View Full Version : 12* unit combinations

Morgan Fumi
Jul 21, 2017, 01:30 PM
Using 11* unit sets with 12* fillers seem to generally preferable, but for the sake of having a discussion, what would you personally say would make the best combinations of 12* units?

Its something I've been wondering about for awhile now that we have more of a variety of sets and standalones to mix and match. Especially when it comes to newer players who may come across some while working on getting decent 2 piece sets.

Jul 21, 2017, 01:50 PM
EDIT: Okay, let's expand this post to have a full tier list or something, shall we?

Top tier (for 12*s at least) - best 12* the game has to offer right now
The ep1-4 clear one (good luck getting it though)

Very good tier - also good

Also good tier - also good but consider an upgrade if one is available

Weird niche use tier - for very specific combinations only
Whittil (a lot of PP, nothing else)
Shine Red (80 atk but nothing else)

Not very good but easy to get tier - get if you need a set of 12*s to get to expert blocks, replace with something better as soon as available
Ray (upgrade to Union!)
Shine Blue
Both arm units from Itsuki and Rina
Whatever the weapon badge rear + leg are called

Just bad in general tier - not worth it, use only if nothing better is available
Gruzo rear
Deadleon arm
Gix arm
Necky cup units (Heavenly Ring, leg Nyau)

Jul 21, 2017, 03:04 PM
First, I'll state it now so that it's clear, Austere Rear + Arm is the best set there is. No 12* units combination can reach their strength so far.
But the topic is on 12* units...

The strength of each combination depends on what you want to focus on.

If you want only HP, the full Izane set is the best there is.
If you want mostly PP, Qliphad set does the job.

If you want a good mix, the Union set is balanced.

However, on the rear units selection, there are 2 contenders that might take the spot for each.
Rear/Weila Board which has the best stats for a 12* unit as well as great resists, attack power, HP annd PP. It's truly the best there is.
Rear/Shine Blue which gives +150HP like Izane but also +5PP, killing Zeinesis unit completely.

The Arm and Leg units have no such choice (yet) so there's nothing weird to say here.

There are 2 new unit sets coming in august so all of this might change.

Jul 21, 2017, 03:14 PM
Rear/Shine Blue which gives +150HP like Izane but also +5PP, killing Zeinesis unit completely.

+5 PP yes, but also no attack, and inferior defenses (compared to Izane). I just don't find any use for it because if you want a HP/tanky unit, Izane is better. That's assuming you find an Izane but well, even bad units are acceptable if you have nothing better to use.

Also like you said, August will bring us new units and supposedly they are really powerful. It's possible all current units will be made obsolete by the Buster Quest ones, just like Saiki BTFO'd everything else for a long time when it first appeared.

Jul 21, 2017, 06:18 PM
qhilipad/qhilipad/zeinesis (if you are lucky enough to get all 3 pieces) is the closest combination i been able to find to the austere/union combo; same atk, but 50 hp and 9 pp less than the austere/union combo, so it comes down to personal choice if youre ok with that amount less in exchange for being able to wear 4 skill rings

Jul 21, 2017, 07:27 PM
The new units from Buster quest soon is rumored to have 50 all atk, 150hp and 15pp but apparently low defense stats (even lower than Whitill)?


Then again, we wont know if that defense stat is at +0 or +10 till it's released (unless datamined stuff always come at +0, which will make that unit set the best one)

Jul 21, 2017, 07:43 PM
Unit stats are provided ungrinded. This makes the set look like a clear improvement over everything else in the game - a drastic improvement to that, so I wonder if the stats are real or just wishful thinking.

If it's true though, then we'll finally have an incentive to move away from austeres.

Jul 22, 2017, 01:22 PM
The new units from Buster quest soon is rumored to have 50 all atk, 150hp and 15pp but apparently low defense stats (even lower than Whitill)?


Then again, we wont know if that defense stat is at +0 or +10 till it's released (unless datamined stuff always come at +0, which will make that unit set the best one)

372/361 Def/piece. 150 all Atk, 350HP, 45PP, 8 S/R/T Res + some element resist for all 3.

This is either as rare as 14star weapons or it's fake/trap.

Jul 23, 2017, 07:46 AM
372/361 Def/piece. 150 all Atk, 350HP, 45PP, 8 S/R/T Res + some element resist for all 3.

This is either as rare as 14star weapons or it's fake/trap.
My guess is that they are a reward for clearing Buster Quests. Either they are drops, or they are purchased with some currency awarded by Buster Quests (similar to Challenge Miles or Battle Coins).

Jul 23, 2017, 07:54 AM
It's better be true, since saiki units still on +- same level, and when make a major improvement if not on new episode release.