View Full Version : new playerI

Live Hulk
Apr 3, 2020, 02:53 PM
I am new to this game a NA player can someone point me into a direction of a build that I could start with
and what classes to use any advice is appreciated Thank you in advance

Apr 3, 2020, 04:03 PM
There is no real "beginner" class, so it all really comes down to what style of combat you prefer. Are you more into Melee weapons, Guns, "Magic", or some kind of mix?

Live Hulk
Apr 3, 2020, 04:08 PM
im not really a specific class type I can kind of use them all that's y Im looking for some things to try out and looking for opinions

Apr 3, 2020, 04:39 PM
Personally I have always liked hunter or ranger. Summoner is probably one of the easier classes as your pet does most of the attacking. Never played force so can't comment on that. The rangers assault rifle does nice run and gun damage while the launcher is the heavy hitter. The hunters wired lance have always been a personal favorite.

Apr 3, 2020, 04:48 PM
If that is the case, then personal bias says try out main-Bouncer/sub-Hunter with a main focus on Jet Boots with Soaring Blades as a supplement.

Apr 16, 2020, 06:30 AM
I just started playing also and im having alot of fun with playing as a bouncer.

Apr 16, 2020, 07:40 AM
Just finished the prologue myself as a Human Male Braver and now I await the game to install properly :)

Chose that class as I wanted ranged combat and also wanted to try something different to the Ranger/Hunter I used to play in PSO on the GC many moons ago

mother clusterfck
Apr 17, 2020, 01:00 PM
You can just try out different classes and switch to what you feel like at the moment. You can also look up some class videos on youtube or videos where someone does a quest solo to see if it interests you.

Just, from what I hear the NA version is around ep 3 level and a lot has changed since then so you should favor old videos as ep 4 and later videos can be very different from what a class was like during ep 3.

Apr 17, 2020, 02:26 PM
You can just try out different classes and switch to what you feel like at the moment. You can also look up some class videos on youtube or videos where someone does a quest solo to see if it interests you.

Just, from what I hear the NA version is around ep 3 level and a lot has changed since then so you should favor old videos as ep 4 and later videos can be very different from what a class was like during ep 3.

The NA client is a variant of the Episode 6, so the class balances are the same as JPN just before the most recent update from a few weeks ago. The only difference for class builds is that the cap is lv75 (so no lv85 Skills), and there are no crafted PAs or Techs at the moment since Crafting is not yet implemented (probably because the NA server has no OTs and NT crafting is OP compared to the current Weapons available in the NA version). Basically, even now it is very different than what you would have seen during Episode 3 originally.

Apr 17, 2020, 03:00 PM
Automate halfline + guard stance + massive hunter Hunter is the best beginner class.

mother clusterfck
Apr 21, 2020, 04:29 PM
No. Just like that, no. Guard stance is terrible for beginners. Using guard stance properly requires far more advanced skills than fury stance as fury stance does not even raise damage received when maxed anymore. But on the other hand for your damage to be not total crap using Guard Stance you have to just guard every 40s or such. Considering that this often depends on luck in mpas simply because other people might get aggro over you and enemies might just not attack you in the first place, it's a gimmick build and that also means it's especially bad for new players. Gimmick builds can be fine if the player is good enough to carry their weight with such a build but that isn't gonna be the case for a new player and it's a bad idea for a new player to get used to a gimmick build rather than a meta build.

Not to mention that it's not even necessary before UH since even in XH enemies don't really hit nearly hard enough for automate and MH to be insufficient.
Automate isn't even necessary, especially on braver as braver is one of the safest to play classes in the game (and also has fairly high dps). Best, BrHu has access to all hu survivability anyway and you can have a near maxed hybrid Br build as well so you can go melee and ranged whenever you feel like it:
If you prefer bow you can put the counter related sp into maxing bow skills. This is a very safe build and while you could max automate in favor of getting rid of fury combo (NOT Iron Will because as a new player mate management with automate will be too difficult to give up the massive safety net of Iron Will) but it shouldn't be necessary.

Automate is also an acquired taste because it means you have to give up on monomates since they can get you killed, i.e. you're at 80% health, then you take a lot of damage and get healed by 30% of max hp and are now at e.g. 40% max health and can get oneshot. Unless you take a mate manually, making automate sorta pointless. Giving up on 10 mates you could carry of course means you can run out of healing items more easily which isn't that hard as a new player using automate.
Automate also really should be maxed the moment you put 1 sp into it because random unreliable automatic mate usage can be confusing and can also screw you over when you rely on it because the last few times it happened or when it uses a mate you wanted to save for later during a long quest, etc..

The NA client is a variant of the Episode 6, so the class balances are the same as JPN just before the most recent update from a few weeks ago. The only difference for class builds is that the cap is lv75 (so no lv85 Skills), and there are no crafted PAs or Techs at the moment since Crafting is not yet implemented (probably because the NA server has no OTs and NT crafting is OP compared to the current Weapons available in the NA version). Basically, even now it is very different than what you would have seen during Episode 3 originally.
Oh, I see.

Well in this case current videos are a decent reference but it's better too look up which lvl 85 skill a class has whose videos you find interesting so that you don't base interest on a skill you don't have access to yet.

PS: for br you really need L/Katana Gear Guard and L/Katana C Count Up rings and for Hu L/Hunter Gear Save.

Apr 26, 2020, 03:39 PM
After you decide on watch class type you will use and get your 1rst MAG use this mini guide so you can feed it properly. http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?238683-How-to-feed-your-MAG-properly Never feed your MAG till you decide what class to use.

May 6, 2020, 02:34 PM
I wish I'd have seen that MAG post before I fattened my little bugger up to nearly L200 :D

Jun 2, 2020, 11:16 AM
This is a little bit of a tangent but still applies for new players.

Regarding mag feeding, everyone always talks about how you should put stats into a specific ATTACK stat. Is there an issue with having a defensive mag? It seems to me that it would be helpful to be able to focus on attack with my char and then let my mag help with defense stats.

Every guide I find only talks about attack stats.

Jun 2, 2020, 11:20 AM
This is a little bit of a tangent but still applies for new players.

Regarding mag feeding, everyone always talks about how you should put stats into a specific ATTACK stat. Is there an issue with having a defensive mag? It seems to me that it would be helpful to be able to focus on attack with my char and then let my mag help with defense stats.

Every guide I find only talks about attack stats.

Reposting here (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?238683-How-to-feed-your-MAG-properly)because it is more correct.

Jun 2, 2020, 11:22 AM
This is a little bit of a tangent but still applies for new players.

Regarding mag feeding, everyone always talks about how you should put stats into a specific ATTACK stat. Is there an issue with having a defensive mag? It seems to me that it would be helpful to be able to focus on attack with my char and then let my mag help with defense stats.

Every guide I find only talks about attack stats.

The main thing is equipment conditions since Mags add directly to your base stats. In many cases there are high rarity weapons cannot be equipped if you do not have an ATK Mag. For example, a 95/95 Hu/Et Male Deuman, without any stat up Skills or a lv200 S-ATK Mag has 885 S-ATK, but a Still Sword requires 920 S-ATK to equip.