View Full Version : GC Worth scrapping Fomarl for Fonewearl and tp regen?

Brown Jenkin
Feb 20, 2019, 03:08 PM
I'm thinking of re-starting my force character (level 35 Yellowboze Fomarl) for better chances at succeeding in Ultimate mode. I already have a level 120 Skyly Humar and level 35 Purplenum Racaseal. My plan is just to play offline and switch mags/items between characters.

What I'm wondering is whether the tp regeneration is meaningful enough to warrant scrapping my current character. I find that my Fomarl runs out of tp fairly quickly in Hard mode, requiring multiple trips back to stock up on fluids. Do you guys think playing a Fonewearl will help remedy this problem, especially when playing in Ultimate mode? Or is the benefit from the tp regin negligible in the long run?

On a related note, is Yellowboze a good section ID considering my other characters? I have plans to hunt for the Sealed-J Sword with my Skyly and (maybe) the Psycho Wand with my Purplenum. I've seen lots of love for Redria due to the God/Battle unit, so I'm considering it as well. I ultimately want my force's ID to assist with my quest to acquire the Sealed-J Sword.

Thanks in advance for the assistance!

Mar 1, 2019, 12:50 AM
The tp regeneration can come in handy but it's not really a deciding factor in which force to use, it's more about their bonuses. For solo play, foney's much higher MST and more offensive tech boosts make a better choice if you have to choose between them. Although it's harder to cap, foney has more ata in case you have slicer of fanatic or bringer's rifle.

Mar 11, 2019, 09:39 AM
I have both yellowboz and Redria and neither ID is bad although yellowboz is meseta oriented you can still get decent items however the god/battle is really helpful in the higher difficulties for all your characters and defiantly worth hunting for.

May 18, 2019, 02:42 PM
I never found the TP regen on my Fone very useful. I blew through trifluids like water ::shrugs::.