View Full Version : Crashing during Tokyo loading screen.

May 19, 2017, 03:30 PM
To be more specific it crashes when loading into area 2 of the quest 'Train Ghidoran Suppression'. After entering the loading screen for area 2, it begins to load, mouse goes to blue wheel and then crashes. I've tired:

* troubleshooting and replacing old/missing files
* re-installing
* different methods of going in (as in not us the speed rings or whatever they're called)

I have no other issues in this game it's just specifically this one loading screen. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

May 20, 2017, 03:15 AM
So you re-installed the game(50GB?) cuz you thought that Twerker's troubleshooting and replacing old/missing files didn't work for you. Have you tried to run the official launcher and let it check your files?

May 20, 2017, 03:00 PM
So you re-installed the game(50GB?) cuz you thought that Twerker's troubleshooting and replacing old/missing files didn't work for you. Have you tried to run the official launcher and let it check your files?

To clarify yes, I might of thought that the troubleshooting in tweaker might of overlooked something so I uninstalled and followed the guide on Arks Layer to set it up again (Yes it takes forever). I ran the official launcher and it patched maybe a few files for a few seconds I didn't even get a chance to look and I played it through there so everything was in Japanese, still crashed after loading into Area 2. I'll try messing around with a few other things

May 22, 2017, 12:45 AM
Just a small update, still having the same problem, even made another character in the meantime that ran into the same issue. Here's what I've tried since then:

*Playing with no english patch
*Fixing gameguard issues
*A fresh install with through Segas website with no Tweaker support
*Check for Old/Missing Files (Old Method)
*Updating graphics drivers

At this point I'm completely out of ideas so if anyone has some I'd love to try them.

May 22, 2017, 02:13 AM
Have you tried moving the game directory to another location (literally just cut and paste it from its current folder to a different place on your hard drive)? Sometimes just doing that can help issues.

May 22, 2017, 11:04 AM
I have not, which may help.

Original setup was
C;/Program Files(x86)/SEGA

After trying to move PSO2 around anywhere else, it kept crashing after starting up the game, I kept getting the NP0 error which seems to have something to do with gameguard. Even after moving it back it kept crashing, will update once I get it back working.

May 22, 2017, 11:40 AM
Have you tried moving the game directory to another location (literally just cut and paste it from its current folder to a different place on your hard drive)? Sometimes just doing that can help issues.

Sadly after fixing the issues that started from moving the folder around, this did not fix the issue, but thank you for your suggestion!