View Full Version : Noob question: WTF is FSOD?

Apr 30, 2003, 01:13 PM
I know i sound like a total idiot, but would someone please tell me the definitions of BSOD and FSOD? All i know is that they have something to do with losing saved data.

Apr 30, 2003, 02:08 PM
You are fortunate not to know what BSOD and FSOD are;

BSOD=Black( or Blank ) Screen Of Death
FSOD=Frozen Screen Of Death

I myself have never encountered these two ( although I suspect they are the same thing ) since I am strictly Offline and as such I am not sure how they occur ( somthing to do with a double save and joining a team or entering a full lobby, these are common complaints I have heard ). Someone will probably tell you more about them. Hope what little info I had to give was helpfull.

Apr 30, 2003, 03:56 PM
yes but in the old game there were other things such as BSOD and FSOD, people think they have it bad when they lose their weapons and items, but back on DreamCast u could get NOLED which was a hacker turning u into a short fat fomar named NOL, not fun....... and hackers would simply corrupt your memory card for fun, i just pray that sega can keep this from happening once more, its sad that people get amsement out of turning people into a NOL...

Apr 30, 2003, 04:05 PM
So BSOD and FSOD make you lose your items and characters...

How can i avoid them? Or do they just occur randomly?

Apr 30, 2003, 04:08 PM
So BSOD and FSOD make you lose your items and characters...

How can i avoid them? Or do they just occur randomly?

Apr 30, 2003, 04:44 PM
FSOD and BSOD are ST ways of preventing duping (altought I have no idea how it does that). Getting one will erase your unequipped items on your character. Nothing more, nothing else. However, getting one during a save will cause corruption to the memory card.

Apr 30, 2003, 07:39 PM
There is also RSOD which means Reset Screen of Death
FSOD Frozen Screen of Death
BSOD Black Screen of Death

and no you dont lose your character for FSOD.

I've been FSOD twice now.
Once just yesterday as I joined a room.

I'm beginning to think FSOD, BSOD, and for sure RS
OD is also by people.