View Full Version : PSO2 Ideas v03.09.01

Mar 9, 2001, 06:07 PM
<table border=0 height=100% width=144 align=right><tr><td valign=middle>
<img src=http://www.nevikdreams.com/PSO2/images/nevi549_sig.gif height=260 width=144 border=0>
</td></tr></table>Here's the link:

I have really good news ... I got a personal reply to an email that I sent to Charles Bellfield, Head of Marketing @ SoA.

Here is my original message:
Good morning Mr. Bellfield, I realize this e-mail may not be perfectly suited to be directed towards yourself, but I'm trying to obtain information (and give information) in regards to submitting ideas.

I've been collecting ideas from a rather large group of fans of the Phantasy Star series (more specifically PSO) on what we'd like to see in Phantasy Star Online 2 (or 3).

I realize that Sega is unable to accept unsolicited ideas from fans (and receives them by the truckload I'm sure) but I'm wondering if there was any way to go about how to at least get these ideas to be reviewed legally.

Long before I even posted up the first version of the list of ideas, I added a disclaimer basically giving Sega all legal rights of the ideas contained in the list. I've also tried to make sure (where I could) that the ideas presented would not obviously infringe on any copyrighted ideas. However, since I'm not well versed in semantics surrounding these laws, I'm sure some adjustments will need to be made.

You can check out the list personally at:

Any help you can give me would be much appreciated.

And Here is his response:


Thanks for your email. I have asked our legal team to review your request, and to get back to me with an answer of how this could work. Sega is always interested in feedback on our games, but as you correctly state that the ownership of the content has to rest with Sega.

Thank you for the time you have obviously put into gathering these suggestions, and I hope to get back to you shortly with an answer from our legal and product marketing teams.



Things are looking really good. =)

Mar 9, 2001, 10:33 PM
Some more ideas:

Team creation.
-Creator/leader should be allowed to set a level range that restricts other players from joining unless they are in that ranger. ex. Team name: Newbie group, Lv.Range: 1-10
-Give Creator of the group ability to kick/boot unwanted players.
-Completing a quest does not send the team to the lobby, instead back to the hunters guild team intact.

Anyone else?

Mar 9, 2001, 11:46 PM
hate to say it but it sounds like you got blown off... did you send it to japan where sonic team works? I hope you didnt get the blow off but alas from my exp... that is exactly what it looks like.