View Full Version : Mag Mag leveled from 49 to 51 and skipped evolution

Feb 14, 2017, 01:04 PM
Hey guys, old player coming back to mess around. Sorry if this is a noob question but I don't remember much about this game anymore. My mag was level 49 and a feeding leveled it twice in one go. Now it has skipped 50 and gone straight to 51. It also didn't evolve again and I'm missing a third PB. Is this mag screwed or will it get that third PB at a later level?

My plan for this mag is to be 5 def + 45 pow = 50 dex + 0 mind for the level 100 evolution, but now I'm worried I've broken it.

Thank's guys.

Feb 15, 2017, 05:37 AM
I think it has a chance to evolve every 5 levels, that is if its stats allow it for an evolution (no multiple stats at the same value, for example)

Feb 15, 2017, 08:25 AM
It would be a lot easier to help you, if you told us what are your MAG stats now and which PB does it have..also your ID and on what character are you feeding it Hunter, Ranger or Wizard?


Feb 15, 2017, 11:12 AM
Thanks for the help guys, but case closed. When I turned the game back on today it had transformed and acquired the third PB. I'm still not sure what happened but I'm glad its fine.

Feb 19, 2017, 01:07 AM
(I haven't played in years, going off of memory, and a few days late, sorry)
Mags check for evolution on level multiples of 5. By skipping 50, it skipped the check and thus the evolution and skill. It would have checked again at 55 and 60. Only when it becomes a special Mag does it stop checking for evolutions.

I think it has a chance to evolve every 5 levels, that is if its stats allow it for an evolution (no multiple stats at the same value, for example)
Multiple stats at the same value does allow for an evolution check. http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2305 (This applies to the GC version at a minimum).