View Full Version : need some help with PSOX

Oct 28, 2017, 05:43 PM
Hi guys i have a modded xbox and my original disk
i installed the game and now i can play offline (wont say how because o don't know if i break the rules) so here is the thing that i need and what i did.
I installed a mod that does the following
Increase the xp gain from mobs
Increase the mobs spawn (online to offline mod)
Increase the rare drop rate (edited itemrt.gsl)
It gives Infinite items, fast cast, and equip everything and when a character is created it gives a lv200 mag and a lv 1300+(I DON'T LIKE THIS but unfortunately it comes with this by default) and i haven't find a single rare!

another mod does this
Installed 4 packs that includes online quests offline
And also it includes a npc that unlocks quests, areas and difficulty.

now what i need to do is the following
I would like to raise the mags my self, but with a cheat that gives me infinite feeding is this possible?

Me and my sisters would like to do multimode as we used to but we dont have the time to start fresh, so the rare drop increase is a must, the xp increase is a must, the more mobs spawn is a must, the infinite mag feeding is a must, BUT we dont want the infinite items, fast cast, infinite tech, and lv200-1300+ mags. Can this be done?

Nov 6, 2017, 10:25 PM
Sorry for the late reply. You'd be much more likely to find the answers you're looking for through contacting whoever created the mod. I can't imagine many people play PSOX anymore, so the odds of someone outside of whoever created the mod seems pretty slim.

Nov 7, 2017, 03:52 PM
Wow PSO on Xbox?! There were actually more than 2 people who played that version?! Heheh sorry for the mean poke, I had to, you guys were the misfits what with separate servers and all...But SStrikers got the right idea, your best bet is to ask the Mod creator for a way to tweak the particular aspects you want implemented. Mods are after all mod-able so I can imagine some console commands would be your route of action to turn on/off what you want. Anyone remember "modders" (read:haxxors) like BroomMop or whatever the heck his name was? I was terrified of just seeing that guy turn up back in the day, he'd FSOD you game faster than a fart in the wind!

Dec 10, 2017, 02:52 AM
Wow PSO on Xbox?! There were actually more than 2 people who played that version?! Heheh sorry for the mean poke, I had to, you guys were the misfits what with separate servers and all...But SStrikers got the right idea, your best bet is to ask the Mod creator for a way to tweak the particular aspects you want implemented. Mods are after all mod-able so I can imagine some console commands would be your route of action to turn on/off what you want. Anyone remember "modders" (read:haxxors) like BroomMop or whatever the heck his name was? I was terrified of just seeing that guy turn up back in the day, he'd FSOD you game faster than a fart in the wind!

omg i had to reply to this because i remember when broommop helped me and gave me a level 200 mag on schtserv back in the day before it went offline for years he had an infinite mag feed and fed it for me he was one of the first friends i made on that server this was back in like 2007 mayb man could he do some awesome shit in that game lol. i forgot all about him until i just read that that name stuck out like a sore thumb lmao