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Jun 16, 2017, 06:20 PM
just curious how long does everyone think sega will support this game and how long the servers will be online? i was just thinking how every other pso game didnt last too long and i wonder if i waited to long to start playing this game. are there talks of them making a new pso? maybe one that will actualy come to the west lol

Jun 16, 2017, 06:41 PM
Their plan was 10 years, so if they stick by that we got another 5 year so. There have been no announcements of them working on a new PS as of yet.

I would honestly be surprised if they could keep this going another 5 years with how the upcoming content feels. Personal opinion, I just think the devs are out of steam but eh I might be being harsh from what I've seen of ep5 so far.

Jun 16, 2017, 08:15 PM
Their plan was 10 years, so if they stick by that we got another 5 year so. There have been no announcements of them working on a new PS as of yet.

I would honestly be surprised if they could keep this going another 5 years with how the upcoming content feels. Personal opinion, I just think the devs are out of steam but eh I might be being harsh from what I've seen of ep5 so far.
According to their corporate roadmap through 2020 (slide 24) (http://www.segasammy.co.jp/english/ir/library/pdf/settlement/2017/20170515_rt2020_e_final__.pdf), it seems they do at least have plans to support the game until then. Keep in mind that they are seeing profits from micro-transaction sales, both in this and other games, so maintaining that may be more cost effective than developing a whole new game in the near future, no matter what direction it goes creatively.

Jun 16, 2017, 09:07 PM
Yeah, it surprised me how profitable PSO2 was for SEGA so I can actually see them going through with their 10 year plan.

Jun 16, 2017, 10:09 PM
Yeah, it surprised me how profitable PSO2 was for SEGA so I can actually see them going through with their 10 year plan.
Japanese audience, considering over the top action scenes that would normally bore us, do well in japan.

Not to mention how much mobage games do well there, whereas here it's not handled very well.

Jun 16, 2017, 10:44 PM
Believe that the PSO2es will prolong the PSO2 franchise's life.
However, the game's folder size is like a time bomb.

Jun 16, 2017, 10:56 PM
With all the other games I tried throughout the years, nothing compare to PSO2 in terms of how fast they can churn out content, some hit, some miss but no other games can have that track record of content that fast most of them update once a month or two.

I also like that they are not afraid to introduce new concept like skill rings, gathering, crafting, duel, etc. While most of them died down in a few weeks or so, you can't deny that you have so much to do with PSO2 that you won't get bored for months.

With both access to Vita, and PS4, we have more players than before so I think the game would do well years to come, I mean I haven't realize it but we already hit the 5th year mark so that is something.

Jun 17, 2017, 12:07 AM
I heard from a tweety bird that Sega mentioned that PSO2 will at least run until 15* were common

Jun 17, 2017, 12:38 AM
I still think they're already working on a PSO3 in secret.

PSO2 is heavily hamstrung by its need to support the Vita and by the outdated hardware target they set all the way back in 2012. By supporting modern PC hardware and the current generation of consoles exclusively they could get away with a whole lot more than they currently do.

Also, we've had a new PSO/U game release every 6 years consistently twice now (2000 -> 2006 for PSO -> PSU, then 2006 -> 2012 for PSU -> PSO2). I know the odds of them breaking this streak are quite high, but... I can dream, can't I?

Jun 17, 2017, 12:55 AM
I think I'll take a break on PSO2 and go back to playing FF14 ... I did not like the contents of EP5 (I will not even talk about EP 4). The game receives many updates, but is always more of the same :(

"Episode 5 sees us travelling through a black hole to a medieval land of war, where the villains torment the er… the other guys.. with evil flowers that can summon demons. If you think this sounds dumb, don’t forget we just got done with Earth where the enemies were ghosts created through the power of imagination"


Jun 17, 2017, 04:55 AM
I still think they're already working on a PSO3 in secret.

Same. I mean, they would have to once PSO2 reaches its ten year life span and they eventually cut off support for it.

Jun 17, 2017, 09:30 AM
Yeah I suspect some PSO3 is happening in one way or another. It may even reach the same stage as PSO2's pre-alpha (so orange!) soon enough. Assuming this is true, I reckon we'll hear about it in 3 years. IIRC they started working on PSO2 4 years before PSU's death? I'd have to look it up to be sure.

Jun 17, 2017, 11:19 AM
The way I see it, people are reluctant to start playing PSO2 as PSO3 might be in the works making your progress at PSO2 wasted.

What I think is enjoy the game as it is, Sega made it easy for people to catch up and the game has a healthy population still.

Plus I doubt that Sega will be doing spending huge amount of money trying to make another PC MMORPG when it is already in a decline thanks to smartphones so it's a risky business.

Who knows, it may even go beyond 10 years just by trying to upgrade the game bit by bit.

Jun 17, 2017, 12:04 PM
I really don't see how you guys are expecting a PSO3... Sure an offline Phantasy Star title would make sense, something like PS Nova or another installation to the old series, but I doubt that as soon as PSO2 ends, they'll bring out ANOTHER online Phantasy Star game. It just doesn't logically make sense, honestly. If that was the case, they might as well just keep PSO2 alive and give it drastic updates, since the game is such a cash cow for SEGA.

In fact, my bets are on an offline version of PSO2 and maybe another PS Nova-styled game, before we see anything about a third PSO. Don't expect one until maybe 5-10 years after PSO2's 100% dead.

Jun 17, 2017, 12:39 PM
Don't really see why there's concern about this in the first place, and I have to agree with people saying that PSO3 isn't worth thinking about yet. I mean, PSO2 is still doing well, and it'll probably keep going into the next decade judging by the weapon rarity we currently have access to and how often that changes.

Going by what happened with 13* weapons, we should see the first 14* CF which is super tedious to complete some time near the end of next year, or early to mid 2019. By 2020, it will be 14* as standard weapons for endgame players, and 15* will be the new rare drop. It will be another year and a half or two years from then before 15* weapons become common via an easier CF.

Jun 17, 2017, 03:50 PM
An online PS game happening as soon as PSO2 shuts down is almost a dead certainty (it happened with PSO and PSU and it was no more "logical"). My gut feeling of a successor being in the works is based on how they've behaved for the last 17 years so I'm not exactly pulling it out of my ass. I don't know why people are suggesting PSO2 isn't worth playing because a successor might happen in the next decade though? That's absurd. Play PSO2 cause you wanna play it, don't play because you don't. PSO3 or no should make no difference, especially now because if it does happen we're talking at least 5 years before it comes out.

Really, the only ways a successor wouldn't happen is either PSO2 does so well in the next 5 years that they extend its life and keep extending it indefinitely (sorta what's happening to World of Warcraft with Blizzard. A WoW2 is probably never happening) or it catastrophically fails in one way or another meaning a successor wouldn't be seen as profitable or Sega itself dies for whatever reason.

Jun 17, 2017, 04:18 PM
...Really, the only ways a successor wouldn't happen is either PSO2 does so well in the next 5 years that they extend its life and keep extending it indefinitely...

Based on that long term roadmap and the state of the gaming market as it is currently (where micro-transactions make a profit), I think this is what SEGA is hoping will happen.

Jun 17, 2017, 05:27 PM
i don't think a pso3 will happen anytime soon. it seems that most (many?) who would like a 3 want it for an expected graphics revamp, not necessarily for a combat system overhaul or new major storyline. sega has proven with tier 6 that it can add new, and rather impressive graphics capabilities, depending on who is asked, in-line for those who want graphics for the sake of graphics. barring that, an improved combat system would be easy, relatively speaking of course!, to add to 2 as well. there really aren't too many improvements, i think, which necessitate a new version for the sake of a new version especially considering the current version's popularity (it's practically a whale conservancy).

actually, i'd sooner expect a sequel to pso2es which would incorporate heavy AR elements capitalizing on AR trends such as pokémon go and recent technology developments such as apple's metal 2 and ARkit. plus, the possibility of putting gene, for example, in one's bedroom on a qr coded dakimakura would open up wallets (and eyerolls and facepalms) like nothing any company has ever seen before or ever will since in mobile.

Jun 17, 2017, 05:53 PM
They need movable fingers to sell those emotes.

A sequel is inevitable. Even if only so they can sell more cosmetics.

Jun 17, 2017, 07:00 PM
With how the gaming market is shifting away from pc to mobile gaming, I doubt we will be seeing PSO3 like ever.

PSO2 was released near the end of the MMO era which marks the end of triple A MMO such as Aion, Blade and Soul, Black desert, etc. The long development time and huge money investments make this kind of games really risky, now the current trend is mobile gaming with releases like Dragon Nest R, Tree of Savior mobile and even that new Lineage, mobile gaming is the future now and if ever Sega wants to capitalize on that, it will be with PSO2es which if they will have more cross over with PSO2 aside from weaponoid stone, then it would really sell well. Imagine we have a chip system on PSO2, heck needing weaponoid stone stone alone is what got me to PSO2es in the first place.

Jun 21, 2017, 03:39 AM
I decided to return to this community under the impression that Sega might support a 6 year development cycle for each iteration of PSO. Reading the comments here, there are convincing points otherwise, which would be unfortunate as I would like to see what a re-imagining of the series would look like with more modern mechanics, different stylistic choices and a visual bump - similar to the bombshell we got last week with Monster Hunter Worlds being built from the ground up for the PS4, XBONE and PC. I mean, I kind of feel like the modern DNA of PSO is closer in line with PSU, refined with the portable series, and adjusted to the original PSO with some throwback decorations. It doesn't seem like Sega is in the financial state to make any drastic move with the series, seems like they're always downsizing and shifting gears for smaller projects now. If mobile is the way forward and Sega still sees a future for the series, it would be nice to see PSO on the Switch since it seems the device has had a successful launch window so far.