View Full Version : Looking for former PSOBB US/JP player

Nol Rinale
Oct 23, 2022, 06:56 PM
I have so many things to say so how to begin...

Well first of all my names Nol Rinale and I'm a former PSOBB player from the JP BB server and I'm currently in a quest to try my best to reach out to other former PSOBB players from either PSOBB US or PSOBB JP for a project to recreate an accurate server for PSOBB so we can revive the game as a carbon copy of what SEGA had without any kind of weird stuff, mods and additions that were added to the usual BB private server currently available. Just the original game! nothing more nothing less....

As you guys know the game closed already 12 years ago for us in JPBB and almost 14 years in the US and it's getting more and more difficult to preserve the original game, files, parameters, etc. So that's where this project was born. I was approached by Schthack and with his technical know-how as many of you know from his days hacking/tinkering with the game and my input from my experience playing the retail we've been able to rebuild most of the game as it was intended and still working on it correcting/fixing stuff and basically re-implementing the whole game from scratch.

I myself was a original PSOBB JP player if anyone that played back in the day during the Open Beta back in 2004 you might remember me as a HUnewearl called RADIX, later as a HUnewearl called マリナ・ベルモンテ and similar names like that. I played also a little during the US BB Open Beta but at the end I decided to stick to PSOBB JP and also to a lesser extent PSU JP until Illuminus.

I remember many of you, Saffran, Nirvana, FonewealLina(yes I remember your jokes), Tancients, SHADE, and all former member of TheRedTeam, and many others that played over there from the english community.

Rest assured I've been given full liberty to make it happen but it was been a titanic task to recreate the game exactly like SEGA had it until the closure, but It would be great to also count with your input because I'm only 1 person and there might be details i've missed, etc. More people is always better for a collective effort trying to refine and restore our game.

I also want to take this opportunity to reconnect with all of you I want to know your whereabouts as for me after the server closed I had to move countries, I became homeless, recovered, studied and graduated and managed to get through many things in a new country I am right now. It has been quite a change for me from the days playing comfortably at home BB after school never imagined the 180 degree my life turned several times after those slow days.....

But I still remember PSOBB as my happiest moment playing online game, and I look forward to connect with you again.
I am very sorry for the super messy introduction post lol

A little picture from the old days
https://i.ibb.co/1JdB7zt/pso1190316016.jpg (https://ibb.co/tPxnQLT)
The final goodbye...
https://i.ibb.co/6BVrf0q/pso1293462009.png (https://ibb.co/pyGb9jk)

Oct 31, 2022, 08:21 PM
as for me after the server closed I had to move countries, I became homeless, recovered, studied and graduated and managed to get through many things in a new country I am right now. It has been quite a change for me from the days playing comfortably at home BB after school never imagined the 180 degree my life turned several times after those slow days.....

Despite never experiencing Blue Burst, your reminiscence was compelling to read, and in lieu of any way to help your project, please accept my humble appreciation that you were able to rise above the challenging circumstances described. Sincerely! Glad that you (even as a total stranger) were able to persevere and seemingly find a measure of stability.

Crossing my fingers (for real) that you're able to accomplish atleast enough of your mission to find fulfillment. (Whether launching that server, or reconnecting with some Ragolian spelunkers from back in time.)

Nov 2, 2022, 04:06 PM
To counterbalance any potential-disappointment resultant from my first reply, here's a picture that I drew spontaneously for you, Nol Rinale:

"chibi Gryphon Meets Rag Rappy"


An explanation for this drawing's concept now follows:

The miniature Gal Gryphon would be the byproduct of an alternate-timeline scenario for PSO ep/1&2, where our player-characters were able to devise a cure for the D-Cellular infection.

(Whether biologically, with a serum that both immunizes those yet-affected or neutralizes the malicious consciousness of Dark Falz in those who were exposed.
Technologically, by building a time-machine to prevent the events that led up to the outbreak in the first place.
Or spiritually, through the invention of a new technique disk that purifies opponents.)

So the heroes would not exterminate "enemies", but instead, quell the rampage peacefully by saving the "adversaries".

Including the 2 enormous Altered Beast test-subjects that escaped & caused the most significant spread of the D-Cells.

De Rol Le & Gal Gryphon, of course.

Which then sets up the main idea of this picture:

After getting chibi-fied & brought back down to size, the newly-friendly Gal Gryphon would try to integrate into Ragol's native ecosystem...

...and become infatuated with a regular Rag Rappy! (Confusing the alien-penguin greatly, since the Gryphon would represent a completely new species suddenly appearing out of nowhere.)

In any case, with all that said:

May this little gift atleast bring you a chuckle or two, Nol Rinale!

Nol Rinale
Nov 6, 2022, 02:31 PM
Oh my goodness thank you so much for the unexpected present, I'm surely keeping this in my special folder with PSO memories. All this happened several years ago already we are approaching 20ish years at this point and despite so many hardships and 180 degree changes in my life since then.... I find peace and joy when I remember my PSOBB days as maybe my happiest moment playing an online game like at all.

Since it was such a long time ago figured it would be a good idea to contact everyone at least through these forums even if its currently a situation similar to when you throw a bottle with a message into the open sea, at least, this sea is the only one left from back in the day still alive, and let them know i'm working in bringing back our old game and to anyone that actually remember or share similar stories of BB.

I understand this version wasn't very popular due to its short-lived time available in English (lasted only 3 years or so before Sega of America pulled the plug) was relegated to be mostly a JP only PSO version but I recall I met many wonderful people playing and still to this day some of them remember our interactions back then.

The server has been available since more than a month ago already and honestly I cannot complain with the support i've received from Schthack on how to make this happen, we just want to keep the game in a stasis state just as SEGA left it in that moment when the servers closed that December 27th 2010 to anyone that wants to play this unique version of PSO.

I also designed the website as a tribute to the official site on https://psobb.schtserv.com, and honestly the whole thing continues to be a trip down the memory line for me as we keep fixing and recovering old systems from the game, its super rewarding to see a feature that didn't worked or wasn't very well documented working again its a magical moment when you see your game working as intended.

Moreover I hope anyone that played US BB or JP BB can approach this thread to check it out, when you are programming something purely from memory its bound to have some gaps or errors here and there so its important to have the input of as many people as possible to complete the missing pieces of the puzzle.

I want to know their opinions, if I missed something, or some adjustment needs to be made to have the proper SEGA experience available for everyone.