View Full Version : New console, need help

Apr 27, 2020, 11:33 PM
I just got a softmodded console, I need to learn how to connect and set up an account. I'm having trouble finding a tutorial.

I have an active Xbox live account.
The system was soft modded using the Splinter Cell method, using UnleashX.
No dual boot option that I can tell, it doesn't appear that PSO can update for XBL.

If anyone can help by posting a link to a tutorial I'll be more than happy to do the rest.

Apr 28, 2020, 02:22 AM
I'm no expert but I heard only xbox consoles that were connected to xbox live back in the day, can play PSOI&II online today, for the fact that xbox live for that console was shut down long ago, so be it softmoded or not, there is no way for an Xbox to get the needed files for xbox live unless you can time travel 15 years into the past. Next best option? I heard it's pretty easy to play PSO online with a wii.

Apr 28, 2020, 05:28 AM
I hope that's not the case. I've found a link to a bunch of mod files I just need to learn what corresponds to the needed update.