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View Full Version : JP PSO2 Collection File sheet bug

Jun 5, 2020, 12:05 PM

I have finally completed at 100 % my collection sheet for Quelle Glitter weapon but, I can't get weapon and I don't have any target enemy . everything says completed except Ability rate success 40 % stuck at 100 % . I don't know if for others weapons it's the same but It's pretty annoying because i can't boost it with PSO2es and i don't know what to do . What can i do ? Is something wrong or special to do or is just a bug ?

Any help Will be really apreciated .
Thank you

Jun 5, 2020, 12:07 PM
SP Collect Files only raise with Emergency Quest clears, so you should get your Quelle Glitter the next time you run an EQ.