View Full Version : Overparse Branch Contains Spyware

May 3, 2019, 08:07 AM
Remon_7L's Overparse branch (the one with incoming damage, JA rate, and crit rate added) apparently collects user data, which includes time logs, account ID, character ID, PC specs, and IP address.

The author's been seemingly referring to this data to grumble on twitter since a while ago:
https://twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1111285067790245888 (archive (http://archive.fo/2019.05.03-020325/https://mobile.twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1111285067790245888))
https://twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1111285137742782464 (archive (http://archive.fo/2019.05.03-020228/https://mobile.twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1111285137742782464))

but more recently, he plainly admitted to keeping logs of this data while he was harassing one of his users on twitter:
https://twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1123595588790931462 (archive (http://archive.fo/2019.05.02-234617/https://mobile.twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1123595588790931462))
https://twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1123815430420860928 (archive (http://archive.fo/2019.05.03-013213/https://mobile.twitter.com/Remon_7L/status/1123815430420860928))

(the entire story goes a bit more like this:
he was harassing a PSO2 blogger on twitter -> the blogger blocks him -> he threatens the blogger to unblock him within 20 minutes -> the blogger does not unblock -> he counterattacks with the blogger's Overparse usage logs to out him as a TOS violator)

Someone else within his circle is also threatening to dox that blogger's real name, supposedly based on the blogger's PC username
https://twitter.com/patatoma/status/1122083370811318272 (archive (http://archive.fo/2019.05.03-024405/https://mobile.twitter.com/patatoma/status/1122083370811318272))

May 4, 2019, 08:46 AM
not that i care for dramas or people forgot to utilize their firewall but well,

use archive next time, archive.is or whatever is up. posting dead link isn't even trying

May 4, 2019, 11:25 AM
The only version of OverParse I trust is the original from TyroneSama. It's sad that it's no longer maintained, but it still works, looks better than this fork, and doesn't include spyware.

Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention.

May 4, 2019, 12:13 PM
not that i care for dramas or people forgot to utilize their firewall but well,

use archive next time, archive.is or whatever is up. posting dead link isn't even trying

This post was mainly to serve as a heads-up, since this specific fork seems to be popular enough to be the de facto version people turn to, at least by the JP community. The drama summary was just included to serve as context to how it came to light.

In any case, I added some archive links to some of the now hidden tweets.

May 8, 2019, 09:51 PM
iirc wasn't Sega's whole beef against overparse based in how it made people get toxic? cool to see this dweeb proving the point, lol

May 9, 2019, 12:20 AM

Dark Mits
May 9, 2019, 12:41 AM
iirc wasn't Sega's whole beef against overparse based in how it made people get toxic? cool to see this dweeb proving the point, lolIt's quite the opposite actually. Damage parsers do not make people toxic. Toxic people use damage parsers for unintended (?) purposes.

Sort of how people say that violent video games make people violent, whereas it's the violent people who seek violent games. And it's always this minority that causes the problem.

I like the grading system that Sega had for Mining Defense EQs, I wonder why they didn't expand on it.

May 9, 2019, 04:07 AM
I like the grading system that Sega had for Mining Defense EQs, I wonder why they didn't expand on it.
Ultra Hard Lilipa does that with the new E-Trial.