View Full Version : PSO2 Episode 6 Deluxe Package 4/23

Jan 29, 2020, 02:31 AM
On sale April 23rd, rejoice for NO CARTRIDGE FOR SWITCH version, basically paying for an art insert and an empty box with codes in it. the PC/PS4 version will include a CD as usual with codes. Anyways, something to look forward to adding to your collection. The higher price version comes with the Etoile pin I believe



Costume (left) --- Cast parts (right)

Too lazy to translate the items

特典1 オリジナルコスチューム&パーツ「モノクロ」シリーズ交換用アイテム

特典2 「PSO2 メインテーマVer7(ミュージックディスク)」×1個
特典3 「EP6パッケージポスター(ルームグッズ)」×1個
特典4 「626「Et&Ph」(ロビーアクション)」×1個
特典5 「素材倉庫利用15日」×2個
特典6 「プレミアムセット15日」×2個
特典7 「経験値獲得100万」×10個
特典8 「EXトライブースト+200%」×1個
特典9 グレース系特殊能力4点セット
特典10 エステ用消費アイテムセット

Jan 29, 2020, 03:41 AM
Male costume looks nice .... I wonder if it's trade-able .....

Kinda tempting with that alone .... _(:3」

Jan 29, 2020, 04:00 AM
Would've been nice to finally have a local file version for the Switch to maybe be able to play it.
But nope.

Would've liked that outfit if it was layered... I doubt you can change the colour of it... right?

Jan 29, 2020, 06:01 AM
No more Vita physical support I guess lol... The game I bought was used without codes. Might get the PS4 version

Jan 29, 2020, 07:09 AM
No more Vita physical support I guess lol... The game I bought was used without codes. Might get the PS4 version

Having all 4 physical Vita games myself, I personally find them about as useful has having none at all since they are essentially all the same EP1 card with a different label (hell, my EP2 card is even mislabeled). I'm surprised that they're still supporting it to be honest, that game must be close to requiring a 64GB card by now. Anyway, happy I have my GPD Win2 for PSO2 handheld play now, don't think I could ever go back to a 2 attack buttons setting.

Jan 29, 2020, 07:35 AM
I'm surprised that they're still supporting it to be honest, that game must be close to requiring a 64GB card by now.

32GB. And hey, you save several GB by having the physical version. That is something, even if little.

Jan 29, 2020, 08:53 AM
32GB. And hey, you save several GB by having the physical version. That is something, even if little.

True, 4GB I believe, but it doesn't change the fact that hardcore Vita players players need a 64GB unless they ONLY play PSO2. Even then, that's just delaying the inevitable because the game will keep getting bigger. I suppose you can swap memory cards around, but that will become old very fast.

Jan 29, 2020, 12:28 PM
Speaking of which, it is very funny to me that they actually went the "DQX codes in cardboard box" route with the Switch version. It was completely and utterly unnecessary. Then again, the fact that they're releasing an EP6 Deluxe Package at all is surprising considering that we still don't (nor will we ever) have the EP5 Deluxe Package.

Jan 30, 2020, 12:03 AM

For those that can't read Japanese or don't want to use Google Translate ir similar.

Jan 31, 2020, 11:10 PM
Wow, all of those costumes look amazing.