View Full Version : PSO2 7th Anniversary: Item Design Contest Nominated Works

Loyd Azakuya
Aug 9, 2019, 07:02 PM
Since no one else has posted them, I will do it, here are the nominated designs this year

Is there something that interests you this year?

Aug 9, 2019, 09:21 PM
well... :blush: [spoiler-box]http://pso2.jp/players/event/7th_anniversary/itemdesigncontest/nominate/img/ss_costume/ss_55.jpg[/spoiler-box]

Aug 9, 2019, 09:21 PM

Cape coat pls

Aug 9, 2019, 09:25 PM


Aug 9, 2019, 09:35 PM
There isn't much I like, I just want these but kinda doubt they'll make it in

[spoiler-box] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/390394379870666754/609573933535985684/costume1.JPG

Aug 9, 2019, 09:52 PM
Rainbow(-puke) Sword looks fun to watch (if lots of people grouped up) :D :D :D :D :D
That Long Coat Style thing seems nice (I want the base(?) only tho.

Though I can't see all the design due to internet connection (until next week, at least, if not delayed .... since end of July) T-T

Aug 9, 2019, 11:16 PM
Oh boy! I can't wait for the inevitable victory of:

-An outfit that looks so similar to what we already have in game that it's borderline indistinguishable
-An outfit that looks good in concept art but terrible ingame
-A meme outfit that everyone laughed at but no one will actually wear

Source: every single previous item design contest.

Aug 10, 2019, 12:24 AM
My favorites from each category:

Weapon Camo: I'm a sucker for a basic lightsaber design.

Costume: I need this jacket. NEED.

Accessory: I've got a thing for lower-face masks, and I would love to use this for one of my caseals.

Hairstyle: I'm overall kinda meh on most of them, though I like how cute this one looks, but I know it is going to look terrible once it is added to the game.

Aug 10, 2019, 01:56 AM
Oh boy! I can't wait for the inevitable victory of:

-An outfit that looks so similar to what we already have in game that it's borderline indistinguishable
-An outfit that looks good in concept art but terrible ingame
-A meme outfit that everyone laughed at but no one will actually wear

Source: every single previous item design contest.

You forgot the skimpy, bodysuit-esque/bikini-style outfits we already have in truckloads of cuz Sega aint got no time to model/animate actual clothing :wacko:

Aug 10, 2019, 02:53 AM
Oh boy! I can't wait for the inevitable victory of:

-An outfit that looks so similar to what we already have in game that it's borderline indistinguishable
-An outfit that looks good in concept art but terrible ingame
-A meme outfit that everyone laughed at but no one will actually wear

Source: every single previous item design contest.

just remember that it takes the player entries to actually bring in good unique stuff into the game instead of the same old slight alteration of clothing and hairstyles already existing from Sega, that the lazy part I cant stand with them sometimes and not mention all the art for the outfits they draw with good hairstyles that never make it into the game either

Aug 10, 2019, 12:12 PM
I desire more off-shoulder jackets.

This one is just cute.

This was the only weapon that really stood out to me.

Aug 10, 2019, 12:48 PM
Not a single reasonable sword camo that looks like it could be wielded in one hand without Cloud's physics-defying arm strength.

Just bring on an idola scratch with Rosalinde's sword camo already...

Aug 10, 2019, 01:27 PM
Boob pads got nominated again?Seriously sega just update customization,nihon too thirsty for huge oppai.
Also if we have to have a item that changes body let it be this.GLORY TO MANKIND.

Great Pan
Aug 12, 2019, 06:59 PM
Dat log. DAT LOG! ME WANT!

Meteor Weapon
Aug 30, 2019, 09:05 PM
all 3 logs won, Sega confirmed has shit taste


Aug 30, 2019, 09:17 PM
Really? All 3? Screw u sega.

Aug 30, 2019, 09:24 PM
I feel they chose all 3 as a way to save time on making other unique weapon camos because at the bottom it states, they will be implementing them as a single item.

Aug 30, 2019, 10:33 PM
So umm what's with the obsession with the tree logs anyway?

Meteor Weapon
Aug 31, 2019, 01:01 AM
I feel they chose all 3 as a way to save time on making other unique weapon camos because at the bottom it states, they will be implementing them as a single item.

Does this take other camo's chances on winning? If yes then lol that's absurdly wasteful

Aug 31, 2019, 03:05 AM
what was so hard for them to pick 2 other weapon camo's in place of the other 2 meme logs? lazyasses man and I say this because its going to take a YEAR just to see some easy as fuck models to make their way into the game. makes no sense

Loyd Azakuya
Aug 31, 2019, 04:05 AM
The pasts years there was always only 3 winners and 3 selected works for a total of 6 weapon camos
This year there are 3 winners and 4 selected works (if we count the log as one) for a total of 7 weapon camos, the log being an extra weapon, so I dont see the problem, we are getting an extra weapon

Here I leave a screen of the selected works of 2016 and 2017

Aug 31, 2019, 08:21 AM
The problem is that no effort was put into designing the weapon and three entries which were exactly the same were chosen to appear in-game, rather than original and/or well designed entries.

Aug 31, 2019, 09:12 AM
Yeaaa I'd defo feel sad if I worked my ass out on a camo design to see log doodles take the design spot, but oh well.
The most disappointing is that males get YET another oriental-themed costume. Don't get me wrong those are nice an female got the same treatment but they at least get enough costumes to change it up. In male's case that yearly oriental costume is actually an entire half of what they get which is hhuuuh

Oh well I didn't have any actual expectation in that regard and at least some of the nominees look good, so it's ok I guess

Sep 2, 2019, 10:53 PM
Logs > well designed weapon camo
Female kinky costumes > male costumes they dont care about cause all sega staff have female characters