View Full Version : Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy I

Oct 16, 2019, 02:45 PM
What do you guys think about this new quest?
I really like the laser gimmick but think the quest would be overall much cooler if we had a "Selfdestruct Sequence" at the end and we gotta evacuate instead of just watching a 720p cut-scene of us escaping somehow.

Oct 16, 2019, 03:04 PM
...i bought an attribute dark for this tutorial

EDIT: Ok i tried out solo and if you're going for 0 deaths and 0 alarms, it's actually fun.

Overall i feel like it was always intended to be played alone but sega slapped 4 players scaling into it.


Oct 16, 2019, 03:41 PM
I like it, but I think that's just because I like the music and format as a structured quest. Also it's nice of them to scale the enemies to the number of people, because my damage sucks and I like soloing things.

Great Pan
Oct 16, 2019, 06:36 PM
That heal nerf... Even with Megiburst can only do small numbers... Not fun at all.

Oct 16, 2019, 11:32 PM
very underwhelming UQ, i can appreciate the homage to PSU missions but with people who cant dodge lasers it gets kinda annoying. The "boss" you fight at the end is literally a massive joke with no difficulty to it, basically a LuminMech Gal Gryphon. Drops are lackluster in general. Music feels a bit out of place

Hard 5/10

Meteor Weapon
Oct 17, 2019, 01:57 AM
Well you can just solo to not get the lazors triggered.

Plus its literally Armada-lite if you ask me with 13* dropping like candies for materials.

Oct 17, 2019, 02:09 AM
Yeah even in my first Run of this quest i got one basillis to drop and 3 of that new 11* unit that had the new +35DEF +40HP +4PP affix. I could imagine this quest be more lucrative during boosted weeks.

Oct 17, 2019, 02:19 AM
meaning what if I go in Solo.. the damage gets reduced to a single player??

Oct 17, 2019, 03:32 AM
Well you can just solo to not get the lazors triggered.

Plus its literally Armada-lite if you ask me with 13* dropping like candies for materials.

im speaking from a pug point and i have ran solo, its still not fun to run (not speaking difficulty wise either). ironically because i hate myself and i want that wand drop for a camo, im going to spend a couple of hours running it this weekend then drop it if i dont get it. no big loss for me really.

meaning what if I go in Solo.. the damage gets reduced to a single player??

well if ya read bumped you get your answer but you never read anything including this post

Oct 17, 2019, 11:10 AM
im speaking from a pug point and i have ran solo, its still not fun to run (not speaking difficulty wise either). ironically because i hate myself and i want that wand drop for a camo, im going to spend a couple of hours running it this weekend then drop it if i dont get it. no big loss for me really.

well if ya read bumped you get your answer but you never read anything including this post

Yeaaah please go read bumped yourself before getting freely aggresive towards others, not like not getting information right ever was an acceptable reason to get rude:


Oct 17, 2019, 11:19 AM
Yeaaah please go read bumped yourself before getting freely aggresive towards others, not like not getting information right ever was an acceptable reason to get rude:

Misunderstood what you were responding too, but that doesn't really change that Kril was pointing out that the information is available and very clearly not what Takemi said.

Oct 17, 2019, 11:44 AM
Kril said nothing that contradicts that... Just that the quest isn't fun solo or in a party.

This is what i'm answering to:


Bumped states this:
Which contradicts the statement that UQ damage gets reduced if you go single player.

Now the issue i have is with the poor answer that was given by Kril, i don't know who they are but i don't believe this is an acceptable way to talk to someone, nor do i remember there being an obligation to browse bumped to be allowed to browse this forum.

Oct 17, 2019, 11:48 AM
Now the issue i have is with the poor answer that was given by Kril, i don't know who they are but i don't believe this is an acceptable way to talk to someone, nor do i remember there being an obligation to browse bumped to be allowed to browse this forum.I fixed my post. Either way, All Kril said was "the answer is on bumped", not that Takemi was right. I don't like Kril's attitude in general either, but like I said Takemi is one of those people who straight up ignores useful information even if you spell it out. In this specific case I'm pretty sure Kril is referencing the fact that Takemi blocked a bunch of people trying to give genuinely helpful advice.

Oct 17, 2019, 12:39 PM
I fixed my post. Either way, All Kril said was "the answer is on bumped", not that Takemi was right. I don't like Kril's attitude in general either, but like I said Takemi is one of those people who straight up ignores useful information even if you spell it out. In this specific case I'm pretty sure Kril is referencing the fact that Takemi blocked a bunch of people trying to give genuinely helpful advice.

I will take note of your comment, thanks.

Oct 17, 2019, 03:26 PM
About this quest: reducing heals is a most thing I hate in this game 'cause I mostly use Lethal Intent/Cursed Radiance to regain my PP fast and fill HP with Megiverse, but this shit makes this almost impossible and much disadvantage to these whose tactics relies on heals much.

Well I can clearly state: pugs sucks in this quest. I hade two runs and first one I completed in 14.35 with overall 4 deaths and 2nd in 16.28 with 14 overall deaths... these fucks made me really sick T_T

Oct 17, 2019, 04:11 PM
i can appreciate the homage to PSU missions
Yeah this quest reminded me to HIVE area in PSU

Oct 17, 2019, 06:28 PM
well anyways only real complaint here is the obnoxious photoner infection bullshit and maybe the orb turrets in the later areas otherwise liking the quest for once (infection and orb turret is more a solo complaint than party complaint)

Loyd Azakuya
Oct 17, 2019, 07:09 PM
The quest is fun and I really liked the music, especially the final boss one

well anyways only real complaint here is the obnoxious photoner infection bullshit and maybe the orb turrets in the later areas otherwise liking the quest for once (infection and orb turret is more a solo complaint than party complaint)

I really hate that infection, its a pain in the ass when you are doing this solo

Oct 18, 2019, 12:15 AM
Fun 8/10. Time to get those rng-gated SSAs.

Oct 18, 2019, 12:23 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned how similar the last boss is to Epsilon

Oct 18, 2019, 12:37 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned how similar the last boss is to Epsilon

It gets stun locked and dies so fast i only know 2 of its attacks

Oct 18, 2019, 02:21 PM
This quest honestly is a joke, 6 months for a single ta map. The real offender is the last area boss.

Oct 18, 2019, 03:23 PM
The quest is really easy, especially if you're already use to doing things like endless or just running stuff solo in general. Triggering all the alarms really isn't all that punishable, I went through to see what would happen if all got triggered and the last room just gets turrets, luminmech mobs, dral, and the spider prism boss. Even with all the hits I took on the full alarm final room, I was still pretty far away from losing S rank in terms of taking damage.

Although the quest is really easy, I feel the whole "sneak around don't trigger alarms" and "don't take damage" is a bit fun. I only intended to do 1-2 runs but, I ended up trying to see how minimal damage I could take in the quest, getting units with glare on them made a few runs profitable. Overall I think the quest is alright, It has decent rewards and if you get lucky and get one of those S6-S8 I feel that would make the run well worth it.

Oct 18, 2019, 04:41 PM
most of my issues with the quest are just lumimech problems in general (being super punishing to classes that can't easily hit weakpoint or airborne hitboxes). that being said, having heavily rng-gated, non-tradeable SSAs... sega really doesn't fucking learn

Dark Mits
Oct 20, 2019, 10:01 AM
You are being warned: Casual Viewpoint incoming - Just did it for the first time. This quest has me pleasantly surprised.

Me like:
- No lightning-fast reflexes required. Enemy damage is low enough to allow for many mistakes but at the cost of double time to recover.
- Long enough to not be a 5min get-in-get-out affair, short enough to not require you to schedule a run ahead of time.
- Maneuvering between the lasers! This is a very fun minigame.
- The music is a great remix of the Armada theme, and the way it escalates the more you proceed is awesome.
- Scalable HP that allows it to be soloable in a "reasonable" timeframe, but doesn't make it optimal in any way.
- Death limit is too forgiving, so it's like it doesn't even exist. 1st run ended with 2 deaths (both from the noob me)
- Ranking is not dependent on speedclear.

Me no like:
- Static exactly like a Time Attack. I was hoping for randomized areas, or at least randomized spawns. The only random spawn is probably last boss of Area 2.
- Lasers are also not very challenging once you learn them the first time.
- Since they have scalable HP and all rewards are in the end (so no fear of missing out due to "go go go" mentality), why didn't they allow it to go up to 12man or at least 8man?
- The part where we split. Too many interrupt/knockback effects that there is virtually 0% chance of managing even a single charged tech when non-Phantom.

Meteor Weapon
Oct 20, 2019, 10:43 AM
You are being warned: Casual Viewpoint incoming - Just did it for the first time. This quest has me pleasantly surprised.

Me no like:
- Static exactly like a Time Attack. I was hoping for randomized areas, or at least randomized spawns. The only random spawn is probably last boss of Area 2.
- Lasers are also not very challenging once you learn them the first time.
- Since they have scalable HP and all rewards are in the end (so no fear of missing out due to "go go go" mentality), why didn't they allow it to go up to 12man or at least 8man?
- The part where we split. Too many interrupt/knockback effects that there is virtually 0% chance of managing even a single charged tech when non-Phantom.

-I had enough with mindless random generated guru-guru map spamming that Sega has been doing for two whole year straight, this quest is a breath of fresh air honestly.
-Still doesnt stop people from triggering it. 2 lasers in the first area is mildly hard to dodge without using some movement PA/tech. Others are easy but again not paying attention while fighting mobs can get you accidentally trigger it, especially the final area.
-I had enough with clusterfucks filling the entire map for 2 whole years straight and you want it to be 12man/8man? Less people makes me pay more attention and enjoy the surrounding rather than knowing other people carrying or stealing my kills(which doesnt really matter but still). We really need more quest like these, and they're going in the right direction with it.
-Tech parry ring is your bestfriend

Dark Mits
Oct 20, 2019, 11:17 AM
-I had enough with mindless random generated guru-guru map spamming that Sega has been doing for two whole year straight, this quest is a breath of fresh air honestly.But this isn't guruguru, unless the true experts somehow manage to speedrun it in 5mins as I say. My runs were between 15-20mins in a group of 3 experts and 1 non-expert (with me as the non-expert). The exact same group of us have been doing 7min runs of DF Persona triggers.

-Still doesnt stop people from triggering it. 2 lasers in the first area is mildly hard to dodge without using some movement PA/tech. Others are easy but again not paying attention while fighting mobs can get you accidentally trigger it, especially the final area.I haven't really noticed how more difficult the quest becomes with triggering the lasers. I mean, I have noticed the extra turrets spawning, but these simply "help" in slowing down the pace even more. The final boss even at Danger Level 3 died in less than 40seconds with 2 players only activating Dark Blast. It died in 25seconds at Danger level 1.

-I had enough with clusterfucks filling the entire map for 2 whole years straight and you want it to be 12man/8man? Less people makes me pay more attention and enjoy the surrounding rather than knowing other people carrying or stealing my kills(which doesnt really matter but still). We really need more quest like these, and they're going in the right direction with it.Please note, I didn't say that it should be 8man/12man as a requirement, just allow it to scale that high. When you have a "friend circle" of 6-8 people, you somehow want to all do the content together.

-Tech parry ring is your bestfriendI have Defense Tech ring. Doesn't do shit.

Oct 20, 2019, 12:48 PM
-I had enough with mindless random generated guru-guru map spamming that Sega has been doing for two whole year straight, this quest is a breath of fresh air honestly.Pretty sure Mits is talking about multiple routes like PSO quests, or multiple preset layouts like PSU quests, not entirely random, just multiple variations. I honestly wish more quests were like that, they seem to go too hard in one direction or the other, either entirely random or no variation at all.

-Tech parry ring is your bestfriendIt only works from the front, the things that hit you in the split area are usually the cannons blind siding you.

Oct 20, 2019, 02:06 PM
- Since they have scalable HP and all rewards are in the end (so no fear of missing out due to "go go go" mentality), why didn't they allow it to go up to 12man or at least 8man?

With a group of 5~12 people it wouldn't be a infiltration mission. It'd be a raid mission.
But yeah I'd love if we had some variety but judging by the naming convention the variety will come from "Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy II" and "Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy III" and not by running the same quest and hoping its different this time. Making it randomized would also annoy people who wanna run this quest Time Attack style.

Oct 20, 2019, 02:45 PM
Aside from adding extra spawns when you hit the lasers, all it does when the security level increases is add some spawns in the boss room.

You can also go out of bounds and skip the entire first area to clear it in mere minutes... But you will only get a B rank.

Loyd Azakuya
Oct 20, 2019, 09:42 PM
You can also go out of bounds and skip the entire first area to clear it in mere minutes... But you will only get a B rank.

Out of bounds? how?

Oct 20, 2019, 11:05 PM
But this isn't guruguru, unless the true experts somehow manage to speedrun it in 5mins as I say. My runs were between 15-20mins in a group of 3 experts and 1 non-expert (with me as the non-expert). The exact same group of us have been doing 7min runs of DF Persona triggers.

I haven't really noticed how more difficult the quest becomes with triggering the lasers. I mean, I have noticed the extra turrets spawning, but these simply "help" in slowing down the pace even more. The final boss even at Danger Level 3 died in less than 40seconds with 2 players only activating Dark Blast. It died in 25seconds at Danger level 1.

Please note, I didn't say that it should be 8man/12man as a requirement, just allow it to scale that high. When you have a "friend circle" of 6-8 people, you somehow want to all do the content together.

I have Defense Tech ring. Doesn't do shit.

good groups do 5-6min depending on spawn/boss. solo is 8-12min for phantom.

Oct 21, 2019, 03:02 AM
Out of bounds? how?

I'm not responsible for what happens. (https://streamable.com/nojwr)

Dark Mits
Oct 21, 2019, 03:51 AM
I wonder if Sega actively looks for people who somehow get out-of-bounds and then try to fix the exploit and revert progress on those players, or if they just shrug it off because "these people may pay us"

mother clusterfck
Oct 23, 2019, 09:40 AM
I'm not responsible for what happens. (https://streamable.com/nojwr)
lol, looks like fun if you can explore the oob area.
Just using it to skip the area looks boring, though.