View Full Version : Ramarl and FOnewearl gear help

Aug 17, 2017, 03:40 AM
Hi all, probably I'm 10+ years later to ask this but I'm been playing this game (GC version) for so long but never really go in a in deep knowledge of the game, always play for fun, and never really care of IDs or taking the right materials to have perfect stats or things like that, but I think is never late to learn something new I will want to upgrade a bit my characters.

This is what I have, the first one is a lvl170 Ramarl with Oran ID

- Weapons: Red Handgun, Red Mechguns, Spread Needle and Frozen Shooter

- Mag and Supports: 1 Devil/Battle and for now a Power mag and supports units to get max ATP, I start farming for God/Ability but can take a while, eventually my goal is get 3 God/Ability and a Mag to max every stat but MST (and 96 luck) since I screwed up with the materials ^^; and can't max everything :(

- Armor/shield: This is where I really don't know what to farm/use, for now I have an Attribute Plate (mostly cuz is the only rare armor I found with 4 slots, I only have 4 add slots, so I was waiting to found something worth to use them) and I still using a Celestial Shield, the only other shield I found maybe worth is also an Attribute Wall for a bit more resist, but Celestial shield give me a lot of extra evp also.

The second one is a lvl106 FOnewearl with Pinkal ID (almost new, I still raising her) pure tech character

- Weapon: Prophets of Motav, Caduceus and the Laconium/Adaman/Zumiuran combo that I will like to change for a Summit Moon to make it more easy

- Mag and Supports: For now is a Mind Mag and a mix of Dragon/HP and God/Mind to have enough HP for not being 1shot and trying to reach max MST, eventually I will want 4 God/Ability and a Mag to get max stats in everything but ATP/ATA (this time I'm looking what materials I need to take :-P)

- Armor/shield: Again I don't know what to use here I don't have anything that seems good.

So that it, any input in what should I upgrade or farm would be great, I play offline in a Game Cube, so I need to farm everything by myself, for farming I have that Oran and Pinkal characters but also I can farm something with a Purplenum and maybe a bit with a Bluefull (is not my character, but I can borrow the char time to time for some quick farms)

Thanks all :)

Dec 8, 2017, 02:37 PM
After some months without any reply, I'm going to try one bump, since I still interesting in any help.

Dec 8, 2017, 07:14 PM
It's been like 15 years, so my memory is a bit hazy.

Try to get hit charge mechs from the shop. 50% might be the most you can get. This should be your main single-enemy weapon for most things. Cure/Freeze needed for Frozen Shooter & Snow Queen.

Try to max MST early as possible. Should be possible by lvl 130 or so with ~100 mind mats, 4 god/minds and 185 mind mag. Afterward, substitute God/Abilities, Cure units after mst is maxed. Besides elemental wands, merges can add to tech damage.

Enemy weaknesses are sometimes different in single player vs multiplayer. Megid is only really useful in episode 2.

Dec 9, 2017, 12:50 PM
More or less what darekatano said, except for the Snow Queen, you can't get this weapon offline.

Also with your 170 lvl Ramarl you are already 50-60 lvls overpowered for offline game play.
The only good id(in your case) is Purple rain that drops:
-Frozen Shooter
-Parts of Baranz
-Spread Needle
-Yasminkov 9000M (if you tend to stay in between doors and run away every time an enemy comes to close)

I would mostly use (if i didn't had access to online items/weapons):
-Charge mechs with 50 hit from the shop (if you are lucky you can get 50hit+50% on a random attribute)
-Baranz Launcher (or 50 hit charge shoot)
-Frozen Shooter
-Spread Needle (rarely)

For your Fo use weapons that boost attributes and also equip Amplifiers (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=301) that do the same.

For you feeding needs check the Character Guides (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?section=Character&op=viewtopsection) and for the armor/shield and co check the Drop Charts (http://www.pso-world.com/item_findings.php) to see what you can actually get on your IDs.


Jan 9, 2018, 01:07 AM
bonus reply

for loots chart.....check the drop charts place..but skip blueful and greenhill..those 2 are useless ID

there something else i would suggest you but that would probably earn me a ban were i to post about it here...despite the fact that the online community is pretty much dead it would not do much of an effect to it...just having post that something could earn me a ban could probably make me get ban but not fully sure...i truly hope not XD....well....youtube your friend if you wanna try to find out what i meant if your that type of player...just hope the mods ain't hostile bout what is likely to only serve offline play :S....if my post only gets delete..i take it as a warning to not be suggestive bout shady stuff XD and be glad to not get the ban hammer

EDIT:...so okay..i checked what your Oran ID can find in term of armor that is more or less good

Aura Field(lvl 152 armor)..found on Mil Lily in the Temple(1/2 chance)
Attribute Plate(lvl 54 armor)..found on Delbiter in Ult Seabed(1/49)...other option is hard Gibble with 1/46 but would take much longer that way
Standstillshield(lvl 125 shield(found on Ult Morfos in Seabed(1 chance on 2560)..pretty horrid but thats the only shield that Oran can find of good quality..not Worth the hunt if you ask me
additionnaly..not an armor but i would recommend to hunt for Ult Ruin Gran Sorcerer for sorcerer right arm(can be turn in a cane that boost all Gi-Techs dps by 20%)...leet weapon as gifoie and gizonde are the best Techs for mobbing..but for ice Tech that would be Rabarta...on the positive side ice Techs dont get much use so not a too big deal

as for your PINKAL ID here the good finds

Luminous Field(lvl 101 armor)..found on Tollaw(1/2926)...its nearly as powerfull as DF field and for 20 lvl lower
Cure/Slow(Unit)...found on Pouilly Slime on VH(7/8)
God Mind(Unit)..found on Nar Lily in the caves on VH(7/8)
D-Parts Ver 2.10(lvl 81 armor for CAST only).....1/143 VH Bulclaw
DF Field(lvl 121 armor)...found on Del D in the Ruins(1 on 2926)....Redria can find it much more easily(1/1463 on Merlan in the ruins)...were you to make one
Asuka(strongest offline weapon for hunters(behind lavis cannon & Sange&Yasha that is)..but stronger than both those if you get good %
1/8 on Barba Ray
God Ability(Unit)...found on Gulgus-Gue(1/1707)
Aura Field(also available for pinkal but horrid drop rate compare to your Oran ID so not listing where to hunt it on pinkal)
Attribute Wall(1/427 on Ul Gibbon on Hard difficulty)...its also probably a solid end-game armor were your defense too high and trigger non-stop blocks..its a lvl 41 shield with the hightest elemental resist of all the existing shields

some of the things may have not been listed due to abysmal drop rate for the said ID