds and straight bad build. I find it great to experiment with classes and weapons to find cool stuff.

Two things to keep in mind though
-Niche or specialist builds are really good when they can get their abilities to shine. I myself love BR/RA to death, but I'm aware that if I take said BR/RA in say TD1 I won't be able to play on my strengths because of the insane quantity of mobs and poor quantity of bosses present.

- As it was said earlier, you can try your own stuff but you need an objective/setup/strong gimmick that would warrant this. Ice FO/GU is super awesome, and also super stylish, and despite its fall from the meta still has chain trigger Ilbarta, so you have your setup and unique strength, BO/RA on the other hand, doesn't really have something that makes it shine in any way, so it's really kinda meh

I can agree on the fact that tech using gunslinger makes for a really classy thing to mess around with ! As long as you have fun with the build, all is well !

Great Pan
Aug 29, 2016, 07:21 PM
Nothing beats HU/FO, my friends. HU/FO best combo, 10/10.

Aug 29, 2016, 11:23 PM
look at all these plebs not playing BoRa

fucking elitists

Aug 30, 2016, 01:03 AM
i did caves AQ with a FO who didnt have super treatment
because he was FO/HU ...

Aug 30, 2016, 05:21 AM
i did caves AQ with a FO who didnt have super treatment
because he was FO/HU ...

that's a solid exscuse

Aug 30, 2016, 07:46 AM
So, in short, the general opinion is:
1) Dun do that, or dun do it in place where players are.
2) Ppl are too busy to steamroll everything so unless its speedkill/big numbers its not fun.
3) Wrong place to post.

Anything to add?

Aug 30, 2016, 01:21 PM
This has been bugging me for quite some time, so I'll just ask it here. What exactly is "viable" damage for XH/Ult -- assuming you're not a FoTe? Let's say for a BrHu or TeBr.

Aug 30, 2016, 01:34 PM
This has been bugging me for quite some time, so I'll just ask it here. What exactly is "viable" damage for XH/Ult -- assuming you're not a FoTe? Let's say for a BrHu or TeBr.

this is what brhu UQ looks like in a nutshell

Aug 31, 2016, 08:02 PM
all classes are viable, it's just if there is anything left of the enemies by the time you get the chance to do anything to them is the real question

Oct 25, 2016, 04:06 AM
all classes are viable, it's just if there is anything left of the enemies by the time you get the chance to do anything to them is the real question

They are, but because of the poorly implemented sub-class system and the forever meta focus on raw damage, certain class combinations will just not cut it.

I've managed to pull of a semi-decent Force/Hunter, but it's not meant for anything other than roleplaying or messing around. The damage is just not enough to get through any significant quest or MPA.

Oct 25, 2016, 08:26 AM
They are, but because of the poorly implemented sub-class system and the forever meta focus on raw damage, certain class combinations will just not cut it.

I've managed to pull of a semi-decent Force/Hunter, but it's not meant for anything other than roleplaying or messing around. The damage is just not enough to get through any significant quest or MPA.That's quite a necro...

Oct 25, 2016, 12:32 PM
They are, but because of the poorly implemented sub-class system and the forever meta focus on raw damage, certain class combinations will just not cut it.

I've managed to pull of a semi-decent Force/Hunter, but it's not meant for anything other than roleplaying or messing around. The damage is just not enough to get through any significant quest or MPA.
yeah, in my mind "viable" means "you can clear the content... eventually...".

"optimal" is what more people are focusing on really. that's kinda some sort of formula of "maximum possible damage - situations you cant meet all conditions (see: weak stance/WHA, break stance) - gear requirements for said conditions(see: force, techer, element stance)"

in the case of the OP, Gu/Bo can sit between Average Stance and Weak Stance Gu/Br, but the issue there none of those can really hold a candle to Fury Stance Gu/Hu's ease of use, or Gu/Ra's sheer damage for holding still a second and surgically striking weak points. Gu/Br at least still has the chain-banish gimmick; whereas Gu/Bo does not. Sure, /Bo allows you to use techs, but the utility granted by them pales in comparison to how much you are sacrificing by not going at least Gu/Hu, not to mention that you would need to gear yourself up to cover elemental weaknesses to make your stance even work at all.

Oct 25, 2016, 02:54 PM
That's quite a necro...

!@#$. I didn't even bother to look at the date... :(

The activity on PSOW is a bit slower than the usual forums I'm used to.

yeah, in my mind "viable" means "you can clear the content... eventually...".

"optimal" is what more people are focusing on really. that's kinda some sort of formula of "maximum possible damage - situations you cant meet all conditions (see: weak stance/WHA, break stance) - gear requirements for said conditions(see: force, techer, element stance)"

in the case of the OP, Gu/Bo can sit between Average Stance and Weak Stance Gu/Br, but the issue there none of those can really hold a candle to Fury Stance Gu/Hu's ease of use, or Gu/Ra's sheer damage for holding still a second and surgically striking weak points. Gu/Br at least still has the chain-banish gimmick; whereas Gu/Bo does not. Sure, /Bo allows you to use techs, but the utility granted by them pales in comparison to how much you are sacrificing by not going at least Gu/Hu, not to mention that you would need to gear yourself up to cover elemental weaknesses to make your stance even work at all.

Yep. Arguably *anything* is viable since its a singleplayer game, it's just that PSO can't decide whether it wants to be an Action RPG or a traditional RPG. So you get action elements with lots of hp powerscaling for the endgame content which results in bosses with millions of hp.

Some class combinations are fun to use, but the game restricts you by not giving you any support skills for those combinations. Its something that's really irked me. We get to combo any class together, but some classes actually can't combo together at all because there is next to no skill support for said combinations.

I sometimes wonder if the game would have more diversity if the subclass system was abolished.

Oct 25, 2016, 03:10 PM
The game would have more diversity if Hu subclass was nerfed :wacko:

Nov 3, 2016, 11:10 AM
The game would have more diversity if Hu subclass was nerfed :wacko:

Only? Tbh the classes should be more flexible for allowing people to play the playstyle that they want. I'm not telling that, for example, HU/FO should have the same damage rate that HU/FI. But if anyone gets HU/FO, that guy should have another features than just "having resta" (And for it, even HU/TE or the viceversa is much better than HU/FO or FO/HU).

Maybe my opinion is influenced too much by PS Nova because I've played that game. However, in PS Nova, unlike PSO2, you can custom the build of your character with a few penalties like buying Weapon Equip skills for allowing you different weapons, Obviously, you must choose HU for higher S-ATK (and defenses and HP since all classes can use any line shield), RA for higher R-ATK, FO for higher T-ATK and BU for hybrid or JoaT build depending of the user.

And well, I'm sorry for a "necro" of a week, but I'd got issues of posting in this forum...


Nov 3, 2016, 03:11 PM
I run husu cause is super easy to steamroll most content and it requieres no skill or setup to do so.

Nov 3, 2016, 11:33 PM
I am running a RaTe full S-atk gunslash build and beat XH magatsu under 3 minutes.

Nov 5, 2016, 03:42 PM
Yeah you picked the worst forum to post on m8,because everyone seems to think people who want fun builds will take those builds into EQs and ruin things.

Its depressing that the skill tree mix ups were there for variety and just turned into more dps stacking instead ://

Nov 5, 2016, 04:17 PM
Yeah you picked the worst forum to post on m8,because everyone seems to think people who want fun builds will take those builds into EQs and ruin things.

Its depressing that the skill tree mix ups were there for variety and just turned into more dps stacking instead ://Yeah, there really should be stat caps to force people to expand.

Or maybe there actually are, and nobody's managed to hit them yet because the final level is so far off, and we're all actually ruining our potential by min-maxing now? One way to find out! :P

Nov 5, 2016, 09:08 PM
One of the reason I like Hybrid Types is because of how one can Min-Max some of the maps with some flexibility.

Example: Lets take the usual Bal Rodos kill....
Now Lets take Fi/Hu and Fi/Te both running a Fire or Ice Knuckle.

It doesn't matter if I run the map as either class combination.
The end result is the same...
When Rodos hits that Raft, he is going to die to Backhand Smash either way.

Nov 5, 2016, 09:27 PM
One of the reason I like Hybrid Types is because of how one can Min-Max some of the maps with some flexibility.

Example: Lets take the usual Bal Rodos kill....
Now Lets take Fi/Hu and Fi/Te both running a Fire or Ice Knuckle.

It doesn't matter if I run the map as either class combination.
The end result is the same...
When Rodos hits that Raft, he is going to die to Backhand Smash either way.

The problem is, when you bring in partners and forget to throw them out (example: SHAQ solo), FI/HU can one-hook it while FI/TE cannot.

Nov 6, 2016, 01:32 AM
>talking about niche/off-meta builds on PSOW


Nov 6, 2016, 01:47 AM
>talking about niche/off-meta builds on PSOW

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaThere's nothing inherently wrong with it... it's just that most of the time there's nothing to actually discuss with "for fun" builds, unless you're trying optimize a gimmick that isn't as useful as it looks on paper (like JB te/bo, or trap based Ra, Br/Bo), or think a build has a playstyle synergy that it doesn't (Su/Fo Bo/Te). But most people I've seen talk about running "for fun" builds, myself included, aren't doing it to get the most out of it, just mess around.

That said. People talk about NICHE builds all the time (Te/Ra, Hu/Su Br/Gu etc). It's just a bad idea to recommend them to people asking for build advice because those people probably won't be able to take advantage of it properly.

Nov 6, 2016, 02:28 AM
There's nothing inherently wrong with it... it's just that most of the time there's nothing to actually discuss with "for fun" builds, unless you're trying optimize a gimmick that isn't as useful as it looks on paper (like JB te/bo, or trap based Ra, Br/Bo), or think a build has a playstyle synergy that it doesn't (Su/Fo Bo/Te). But most people I've seen talk about running "for fun" builds, myself included, aren't doing it to get the most out of it, just mess around.

That said. People talk about NICHE builds all the time (Te/Ra, Hu/Su Br/Gu etc). It's just a bad idea to recommend them to people asking for build advice because those people probably won't be able to take advantage of it properly.

Yeah there isnt anything wrong with it, but as you can clearly see, a lot of niche/off-meta builds are more often than not met with some sort of negativity or skepticism. Here and on reddit.

assumptions were made about OP and basically his thread was bippity bopped.

It'll always be like this and staff (here/reddit) will prob not do anything to address the issues within the community.

So it's best not to bother doing it at all.

all OP wanted to do was talk about niche builds and shit.

EDIT: and when people talk about niche builds, it's usually just passing mentions and/or mockery of those who play said builds. /shrug

rarely is there whole discussion dedicated to it, if at all.

Nov 6, 2016, 02:47 AM
all OP wanted to do was talk about niche builds and shit.

EDIT: and when people talk about niche builds, it's usually just passing mentions and/or mockery of those who play said builds. /shrug

rarely is there whole discussion dedicated to it, if at all.I mean... that goes into what I meant... there isn't anything to talk about. You aren't trying to improve the build, and fun is subjective. It can literally only devolve into some sort of circle jerk. That happens on any thread that doesn't promote an actual discussion (see any of the threads that should have been posts in the quick questions thread).

Since there isn't actually anything to talk about in-depth on the topic, people start meandering.

Nov 6, 2016, 07:42 AM
Gu need kinda TAJA to do combo bullet-to tech. Arts S-charge are very good, but it is only for TMG. I am have characters Gu/Fi TMG Arts+Taja+Taja pp save are fun. it is fun setup for TACO, also i am have Fo/fi for same reason, some time leveling sub in Fi/Fo are realy fun - you can combine arts and tech. Also Fi/Bo with bow and LB, Fo/RA with traps

Nov 6, 2016, 03:12 PM
If you think we are salty about niche build here, take a look at 2ch (or any forum without moderator).
"SuFi pro build SuBr kxxx youself"

Well, I have been theory crafting a TeFo gunslash build...that may actually work.
http://pso2skillsimulator.com/simulator/?code=4Ld.4Tj.4Wx.4ZL.51s.52Z.59n.5cB.5em.5fY.5jc. 5kO.5Cp.5J0.82p.6*14-26H.29X.2bE.2dg.2hX.2jI.2lk.2mN.2ox.2rM.2to.2v0.3* 14

Weapon: Orbit gunslash >no need to max element
LRing: Step jump/Air revisal/Jump doge >whatever you like
RRing: Massive hunter > Te aren't suppose to dodge, and you have no step advance anyway

- Spam zanverse&megiverse&reseta&anti&shifa&deband&ragrants&gifoie&rafoie with your (almost) infinite PP
- MPA cannot die thanks to your constant reseta
- Occasional use of gunslash PA to satisfy your "fun" need
- You are a full support techer, everybody loves you

- Orbit gunslash is drop only, from a limit time EQ
- Orbit gunslash may not have tech attack
- Cannot assign tech on your weapon, you may need 2-3 subpallets to play this build
- No wand wrecking, unless you take points off damage/support skills
- You are not the only full support techer in MPA, nobody likes you