View Full Version : Can Tethealla be used as a local server?

Oct 8, 2018, 01:35 PM
So I downloaded the PSOBB client that came bundled with the Tethealla files


I can run the game fine when the INI files are configured to the loopback address, but if I try to change that address to my computer's static IP, it doesn't work anymore. The tethealla.ini file the one that allows the connection with the username and password in the first place while the ship.ini file is the ones for the ship and blocks. Considering that I get an error 903, then it's my static IP in the tethealla.ini that's causing the issue.

In my router, forwarded the following ports to my computer's IP: 12000-12010 and 3306 as well as disabled the Windows firewall, but I still get error 903, so what am I missing?

Oct 8, 2018, 05:24 PM
if you go to the community forums at pioneer2.net and scroll down there is a section called Tethealla PSOBB Server Software Project. They are the developers of Tethealla and can provide better tech support.

Oct 8, 2018, 05:29 PM
if you go to the community forums at pioneer2.net and scroll down there is a section called Tethealla PSOBB Server Software Project. They are the developers of Tethealla and can provide better tech support.

Ya, I already posted there, just increasing my odds by posting in different forums.